
Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

author:Nanzhang release

television set

It can be said that it is the "standard" of every family

Circumstances change with the passage of time

There are more and more entertainment options available to people

Is it true that TV is no longer "favored"?

Who's still in front of the TV?

Can the TV return to the "C position" in the living room?

With these questions

Journalists launched an investigation

Mobile devices are ubiquitous and entertainment options are increasing

Is it true that TV is no longer "favored"?

In recent years, with the rapid spread of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, people's access to information and entertainment has become more convenient and diverse. In such an environment, people are less dependent on televisions. In addition, factors such as the complexity of TV operation and the fact that you can only watch the full program after paying for recharge also affect the TV open rate.

Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

However, the stickiness and dependence of elderly users on TV is still very high. Grandma Li, 77, doesn't use a smartphone, and for her, the TV is an important channel for her to get information. Grandma Li told reporters that she still maintains the habit of watching news broadcasts and weather forecasts every day, and she does not miss an episode of TV dramas at 8 o'clock every night. In addition, the large screen of the TV set also makes it easier for the elderly.

Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

Affordable, intelligent interaction

TV manufacturers are "fancy" to attract consumers

Manager Wu of Xiangyang Hisense Quality Home told reporters that with the enhancement of TV functions and the upgrading of TV screens, laser TV, large-screen TV, and art TV have become the choice of more young people. Ms. Yang, who is shopping for a TV in the store, said that she usually likes to watch dramas, and the visual effects of large-screen TVs are more shocking, and she can immerse herself in the plot when watching. Another consumer, Mr. Liu, also said that a 100-inch TV can be bought for a few thousand yuan, which is very cost-effective.

Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

"Good TV"The standard continues to rise,In addition to super-large、Ultra-clear、Ultra-thin,Intelligent and other functions have also become the focus of consumers' attention。 In order to cope with the increasingly fierce market competition and changes in consumer demand, TV manufacturers of various brands have spared no effort in functional research and development.

Applications such as online learning and AI fitness have emerged in an endless stream, and voice control and interactive functions have long been widely used on TVs. For example, consumers only need to say "I want to watch a movie", and the TV can automatically search for and play relevant movies, and the problem of complicated and cumbersome remote control control that once plagued consumers has also been effectively solved to a certain extent. "My TV at home can touch the screen and slide left and right like a mobile phone, which is more convenient than a remote control." Ms. Chen, a citizen, said that from touch screens to gestures and body sensations, she is looking forward to a TV with intelligent interactive functions.

Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

The trade-in policy is good for activation

TV consumption "a pool of spring water"

Walking into a local offline home appliance store, the reporter found that the words "home appliance trade-in" appeared in many conspicuous positions in the store.

Almost every household in Xiangyang has it, and now it ......

Since the beginning of this year, a series of real money trade-in measures have benefited consumers, and they have also activated the "pool of spring water" in the TV consumer market. Since June 8, the city's green smart home appliances trade-in has been officially launched, and consumers can enjoy a one-time subsidy of 10% of the transaction price when they buy eligible green smart home appliances, with a maximum subsidy of 1,000 yuan.

Manager Wu of Xiangyang Hisense Quality Home introduced,Since the launch of the activity,The proportion of customers who choose to trade in the old has gradually increased,More and more customers pay attention to the use experience of household appliances、Appearance and safety hazards brought by old household appliances。 In the just-concluded "618" shopping festival, many customers actively received the green smart home appliances in Hubei Province trade-in subsidies, replaced old home appliances, and chose the green and low-carbon quality life brought by scenario-based, systematic, and intelligent energy-saving household appliances.

Source: Hanshui Xiangyang

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