
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine


On June 27, 2024, "Motorized Rookie, Radiant - Motorized Core 2024 New Product Launch Conference" - a press conference jointly organized by the Chinese mecha brand "Motorcore" and Hunan Radio and Television's Xiaomang e-commerce platform, shook the entire Chinese mecha animation industry. Zhang Yang, general manager of Xiaomang e-commerce and chairman of Happy Buy, Luo Xin, secretary of the Party Committee and executive director (director) of Golden Eagle Cartoon, Yu Tianyang, CEO of Motorcore, and Wang Dongdong, founder of Motorcore, attended the press conference.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

In the 1,200-square-meter studio in the T2 area of the Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Center, the press conference interpreted the Chinese fan mecha dream that Motorcore has always adhered to for the majority of fans, friends and mecha enthusiasts with wonderful programs, successive products and a happy atmosphere.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

Speaking of motorized core,Friends in the mecha model circle will definitely be no stranger,"Lu Bu""Ao Bing""Weiyuan"Products such as "Lu Bu""Ao Bing""Weiyuan"Wave of Taoism in the domestic model market,The Guoman IP behind it"The Legend of the Star Armor Soul General" also opened a precedent for Chinese fantasy mechas。 What did the dynamic core bring to you at this press conference?

Approaching users, multiple mecha bloom together

As a leading enterprise in China's mecha, Motorcore has left a deep impression on users in terms of high-level product design and production content, as well as the cultural connotation contained in modern design. "Making good products and services so that everyone can have fun is our purpose." Wang Dongdong, the founder of Motorcore, said.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

Whether a product is successful or not, the most intuitive is the feedback from the market and users. Listening to the suggestions of users is the part of today's enterprises to become bigger and stronger.

In the opening speech, Ms. Yu Tianyang, CEO of Motorcore, mentioned such a story, a child user used it as an essay to express his recognition and liking for Motorcore Chinese mecha to his parents. "We want to thank our fans and strengthen our connection with them."

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

In the face of the feedback and needs of users and friends, Wang Dongdong, the founder of "pet fans", handed users a satisfactory answer sheet with a well-crafted 2024 new product plan.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

IP empowers, and the mecha universe emerges

In the rapid growth of the national fan mecha market, if you want to truly create brand influence and occupy a place in the hearts of users, you must adhere to the "flesh and blood" brand.

Relying on the deployment of independent original IP, from content to products, Motorcore will build a complete and diverse Chinese mecha world for players.

In addition to the current flagship IP "The Legend of the Star Armor", Motorcore is also actively expanding to different IP content, from "Red Hot Five Stars", which focuses on Chinese-style space opera, to "Steel Contract", which is a superhero, and then to "Motorcore Battle", which is mainly aimed at the children's market. In the press conference, a total of 7 mecha IPs based in China but with different styles were shown to us.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

From comics to animation, the content production line of Motorcore has tended to be perfect. Motorcore is also creating a colorful and gorgeous Chinese mecha world for groups of different ages and preferences.

Flagship products, sales and word of mouth have been harvested

At this press conference, the new flagship assembly product [Zhao Yun Magnolia White Dragon Horse] of the IP of the Modong Core "Star Armor Soul General" pushed the atmosphere to the highest peak.


As the first "Brave Class" assembly series of products of Motorcore, Zhaoyun Magnolia White Dragon Horse has reached the most of today's products in terms of appearance, size, structure, painting and gameplay.

Whether it is the color matching from Peking Opera, or the reference to storytelling and cultural relics, it shows the strong Chinese characteristics of this mecha product, and its wonderful mechanical design makes it both modern.

The new one-piece bionic skeleton of the motorized core used in the assembly of Zhao Yun Magnolia White Dragon Horse this time has brought this assembly product to a new height in terms of movement and playability.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

Zhao Yun, a well-known classic figure of the Three Kingdoms, was reinterpreted by the motorcycle core with a new mecha image, and once the press conference was announced, it was warmly welcomed by users, and the price of 399 yuan "Zhao Yun Magnolia White Dragon Horse" was snatched up by users who have been squatting within 45 seconds of being on the shelves of Xiaomang e-commerce, refreshing the fastest sales speed in the national fan mecha industry.

Joining forces, a new era of Chinese mecha

With the essence of "content casting IP", Mango coincides with the mission of "building Chinese fan mecha animation hero IP". In head variety shows such as "Full Acceleration 2023" and "Overcoming Thorns", the mecha of Modongcore interacts wonderfully with many artists, blooming with a unique light. Wang Dongcheng cooperated with the motorized nuclear mecha to jointly perform the theme song of "The Legend of the Star Armor" at the "Little Mangnian Ceremony", bringing an unforgettable audio-visual feast to the audience. The mango production team's elaborate model play experience variety show "Glue Friend" quickly topped the Douyin variety show popularity list as soon as it was broadcast, once again demonstrating the tacit understanding and strength of the two parties.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

"At the annual meeting of the four platforms of Hunan Radio and Television Group (Taiwan) last year, we invited Modonghe to come to the scene and officially become a 'Mango Super Partner'," Zhang Yang said.

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine
From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

This cooperation is not only a simple alliance, but also a long-term and in-depth strategic cooperation at the whole industry chain and platform level, from mecha model products to animation content, product peripherals to derivative entertainment.

Today, Xiaomang e-commerce has the rich resources of Mang's group to fully coordinate, and joins hands with the leading brand of national wind mecha to jointly write a new chapter of China's mecha. Let's look forward to this powerful alliance to open a new era for Chinese mechas!

From this press conference, the Chinese mecha dream of Modong Core began to shine

At this point, the curtain has come down on the "Motorized Rookie, Shining Brightly - Motorized Core 2024 New Product Launch Conference". But the real challenge has just begun.

Good content, good IP, and good products are the "three good" pursuit of Motorcore. With the joint efforts of itself, partners, and fans, can Motorcore continue to pursue the "three good", truly transform the mecha into local Chinese content, and bring the Chinese mecha to a broader world? Let's wait and see!

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