
Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

author:Ayo loves to dress

In the long course of time, are you also prone to falling into the trouble of "greasy feeling"? However, there is one woman who has proved to the world in her own way that age is not an obstacle to beauty, and she is the famous Japanese singer and actress Momoe Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

When she was young, Momoe Yamaguchi had outstanding appearance and outstanding temperament, her love with Tomokazu Miura caused a sensation in the entire entertainment industry, and it is a pity that Momoe Yamaguchi gave up her career and chose love at the peak, but seeing her happy appearance, many people sent her blessings~

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

Fading the halo of the star, Yamaguchi Baihui slowly disappeared from the screen, but occasionally seeing her state, it is still enviable, and now she is old and tells us in a personal demonstration that women who dress simply and generously, do not pursue trends and fashion, and pay attention to inner cultivation can show a calm and calm temperament, and have become a template for modern women.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

Next, let's talk about the goddess's immortal secrets, and see how she demonstrates in person: don't wear a floral dress, don't burn the aunt's head, get rid of the greasy feeling!

[The first step to get rid of the greasy feeling: don't wear a floral skirt, otherwise you will look old and earthy]

Momoe Yamaguchi, who >>> young to old age and never wears a floral skirt, is too elegant

Explore Yamaguchi Baihui's outfits from youth to old age, we can hardly see fancy skirts, she always appears in front of the public with simple and generous dresses, which makes people feel a natural beauty, wearing bright long skirts when they are young to show vitality, dressing low-key and decent when they are old, switching their dressing styles with the precipitation of temperament, looking comfortable and generous, but also let us understand a truth: dressing too fancy will make people feel impetuous, simple and generous is the real fashion.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

>>> wrong wearing flowers is tacky and unbearable, and wearing solid colors is atmospheric

I. Dressing up as tender and wearing flowers will look childish

II. Wear an aunt's outfit and choose a style that is too flowery

There are always people who think that the pursuit of fashion is to dress fancy, and combine all kinds of fashionable elements in their outfits, it seems that you know how to be fashionable, but it does not match your temperament, and you will only use too much force.

For example, the contrasting and colorful dopamine clothing worn by young people is not suitable for mature and stable middle-aged women at all, and the flower skirts worn by fifty or sixty-year-old aunts are colorful and messy, and they are not advanced, which will also amplify the greasy feeling.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

Let's take a look at Yamaguchi Baihui's outfit, daily dressing is low-key and simple, almost all the clothes selected are solid color styles, and the clothes don't like to add a lot of messy colors and elements, using such simple solid color items, but more skin color, more charming, but also show a gentle and generous temperament.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

>>> Momoe Yamaguchi loves to wear the basics, which will not go out of style for decades

√ textured basic model, durable and temperamental

Momoe Yamaguchi's attitude towards dressing is also worth learning from, she never deliberately pursues trends, but chooses clothes according to her preferences and comfort, this simple and authentic style allows her to maintain a youthful mentality and vitality in her sixties.

Especially when shopping for clothes, we can see that she prefers the basics, which can always be loved by people for a long time, no matter how the trend changes. It's like a striped shirt, which has been worn from young to old, and the same style wears different styles and temperaments, which are completely supported by their own personal charm.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

√ adhere to the principle of pragmatism and do not blindly catch the trend

Momoe Yamaguchi's style has always been simple, generous, and low-key, and she believes that too much decoration and color will only make people look exaggerated, but lose the essence and beauty of the basics. Therefore, she always adheres to pragmatism in dressing, taking comfort and practicality as the first principle, rather than blindly pursuing trends and fashion, and wearing elegant and good temperament while reducing greasyness, defeating aging with temperament!

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

[The second step to get rid of the greasy feeling: don't burn the aunt roll, more and more elegant]

(1) Choose a hairstyle according to the face shape: a square and round face is suitable for short hair

Everyone has their own unique face shape, and different face shapes require different hairstyles to embellish. Generally speaking, square face and round face are more common face shapes among middle-aged women, long faces and melon seed faces are relatively rare, people with square and round faces usually give people a tough feeling, so it is suitable to choose some short hair with a sense of layering, and avoid choosing long hair and small curly hairstyles that are too fluffy or horizontally extended, which Yamaguchi Momoe has realized since he was young~

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

(2) Middle-aged women are not suitable for aunt rolls, and micro-rolls are more youthful

Aunt roll is a hairstyle that middle-aged women are very easy to step on, not only difficult to take care of, but also easy to look old-fashioned, at this time we need to choose a slightly curly hairstyle, which can not only show the elegant temperament of middle-aged women, but also look more youthful and energetic.

Yamaguchi Momoe's permed micro-curls in old age are a very natural hairstyle that doesn't need much care to give a natural aesthetic, and for middle-aged women, micro-curls can make your face appear softer, while also accentuating your neck line and making you look taller and more elegant.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

When perming curly hair, it should be mainly placed on the ends and roots of the hair, the hair roots should be fluffy, and the ends of the hair should be slightly curled with a sense of hierarchy, so that the modification effect on the top of the head and face shape is better, and it is also more helpful for the contour shaping of the chin and facial features.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

[Yamaguchi Momoe's elegant summary: mainly look at 2 points]

Point1: Accept aging calmly and don't be anxious about age

If you look at Yamaguchi Momoe, you will find that everyone will grow old with the passage of time, this is the law of nature, and we should gladly accept this fact and not be anxious about age.

Age is just a number, and our wisdom, experience and inner maturity are really worthy of our cherishment, even if Yamaguchi Momoe does not have the beautiful appearance of her youth, but her precipitated temperament still beats her peers, and ordinary aunts are very different in temperament.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

point2: Instead of deliberately pretending to be tender and pursuing trends, it is better to precipitate your inner temperament

Women over sixty years old should remember that elegance is an inner temperament, which comes from inner self-confidence and calmness, rather than blindly pursuing the surface of youth and fashion, it is better to focus on cultivating their inner cultivation and improving their temperament. In this way, even as you age, you will exude a unique charm that will make you feel elegant and mature.

Yamaguchi Baihui personally demonstrated: no flower skirts, no hot aunts, no "greasy feeling" over 60 years old

When we face the growth of age, we might as well learn from Yamaguchi Baihui, let go of excessive anxiety and the pursuit of external vanity, because age is not an obstacle to beauty, as long as we maintain a humble and studious heart, pay attention to the balance of inner cultivation and external image, we can maintain the vitality of youth in the long river of years like her. Let's learn from this elegant woman in the pursuit of simple and authentic beauty, so that inner beauty complements outer beauty.

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