
In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

author:Little Pudding reads all kinds of books

The results of the first round of Iran's general election were indicated, and because all the candidates did not receive more than half of the votes, the second round was restarted, and the remaining two candidates were Massoud Pezeshkian, the former minister of health, and Saeed Jalili, the former chief nuclear negotiator.

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

If all goes well, Jalili may become the 14th president of Iran, and the second round of voting will be held on July 5th!

That is, in 96 hours, there will be a new president in Iran!

Mohsen Eslami, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry's election headquarters, was quoted by AFP as saying: "None of the candidates received an absolute majority of votes, so the names of the first and second candidates with the most votes will be submitted to the Guardian Council of the Constitution." ”

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

A Foreign Ministry spokesperson quoted by Reuters as saying that out of the 24,535,185,000 votes counted, the sole reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, received 10,415,991,000 votes, while his ultra-conservative opponent, Saeed Jalili, received 9,473,298,000 votes.

The turnout was really low this time, with Iran having a population of more than 80 million and 61 million people with the right to vote. According to such statistics, the turnout rate is not even half. A lot of people give up voting, and whoever votes is like that, it's better not to go!

For the new president, it is not only about confronting the West and Israel, but also about rebuilding public trust in the Iranian government!!

The reformists basically do not have the upper hand, and it is estimated that they are running along

The original Iranian presidential election was next year, but because of Raisi's unexpected death, it had to be brought forward. For some candidates, the amount of time left for them to prepare is so little that it's almost the equivalent of catching ducks on the shelves.

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

Iran's Interior Ministry released a list of six candidates reviewed by the Guardian Council of the Constitution on June 9, with five conservatives occupying them, with Pezeshkian, 69, the only seedling.

Later, two more conservatives withdrew, and the situation was like playing mahjong, he was playing three in one.

Many people may see him as Iran's "future", hoping that his foreign policy can win some space for Iran's future development and reach a rapprochement with the West.

Pezeshkian has criticized many of the Iranian government's policies, including the hijab law. But he has also publicly stated that he will defer to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on foreign policy issues.

To be able to compete in the second round should also be a victory for him. But the other two may choose to support Jalili.

Jalili, on the other hand, is a conservative hawk known for his intransigence with the West. According to the report, he has long served as Khamenei's senior security adviser.

The biggest difference between this country and other royal families is that they do not have a king, but they have a king with real rights, which is the supreme religious leader Khamenei.

In Iran, the Supreme Leader is the final arbiter of most decisions, but the president-elect is Iran's image abroad.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran's second round of elections is a choice between engagement with the West and confrontation. But according to this old man's meaning, he is not compromising!

Some people are trying to sabotage the election, and the public reacts differently

There are still many countries in the 2024 general election, such as Russia and India, but they are not going well, there are always people doing things, Iran is like this.

Iranian state media reported on Saturday (June 29) that a vehicle carrying a ballot box was attacked by an unknown number of gunmen in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province, killing two members of the security forces.

Although Khamenei called on the people to vote more, the people also have their own ideas about this election. Because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West, Iran's economy has always stagnated, and for ordinary people, wanting to bulge their wallets is their biggest need.

Politics always has to be compromised, just as in Syria when Assad was targeted by most Middle Eastern countries, and some countries even said that Assad must step down.

was even unilaterally expelled from the Arab League, but who would have thought that Assad would withstand these troubles and return to the Arab League ten years later.

Qatar was targeted by Middle Eastern countries led by Saudi Arabia because of certain incidents, and Saudi Arabia and Iran also broke up because of certain things, but in the end, these countries did not all compromise.

For ordinary people, in fact, they are also fed up with this kind of poor life and really want to live a good life.

Among the reformers who value dialogue with the West, Pezeshkian, a former deputy chairman of parliament and health minister, is the only candidate who aims to be a cradle of voters dissatisfied with the functioning of a conservative hard-line government.

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?
In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

There are still quite a few Iranians who prefer to choose conservatives, and only then can they be given enough security. Especially in the face of deteriorating relations with Israel, only a tough attitude can guarantee one's own security.

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?
In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

The two of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is still that sentence, which is not easy to mess with. It's just that in the editor's opinion, according to the West's degree of dishonesty, even if Iran makes concessions, it may not all lift sanctions.

Khamenei has his own ideas, and he hides needles in the hard belt and soft cotton

Who becomes president of Iran is not a matter of Khamenei's words, and it is also up to him to decide how to qualify for the candidate.

Many people are not very familiar with him, in fact, because of his special status, he has been living in Iran relatively low-key and does not go abroad easily.

In 96 hours, Iran will have a new president! Foreign policy is facing differences, what does Yuan Fang think?

You're an old fox. He can't hide the big and small things that are happening in Iran, and he is also concerned about how the international situation changes.

China's success in mediating the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran and allowing the two countries to resume diplomatic relations last year is actually Khamenei's intention.

The future of the world lies in the East, and the West can no longer hinder China's success.

He gladly accepted China's kindness, and on the first hand, it was able to relieve Iran of its southern troubles and quarrel with Saudi Arabia, and it has been facing considerable military pressure!

Second, it is also with the help of Saudi Arabia to alleviate the contradictions with other countries in the Middle East, as it seems that since the reconciliation with Saudi Arabia, Iran has a lot of friends in the Middle East!

Even if it can't ease relations with the West, reconciliation with many countries in the Middle East can help Iran get out of its predicament. To put it bluntly, the West eats people without spitting out bones, and it is estimated that they will have to pay a lot of price if they want to lift so many previous sanctions against Iran.

It's better to develop the economy, and when you have enough strength, it really doesn't matter if he is dismissed or not.

Compared with Iran's relations with the West, he is more concerned about how Iran deals with countries other than the West!

brief summary

For Iran's general election, one sentence is to say that it is basically a change of soup but not a change of medicine. It is estimated that those who come up will not carry out drastic reforms, and will focus on stability first, especially to eliminate the influence of pro-US forces in the country.

If we want to improve relations with the West and promote Iran's economic development, we need to change this idea.

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