
When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

author:New home

There is no doubt that the focus of ordinary people buying things is different from that of insiders.

, Even if you don't buy a small thing for a few dollars, if you are wrong, you won't lose much, and if you do a big thing, it's best to listen to the advice of insiders.

In this issue, I will share a dishwasher purchase strategy, and the elaboration method is carried out in the form of questions and answers between ordinary people and insiders, hoping to help you understand more simply and clearly.

1. Ordinary people ask: desktop or embedded?

There are many people in the family, it is best to have a large capacity of more than 15 sets, pots and pans can be put in at one time, no need to divide into batches, and it is more convenient.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

But if there are only two or three people in a family, it is not recommended to be blind, and the pots and bowls can only fill half of the dishwasher, and the subconscious will feel that it is a waste to open once, and then inadvertently will save bowls, especially in summer, which is easy to breed bacteria and is very unhygienic.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

The cabinet was dismantled and the dishwasher was a bit ugly stuffed in

Of course, the decision is the foundation of desktop and embedded, is the condition of your current kitchen, most of the time is the kitchen that has been occupied, hardware limitations, the simplest thing desktop, if you choose a built-in dishwasher back, you have to change the cabinet, difficult, spend a lot of money, and may not be able to do it.

2. Ordinary people ask: how much power?

The fixed-frequency motor can only run at one speed point, the washing effect is relatively fixed, and the noise is large in the state of full horsepower during operation, and the energy consumption will be relatively large;

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

To choose BLDC double frequency conversion motor, the speed can be adjusted according to the different programs of the dishwasher, and the water flow rate, angle, pressure, etc. can also be adjusted, the flushing is more humane, the cleaning effect is better, and the energy consumption is low, the noise is small.

Some dishwashers do a particularly good job of noise, running with a washing sound comparable to the decibel of a library flipping book.

3. Ordinary people ask: Is the water pressure big?

First of all, we must choose the spray type, the number of spray arms is more, to a certain extent, the cleaning coverage rate is high, but it is not necessarily the more layers the better, or you have to see the water coverage rate, you can rotate 360 degrees, the corners and corners of bottles and cans can be washed, so that there is a follow-up can not be cleaned.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Siemens' five-layer sprinkler system, 360-degree vortex scouring effect

Then there is the water pressure, remember, the water pressure should be at least 40000pa or more, low water pressure will not be able to do anything when it encounters stubborn stains.

4. Ordinary people: Open the dishwasher cabinet door and see what the layout looks like?

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Plastic liner, please exclude it directly!

The working process of the dishwasher is a high-temperature and humid environment, and the inner liner is made of stainless steel to be the most durable.

And it should be noted that it is best to be integrally formed, because if the inner tank is welded or even spliced, there will be a rubber strip inside to seal, and after a long time, once the rubber strip ages and falls off, the dishwasher will malfunction.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

In addition, it is best to choose a hidden or external waterway, because the built-in waterway outlet is difficult to avoid food residues and oil stains, and once stuck in the waterway gap, bacteria will breed and peculiar smells will appear.

5. Ordinary people: Do you dry it after washing?

The drying methods of mainstream dishwashers on the market are: condensation drying, residual temperature drying, single and double fan hot air drying, automatic door heating and drying, etc., if you don't understand, it is really easy to choose an unsuitable dishwasher.

And among these drying methods:

Residual temperature drying is to use the dishwasher to wash the residual temperature drying tableware, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage is that there will be water stains left and the tableware cannot be stored, and the general low-end dishwasher will be this configuration;

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Condensation drying, also known as cold air and heat exchange air drying, is to evaporate the water through the residual heat of high temperature in the dishwasher, and then condense into water droplets through the inner tank wall and discharge, the advantage is energy saving, the disadvantage is that there may be a small amount of water at the bottom, and it takes a long time, especially the plastic products with poor heat absorption are more difficult to dry;

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

In hot air drying, the single fan hot air drying is only the inlet fan, and the double fan not only has the inlet fan but also the exhaust fan, which has high drying efficiency and better effect;

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Automatic door opening and drying, after the washing program is over, the machine automatically opens the warehouse door, and uses heat convection to dissipate heat and moisture, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and the drying efficiency is also OK.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

However, what is better is automatic door opening hot air drying, which combines the advantages of automatic door opening and hot air drying, not only has a good drying effect, but also has high efficiency and low energy consumption, and the disadvantage is that the technology is advanced, and the current price is relatively high.

Therefore, if you have the budget to pursue a high-quality life, it is recommended to choose the automatic door opening hot air drying (except for Xiaoqiang).

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

At the home of ordinary people, if you want to be cost-effective, you can choose hot air drying, and if you still have storage needs after drying, you can choose hot air drying with double fans.

6. Ordinary people ask: How much water do you use for washing?

Rather than asking casually (many people don't have a concept of the difference between quantity and cost), the easier way is to look at a professionally certified water efficiency rating.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

The disinfection level is more than four stars, and the sterilization rate can basically reach 99.99%, and the dishes and dishes that are completely cleaned can ensure the health and peace of mind of use.

7. Ordinary people ask: How is it connected to the upper and lower water?

There is no soft water system, especially in areas with hard water quality, which is easy to cause blockage of spray wall holes due to scale problems, and marks on the dried dark tableware, etc., which affect the cleaning effect.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Built-in water softening system, later use no scale, the cleaning effect will be maintained, the machine makes the service life longer.

It is also necessary to know that, first, there will be soft water and salt consumables; 2. If you have RO reverse osmosis water purification equipment at home, you don't need soft water salt.

8. Ordinary people ask: Is the package installed?

Package installation does not mean package materials, as long as the decoration of the people, should have been stabbed experience, know the specific charge details, in order to according to their own situation, roughly measure the required materials are prepared in advance is cost-effective, or use the manufacturer's cost-effective.

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

Panasonic dishwasher installation charges

9. Ordinary people: It seems that there is nothing to ask!

Like what:

There are a variety of washing modes, which are more flexible for later use, especially for quick washing, which is very necessary when you are in a hurry;

When buying a dishwasher, the focus of ordinary people and insiders is so different, it is said that there are always people stepping on the pit

APP networking: one-click operation of the mobile phone anytime and anywhere, even if the elderly do not know how to use it, they can help them turn on the phone through the screen;

Support bacteriostatic storage: The dishwasher can be used as a cupboard, even if you travel for a long time, it will not fall dust and breed bacteria.

Write to the end

That's all for this issue, if you have any questions about the purchase of dishwashers, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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