
Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!

author:Zongyang release
Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!

The 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th County People's Congress was held

On the afternoon of June 27, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th County People's Congress was held. Zhan Lingna, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, presided over the meeting, and deputy directors Fu Heping, Zhou Xiaojuan, Zhang Mayin, Jiang Ximing and members of the Standing Committee attended. Tang Wenming, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county magistrate, Yan Lixin, president of the county court, Jiang Jiafeng, procurator of the county procuratorate, and responsible persons of the county supervision commission attended the meeting as observers.

Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!
Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!

The meeting listened to the report of the county government on the situation related to the institutional reform, and voted and approved the decision on personnel matters and the renaming of the personnel representative election work committee of the county people's congress standing committee. Zhan Lingna issued letters of appointment for the appointees, and Wu Chuanjun, deputy county magistrate, solemnly swore an oath to the Constitution. The meeting listened to and deliberated the report of the county government on the supervision of public resource transactions and the report of the county procuratorate on the work of procuratorial suggestions. The meeting believed that it is necessary to focus on the efficient use of government funds, the fair and just trading environment, and the efficient and convenient transaction links, improve the regulatory mechanism, consolidate the main responsibility, standardize the bidding agency, strictly inspect after the bid, increase the cost of illegal and untrustworthy, and continuously create an excellent business environment in the field of bidding and procurement. The meeting emphasized that procuratorial organs should deepen the implementation of the concepts of "precise supervision" and "active supervision", improve the quality and efficiency of procuratorial suggestions, promote the two-way connection and transformation of people's congress deputies' suggestions and procuratorial suggestions, and fully release the important role of procuratorial suggestions in promoting the improvement of social governance.

The meeting reviewed the work of the county transportation bureau and the county data resource management bureau, and conducted a satisfaction evaluation. (Wang Kai, Gui Chenchen)

Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!
Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

Regarding the acceptance of Fang Qinjian's resignation from the Zongyang County People's Government

Decision on the request for the position of deputy county magistrate

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)

Due to work changes, Fang Qinjian proposed to resign from the post of deputy county magistrate of the Zongyang County People's Government. In accordance with Article 32 of the Organic Law of the People's Republic of China on Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments at All Levels, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th Zongyang County People's Congress decided to accept Fang Qinjian's request to resign from the post of deputy county magistrate of the Zongyang County People's Government and report to the Zongyang County People's Congress for the record.

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

Regarding the acceptance of Zuo Minsheng and Hu Enli's resignation

The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County

Decisions on requests for positions as members of the Standing Committee

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)

Due to retirement, Zuo Minsheng and Hu Enli proposed to resign as members of the Standing Committee of the 17th Zongyang County People's Congress. In accordance with Article 32 of the Organic Law of the People's Republic of China on Local People's Congresses at All Levels and Local People's Governments at All Levels, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th Zongyang County People's Congress decided to accept the request of Zuo Minsheng and Hu Enli to resign as members of the Standing Committee of the 17th Zongyang County People's Congress and report to the Zongyang County People's Congress for the record.

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

Decision on the renaming of the Personnel Representative Election Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Zongyang County People's Congress

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)

In accordance with the arrangements of the "Zongyang County Institutional Reform Plan" and the "Implementation Opinions on the Institutional Reform of Zongyang County", and in accordance with the provisions of the "Organic Law of the People's Republic of China on Local People's Congresses at All Levels and Local People's Governments at All Levels", the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th Zongyang County People's Congress decided to change the name of the Standing Committee of the Zongyang County People's Congress to the Zongyang County People's Congress Standing Committee Representative Working Committee.

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

Decide on the list of persons to be appointed or dismissed

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)

Decide on the appointment

Wu Chuanjun is the deputy county magistrate of the county people's government;

Fang Sheng is the director of the county bureau of industry and information technology;

Huang Jinjun is the director of the county human resources and social security bureau;

Cidaihong is the director of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau;

Liu Jing is the director of the County Culture and Tourism Bureau;

He Yuanyuan is the director of the county urban management bureau;

Wu Cuixia is the director of the county bureau of letters and visits.

It was decided to dispense

Liu Maolu is the director of the county culture and tourism bureau.

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

List of dismissed persons

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)


Hu Enli is the deputy director of the Urban and Rural Construction Environment and Resources Protection Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress.

Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zongyang County

List of appointments and dismissals

(The 17th People's Congress of Zongyang County on June 27, 2024.)

Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee)


Zeng De became a judge of the county people's court.


Wu Xiaodong served as a judge of the county people's court.

Source: Zongyang Online

Zongyang's latest personnel appointments and dismissals!

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Organizer: Zongyang County Rong Media Center

Competent unit: Propaganda Department of Zongyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China