
How to deal with heat stroke in hot weather? Keep these first aid measures in mind

author:Wudi Fusion Media

Heat stroke can easily be triggered by hot weather

Who needs special attention?

What exactly does heat stroke look like?

How to properly give first aid after heat stroke?

Read it in one article

Heat stroke generally falls into 3 categories

Symptoms vary

Heat stroke depends on the severity of symptoms

Generally, it is divided into 3 categories

Premonitory heat stroke, mild heat stroke, severe heat stroke

Among them, severe heat stroke

It is also divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke

How to deal with heat stroke in hot weather? Keep these first aid measures in mind

3 types of heat stroke of varying severity

What are the performances?

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures

Be vigilant when you have these symptoms


Premonitory heat stroke

Symptoms include headache, dizziness, thirst, sweating, weakness and soreness in the limbs, etc., and the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated, generally not exceeding 38 °C.


Mild heat stroke

In addition to the symptoms of premonitory heat stroke, it is also accompanied by flushing, profuse sweating, burning skin, clammy and cold limbs, paleness, decreased blood pressure, rapid pulse, etc., and the body temperature is more than 38°C.


Severe moderate heat

Most of them are sudden coma in a hot environment, and the common symptoms are impaired consciousness, muscle convulsions, convulsions, etc., and the body temperature exceeds 40°C.

Heat stroke is severe and life-threatening

For prevention and first aid methods, see here

Heatstroke is a heat-related emergency

The most serious case

It is after the body has been exposed to high temperature and humidity for a long time

Rapid rise in core body temperature (usually over 40°C)

This in turn leads to damage to multiple organ functions

It is accompanied by central nervous system dysfunction

(delirium, convulsions, coma).

In high-temperature environments

Dizziness, fatigue, palpitation, chest tightness, confusion,

Thirst, sweating, nausea and vomiting are precursors to heatstroke

Once the above symptoms appear

Be highly vigilant and take immediate measures

Prevent heatstroke

Do these things in your daily life

● Avoid working in a high temperature and high humidity environment for a long time.

● Ensure adequate rest and reduce the workload in the afternoon, especially outdoor work.

● Replenish water in time to avoid dehydration.

● Focus on high-risk groups, and seek medical attention in time if you have fever, diarrhea and other acute diseases to avoid delaying your condition.

Someone close to you has symptoms of heatstroke

How can I help in a timely manner?

These first aid measures must be kept in mind

● First of all, immediately get out of the hot environment, move the patient to a cool and ventilated place or an air-conditioned room as soon as possible, untie the clothes to dissipate heat, and assess whether the patient is conscious.

● Secondly, use wet towels, ice water, and ice packs to cool down the whole body. If ice packs are available, they can be applied to the patient's neck, armpits, groin, and other aortic pulses to quickly lower the patient's body temperature. If the patient has convulsions, tongue bites should be avoided and the airway should be cleared.

● Thirdly, you can take oral drinks such as light salt water, honeysuckle, and mint to clear away heat and relieve heat.

● Finally, while implementing emergency treatment measures, others around should immediately call the emergency number and transfer the patient to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

How can I prevent heat stroke through diet?

Collect this recipe soon!

Watermelon cuiyi mung bean soup

Take 100 grams of mung beans and 150 grams of watermelon


How to deal with heat stroke in hot weather? Keep these first aid measures in mind

Watermelon emerald clothes

That is, the white part between the green skin and the red flesh of the watermelon

It has the effect of clearing heat, relieving heat and diuretic

At the same time, it can treat summer heat, mouth and tongue sores, and edema

Mung beans also have a heatstroke effect

Boil water with both to obtain

Watermelon and green bean soup to clear away heat and relieve heat

It should be noted that:

Watermelon cuiyi mung bean soup

It is more suitable for people with a fiery physique

Those who have a cold and wet constitution

A few more common herbs are needed

Take 2 grams of dendrobium, American ginseng, raw licorice, and lotus leaf


Bitter chrysanthemum, bitter gourd

It has the effect of promoting appetite and relieving heatstroke

And the content of calcium and magnesium is high

Chinese cabbage, rape, beans, spinach

Helps to replenish electrolytes quickly


Peaches, watermelons, fresh dates, bananas, etc

Higher potassium content

It can replenish the mineral elements lost by the human body with sweat

Kiwi fruit and fresh jujube can supplement the human body

A water-soluble vitamin excreted with sweat and urine

Watermelon can be used for hydration

How to deal with heat stroke in hot weather? Keep these first aid measures in mind

Mineral components in vegetables and fruits

After entering the body

It becomes a component of electrolytes in the body

Helps the body maintain a normal acid-base balance

In addition, profusely sweating

It is easy for the body to lose protein and essential amino acids

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to supplementing with high-quality protein

Eat one egg a day and drink a bag of milk

Eat more fish, shrimp, lean meat, soybeans and soy products

It can effectively prevent hypocalcemia

It has a positive effect on the prevention of heat stroke and heat stroke

How to deal with heat stroke in hot weather? Keep these first aid measures in mind

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Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling!