
The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

author:Roadside flowers

In northern Burma, dramatic conflict erupts again, like a comic strip reversal.

The confrontation between the Burmese army and the Kokang allies was like an endless game of cat and mouse, but this time the rat seemed to have learned how to dance under the nose of a cat.

The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

In this controversial region of northern Myanmar, there has been no small amount of recent development.

The Burmese government army and the Kokang Allied Army, the two major forces, staged a wonderful "military drama" here.

To say that the feud between the two is simply more complicated than a soap opera.

The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

We'll have to talk about this Kokang Alliance.

The gang used to be quiet, but recently they suddenly turned on fire, as if they had taken stimulants.

The reason, of course, is the surprise attack of the Burmese government army without greeting.

I heard that one morning, the Burmese army rushed to the Kokang Allied Army with artillery and planes like a market.

The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

It must have been a spectacle and a terrifying scene. But who knew that the Kokang allies were not vegetarians.

The gang immediately fought back, and the Burmese army was caught off guard, beating them to the ground.

The Kokang allies then showed mercy and launched a so-called "psychological warfare strategy" against the Burmese army, giving the Burmese soldiers the opportunity to surrender in exchange for freedom, or leave their weapons behind.

It sounds like a lesson to the Tatmadaw about humanity and the right to choose.

The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

That wasn't the end of the war, which was then temporarily quelled by a ceasefire agreement.

It sounds serious, but it's like one of those TV dramas where two families who have been fighting suddenly announce that they want to coexist peacefully.

You say this will last? Apparently, the Burmese army just took this opportunity to catch its breath and then quietly prepare for the next "surprise" again.

The armistice agreement reached in China was torn up, and a battalion of the Burmese government army raided the Kokang Allied Army

The Kokang allies were clearly not fuel-efficient lamps either, and they were not only militarily prepared but also skilled in political games.

For example, if they had previously taken some key areas and announced the "liberation" of these places, it sounded like the return of the territory of the old dynasty.

The most absurd thing is that some of the "episodes" in this conflict - the Burmese government army actually uses its own soldiers and family members as human shields, which is really ruthless.

The fact that the Kokang Allied Army was able to exercise restraint and refrain from indiscriminate attacks under such circumstances is impressive.

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