
The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed



The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

Recently, a medical teacher at Southern Medical University was 29 minutes late for emergency treatment of a patient, and this behavior was severely punished by the school, which aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life. This incident not only makes people re-examine the struggle between professional ethics and rules, but also reveals the current society's neglect and misunderstanding of doctors' benevolence.

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

Emergency rescue and rules conflict, who should give in?

In the incident at Southern Medical University, the medical teacher found a patient suspected of cerebral hemorrhage before class, and in the face of an emergency, he did not hesitate to choose to save people first. However, this act of kindness was recognized as a major teaching accident by the school because he was 29 minutes late, resulting in the teacher being deducted from the bonus and disqualified from the evaluation. The result of this treatment raises the question: should the rules give way in the face of life?

The school's lukewarm response sparked outrage

In the face of doubts from the outside world, the Southern Medical University responded with a cliché-style public relations rhetoric, emphasizing that this is the "lightest way to deal with it". However, this indifferent response not only failed to quell the outrage, but only provoked more discontent. One can't help but ask: between the benevolence of the doctor and the cold rules, which side is the school on?

The whistleblower's behavior raises moral questions

What is even more distressing is that the whistleblower is actually a student who gets along with the teacher day and night. This behavior is undoubtedly a great betrayal of the benevolence of the doctor, and people can't help but sigh: in the face of interests, where is morality? We should deeply reflect on why such perfidy behavior occurs from time to time in today's society. What are the deep-seated social problems behind it?

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

Whose fault is it that the doctor saves people but is interrogated?

Recalling another similar incident, a Dr. Chen took the initiative to treat patients on the train, but was questioned by the train crew because he did not carry a doctor's certificate. This incident has also sparked heated discussions. Doctors are supposed to be treated with respect and support in emergencies, but the reality is that they are often treated like suspects. This unfair treatment is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the benevolence of doctors.

Rules should not be a stumbling block for doctors to save lives

In the "defibrillator incident" two years ago, an elderly man was in urgent need of defibrillator treatment due to an asthma attack, but the doctor in the ambulance refused to help him for fear of violating the law. This incident once again highlights the conflict between rules and life. We can't help but ask: are rules really more important than life? Do doctors have the right to be flexible and prioritize the treatment of patients in an emergency?

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

How to balance the choice between law and morality?

From a legal point of view, it is true that the behavior of doctors in non-medical settings is not protected. However, this does not mean that doctors can ignore the life and death of their patients. How should we weigh the moral and legal choices? Should doctors be given more legal protections so that they can step up and treat patients without fear in an emergency?

The benevolence of the doctor is the blessing of the society

We often say that the benevolence of a doctor is a blessing to society. However, in this incident, we see the benevolent side of the healer's being let down. If every doctor is afraid to save people for fear of punishment, how indifferent will our society become? Therefore, we should deeply reflect on how to create a more tolerant and respectful environment for doctors, so that they can practice benevolence and benevolence with confidence.

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

The rules should show the temperature of civilization

In the contest between rules and life, we should be clear about one principle: rules are to protect the weak, not to restrain the good. In emergency situations, the rules should have some flexibility in order to better serve the principle of putting life first. Only in this way can we ensure that the rules can protect the safety and dignity of every life while demonstrating the temperature of civilization.

Tolerance for good deeds is respect for life

We should give the greatest tolerance and understanding to the good deeds of the teachers of Southern Medical University. Although his actions violated the rules of the school, they saved a life and demonstrated the noble spirit of the healer's benevolence. If we punish such a good deed because of the rules, it is undoubtedly a great disrespect for life.

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

It is urgent to establish a reasonable reward and punishment mechanism

In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, we call for the establishment of more reasonable reward and punishment mechanisms. We should recognize and reward those doctors who come forward to treat patients in emergencies; And for those who ignore life because of the rules, we should severely criticize and punish. Only in this way can we ensure that the benevolence of doctors is respected and protected.

Strengthen medical ethics education and rebuild the trust between doctors and patients

In addition, we should also strengthen medical ethics education and cultivate doctors' professional ethics and sense of responsibility. Through education, doctors are guided to establish correct values and professional outlook, so that they can stand up at critical moments and take responsibility for the safety of patients' lives. At the same time, we should also strive to restore the relationship of trust between doctors and patients, so that doctors dare to lend a helping hand to patients when they need them.

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

Improve laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of doctors

In order to fundamentally solve this problem, we should also improve relevant laws and regulations to provide legal protection for doctors' life-saving behavior in non-medical settings. Through legislation, the obligations and rights of doctors to help patients in emergencies, as well as the corresponding exemption clauses, so as to eliminate doctors' worries and make them feel more at ease to provide medical services to patients.

Guide the social atmosphere and advocate righteousness and courage

Finally, we should guide the social atmosphere and advocate the spirit of courageous action and helping others. Through media publicity, education and popularization, etc., increase the public's awareness and recognition of acts of righteousness and courage, and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to jointly support and encourage acts of righteousness and courage.

The teacher of Southern Medical University was punished for being late to save people: the benevolence of doctors should not be disappointed

The incident of a teacher at Southern Medical University being punished for being late to save people has triggered us to think deeply about life, rules and the benevolence of doctors. We should be clear that rules are created to protect life, not to be a shackle to good deeds. In an emergency, the doctor should have the authority to make the decision that is most beneficial to the patient based on the actual situation. At the same time, we should also strengthen legal protection and social support for doctors, so that they can feel more at ease and at ease when performing their duties. Only in this way can we truly achieve the goal of putting life first and the benevolence of doctors, and make this society full of warmth and love.