
My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

author:Corner plum 666

Disclaimer: The article is derived from life but is higher than life, and the plot is fictional. Original article, refuse to carry plagiarism!

Narration/Yun Hui Writing/Plum Blossom in the Corner

My name is Yunhui, I was born in a small mountain village, I have a total of four sisters and brothers, I am the third, I have a sister and brother above, and a younger brother below.

My brother and sister didn't do well in school, they didn't finish junior high school, so they followed my father to work in the fields, according to what they said: I sat in the classroom, I felt bored, I had a headache when I started studying, and it was not the material for studying at all.

However, after my brother and sister went to work in the fields for half a year, they began to complain because the sun was like a fireball, and there were no people standing in the fields. When I was working in the fields, my clothes were soaked with sweat, and I couldn't go home, and my face was tanned and peeled.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

My brother and sister are beginning to regret that they didn't study well in school, and that they may have to deal with the land for the rest of their lives.

However, there is no regret medicine sold in the world, so my brother and sister told me: Yunhui, you must study hard, don't be like us, there is no place to regret now!

With the experience of the past, I worked very hard in my studies, and I was in the top few in every exam, and later, I was admitted to the high school in the county.

Because the high school in the county seat is more than 30 miles away from our small mountain village, I usually don't go home, sometimes once every half a month, sometimes once a month.

When I was just a freshman in high school, the teacher placed a dark and thin little girl next to me, and after introducing myself, I knew that her name was Xiaoying, and from that day on, Xiaoying and I became the same table.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

Usually in class, Xiaoying listens carefully, and after class, the students go out to play, and Xiaoying still sits in the classroom and reads.

After a few days of contact, I found that Xiaoying has no friends in the class at all, she is alone every day, even if I am at the same table with her, the two of us don't talk much, I occasionally smile and say a word to her, she looks down at the book, doesn't look at me, and just "um" promises, even if she has spoken to me.

After seeing this, I was also puzzled: I have a cheerful personality and have made a lot of friends from elementary school to junior high school, Xiaoying and I didn't know each other before, because both of them came to the county to go to high school, so they became the same table, and I didn't offend her, why was she so cold to me?

Half a month later, the teacher organized an exam, and when the test results came out, we were stunned: because Xiaoying, who usually doesn't like to talk, actually took the first place.

After seeing Xiaoying's results, I finally realized: we came to school to study hard, we don't have to be so playful at all, our parents do their best for us to study at home, only study hard, and repay our families with excellent results, this is what we should do.

From that day on, when class ended, I stopped hanging out with my classmates and sat in my seat reading books.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

After knowing everyone's grades, the teacher told us that he was going to hold a parent-teacher conference, and let the top three students and her family members speak on stage to tell everyone how to improve their grades.

However, the day before the parent-teacher conference, Xiaoying said that there was something at home and that she and her family had taken a day off.

That day, looking at Xiaoying's empty seat, I was even more puzzled: what a proud thing it was to let Xiaoying and her parents speak on stage! Why didn't Xiaoying come to the parent-teacher conference?

On the night after the parent-teacher conference, Xiaoying continued to come to school for evening self-study, as if nothing had happened.

As time went on, it was winter, it was very cold, there was freezing everywhere on campus, there was a cold wind blowing every day, and if there was nothing going on, we studied in the classroom every day, and hardly left the classroom.

One night after self-study, I went to the dormitory and found that my upper bunk Xiaoying did not come to sleep. (I'm used to this, because in order to study for a while, Xiaoying is always the last to come out of the classroom, and when everyone is about to fall asleep, Xiaoying will come to sleep in the dormitory.) )

It was very strange that day, after waiting for a long time, Xiaoying actually walked into the bedroom from the outside with a washbasin. (Usually Xiaoying enters the dormitory with books, and she sometimes reads in the dormitory with a lamp.) )

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

"Xiaoying, it's so late, the lights are about to go out, where are you going? Why did you come back with a washbasin? I asked casually.

"Yunhui, my pants are dirty tonight, when I ran into the bedroom just now, you haven't come back yet, I washed my pants, and now they are on the rope outside, I don't know if they will dry tomorrow morning." Xiaoying whispered to me. (Xiaoying usually talks to me in a hurry, but she actually said so much to me that day.) )

Hearing Xiaoying say this, I don't know how to answer her, because the weather outside is very cold, and the pants she washed at night can't be dried at all, just wear other pants tomorrow. (Since we all live on campus, everyone brings a change of clothes.) )

So, that day, I casually dealt with Xiaoying's few words and began to sleep. (Because I was so sleepy, I didn't even notice that Xiaoying was only wearing a pair of velvet pants.) )

On the second day, we got up at five o'clock in the morning, because every morning we needed to go for a run, and even if it was cold, we would run a few laps around the playground every day.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

I remember that day, before dawn, the teacher made us stand in a row and start the roll call.

But that day, the teacher found out that Xiaoying did not go to the playground for a run.

So, the teacher called me aside: "Yunhui, you and Xiaoying are at the same table, and they are still living in the same dormitory, you go back to the dormitory now to see, is she sick today?" Why didn't you come out for a run? ”

That morning, I took the lamp and hurriedly ran to the dormitory, and I was also puzzled at that time: when I came out of the dormitory just now, I found that Xiaoying on the top bunk had already sat up, why didn't she go for a run?

When I arrived at the dormitory, I found that there was a hand lamp shaking under Xiaoying's bed, and I could faintly hear a person crying, and that person was Xiaoying. (Because when everyone gets up, the lights go out in the dormitory.) )

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

I hurriedly walked over with a lamp, and found that Xiaoying was crying while holding a pair of pants, constantly changing positions with her hands, warming the pants, and constantly snorting hot at the pants.

I took a closer look: the pants were the pants that Xiaoying wore during the day yesterday, but she washed them last night and put them outside the dormitory.

However, it was very cold that winter, and even the water in the basin in our bedroom was already frozen, and Xiaoying's pants couldn't be thawed at all, and she couldn't wear them.

I followed the light of the handlamp and saw that Xiaoying was wearing a pair of pink velvet pants, which had several patches on them, and the pants were a little short, and there was a black cloth under the pink velvet pants. (These fleece pants can only be worn underneath, not outside at all.) )

When Xiaoying saw me, she began to cry as if she had seen a relative.

Later, Xiaoying told me intermittently: She only has this pair of pants, she came to list yesterday, the pants were dirty, after she washed the pants, she couldn't think of freezing them straight, she couldn't wear them at all, and she couldn't thaw them, what should I do?

After hearing these words, I didn't hesitate to untie my baggage, took out my other pair of pants from it, and let Xiaoying put it on first.

After Xiaoying saw my pants, her tears seemed to never stop, and she kept saying to me, "Thank you".

I'm taller than Xiaoying, Xiaoying is a little long in my pants, I help her pull up her pants, and it's okay to look at it.

From that day on, Xiaoying and I became friends who talked about everything, and after getting to know me, I learned that Xiaoying's mother had passed away a few years ago, and Xiaoying's father had found another wife, who not only didn't care about the family, but also didn't treat Xiaoying well.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

After Xiaoying was admitted to high school, her stepmother and father didn't want Xiaoying to continue in high school, they thought that a girl could just know a few words.

However, Xiaoying's biological mother has two sisters, and Xiaoying also has an aunt who lives in other places, and the relationship between the aunt and her mother is very good, and the aunt is better to Xiaoying.

When the aunt knew that her stepmother didn't let Xiaoying go to school, she rushed back from out of town, and the aunt told Xiaoying's stepmother: I will cover all the expenses for Xiaoying's school in the future, you don't care about her, I will provide for Xiaoying to go to school in the future.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

Therefore, Xiaoying's various expenses for high school are paid by her aunt, and when her aunt left, she bought Xiaoying a new pair of pants for her to wear to school. Xiaoying only has this pair of pants, and the other pants are short, so she can't wear them at all, and even the velvet pants she wears inside are also wearing her mother's old velvet pants.

After hearing Xiaoying's story, I was stunned for a moment: I thought that the conditions of our family were already very bitter, but I didn't expect that Xiaoying was even more bitter than our family's conditions. (At that time, I finally knew the reason why Xiaoying didn't go to the parent-teacher conference: because her biological mother was no longer there, her father and stepmother treated her badly, and her aunt lived in another place, and she didn't have any relatives by her side!) )

On that day, I told Xiaoying: Let her be free, take a needle and thread to sew the bottom of my pants into it, I don't want that pants, I gave them to her, because I still have several pairs of pants at home.

Later, my relationship with Xiaoying also got better and better, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for winter vacation, and we both went home for vacation.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

However, when Xiaoying came to school again after the winter vacation started, I was stunned for a moment, because Xiaoying's hands and face were frozen and rotten, and Xiaoying looked like she had lost a lot of weight.

After seeing this, my heart is also strange: because of the Spring Festival, there will be a holiday, we all eat delicious food after we go home, after the start of school, everyone has gained a few pounds, why does Xiaoying look thin again?

Later, after getting to know me, I learned that after Xiaoying came home from winter vacation, her stepmother kept asking her to do all kinds of housework, so cold days, let Xiaoying wash clothes and vegetables in cold water. (The stepmother was mainly to save coal for hot water.) )

Seeing Xiaoying so pitiful, I often take care of her in my life, and sometimes on Sundays, I will take Xiaoying to my house for dinner. (Because every time I go home, my mother will make me something to eat, and the dumplings my mother makes are delicious, and Xiaoying can eat two bowls every time.) )

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

As time went on, it was time for the summer holidays.

I remember that on the day of the summer vacation, I started to organize all kinds of things in the classroom and dormitory, because I had to take my bedding home and wash it because I needed to take it home for two months.

When I was tidying up the bedding in the bedroom, I found Xiaoying sitting on the top bunk in a daze, she didn't say a word, silently watching us sort out our luggage.

"Xiaoying, hurry up and tidy up your futon." I kindly reminded her.

"Okay." Xiaoying whispered two words.

I thought Xiaoying had started to tidy up the futon, but, to my surprise: Xiaoying was lying on the bed, she covered her head with a pillow, and began to cry quietly.

After seeing this, I was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly went to comfort Xiaoying: What's wrong?

"I had nowhere to go during the two-month vacation, because when I came home from the winter vacation, no matter how good I was, my father and stepmother always looked at me unpleasantly. Especially my stepmother, she said that I look like my real mother, she doesn't want to see me at a glance, and my father doesn't like me either, because my stepmother gave birth to a son for him, I usually don't come home for a week, go to your house to play, and my father never asks me once.

My dearest person now is my aunt, but my aunt has paid a lot for me to go to school, and she lives in a foreign country, and her home is very small, so if I go to my aunt's house, I won't be able to live at all. Usually when I write letters to my aunt, I also lie to her that my stepmother and father are very good to me, mainly because I don't want my aunt to worry about me.

Last Sunday afternoon, I thought about taking advantage of the summer vacation to find a job as a temporary worker, but they didn't want me, saying that I was too short to do the work and not old enough. When Xiaoying said this, she began to cry again.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

Seeing Xiaoying crying out of breath, I thought at the time: If the summer vacation is two months off, the dormitory will definitely lock the door, if Xiaoying goes home, her stepmother is estimated to make it difficult for Xiaoying, it is better to let her go to my house! I'm bored at home alone anyway.

So that day, I discussed with Xiaoying: let her go to my house to live.

Xiaoying was embarrassed to go to my house at first, she always felt that it was a trouble for my family, but under my repeated persuasion, Xiaoying began to pack up the bedding and go home with me.

That day, my mother saw that I came back with Xiaoying, she was a little surprised at first, when I carefully explained the reason to my mother, my mother took Xiaoying's hand and said: "Girl, Yunhui's home will be your home in the future, we welcome you to live in my home at any time, and when you come back with Yunhui during the New Year's holidays in the future, your aunt will cook all kinds of delicious food for you." ”

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

From that day on, Xiaoying stayed in my house, and the two of us ate and studied together.

Sometimes Xiaoying wanted to help my family do some housework, but her mother stopped her: "Girl, you usually do housework in your own home, all kinds of housework as long as you learn to do it, and after you get married, you will have time to do housework." Now is the time for you to study hard, you don't have to do housework, your time is also precious now, try to use all your time to study, and you can get a good score in the future, which is better than anything else. ”

After Xiaoying heard these words, her eyes moistened all of a sudden: because in her family, her father and stepmother had never said such things, and they only thought that Xiaoying had little work.

Therefore, in the two months of summer vacation, Xiaoying and I hardly went out to play, and the two of us studied in the house without sleeping or eating.

It was also from that year onwards, every time there was a holiday for the New Year, Xiaoying would come to my home, and the two of us would discuss and learn together, encourage each other, and make progress together. (As long as my mother buys me new clothes, she will buy one for Xiaoying.) )

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was the third year of high school, and Xiaoying and I were both admitted to college. It's just that I was admitted to a university in the south, and Xiaoying was admitted to a university in the north. (My aunt lives in the north, and she has been supporting Xiaoying to finish high school, and Xiaoying was admitted to the city where my aunt lives, mainly because she wants to work in the future, and she will also be in that city, and when she is old, it will be easier to take care of her aunt.) )

Later, after I graduated from university, I returned to work locally, and Xiaoying stayed in the field, and every time I came back to see us during the New Year's holidays, Xiaoying would always come back to see us, and every time she came back, she would buy all kinds of gifts in large bags.

My family always tells Xiaoying: you have just joined the work, even if you eat a meal in the field, it costs money, we have food and drink at home, don't worry, if you want to come back, you come back empty-handed, let's just sit together and talk.

"Auntie, now that I have made a lot of money, I have money in my hands, if I don't buy you some gifts, my heart will not go." Xiaoying always said with a smile.

A few years ago, when my mother was sick and hospitalized, Xiaoying didn't know how to know about it, and she immediately transferred 6,000 yuan to me. (I have money in my hands, and I don't take Xiaoying's money.) )

When Xiaoying saw that I didn't charge money, she immediately took the train back from out of town and sent 6,000 yuan to the hospital.

My mother died that year, and I asked my table mate to stay at my house for two months, and now she often comes to my house

"Yunhui, my aunt is sick, if you don't collect this money, my heart will be unhappy, your family helped me back then, and now I will earn money, so I will help you in turn." Xiaoying saw that there was nothing wrong with my mother, so she hurriedly put down the six thousand yuan and left.

Over the years, Xiaoying's father and stepmother have also grown older, and Xiaoying also wants to open up, every time she comes to my house, she will buy some gifts to see her father and stepmother: my father raised me since I was a child, and now I go to see him, which is also what I should do; Although my stepmother treated me badly in those years, she is now by my father's side, which has reduced my burden a lot, and I can work in other places with peace of mind, so I should buy her some delicious food.

Since Xiaoying joined the work, her stepmother and father have been very kind to her, and every time Xiaoying comes back, they are warm and welcoming, bringing out the best things in the family to entertain Xiaoying.

However, Xiaoying never stayed at home for an extra day, every time she came back, she would always stay in my house, and we had endless words to talk to as a family, and the two of us were like sisters.

Those who love love to return, and those who are blessed come to the past, only by paying sincerely, will they reap happiness! May each of us have a grateful heart and meet grateful people! #长文创作激励计划#