
The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

author:More than 30,000 years.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

My name is Wang Lihua, I am 48 years old, single, and I work in a public institution. All these years, I have lived alone, living a calm and regular life. My parents live in my hometown, and my body is quite strong, and we occasionally talk on the phone on weekdays, greet each other, and life is okay.

I chose to be single because I experienced a failed marriage when I was younger. My ex-husband was a grumpy man, and after getting married, he often punched and kicked me over some small things. That marriage was like a nightmare, and I completely lost faith in love and marriage. Eventually, I mustered up the courage to end the marriage and come to the city alone to start a new life.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

Over the years, I haven't met the right person, but whenever I think of marriage, I think of my ex-husband's hideous face and the days when I was beaten and bruised. I was scared, I didn't dare to touch the marriage again, I was afraid of being hurt again.

My parents didn't understand my choice at first, and they hoped that I could find another one, after all, "it's too lonely to live alone". In order to convince me, they even asked someone to introduce me to someone, but I always refused for various reasons.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

Gradually, my parents stopped pushing me. They know that there is always a hurdle in my heart that I can't overcome.

A peaceful life, but it was shattered by a phone call.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

That day, I was working overtime at my unit when I suddenly received a call from my younger brother. My brother's voice sounded anxious, and he told me that his sister-in-law had died of a sudden illness, leaving behind his 8-year-old nephew.

When I heard the news, I felt like the world was spinning. My poor nephew lost his mother before he could feel his mother's love. I endured my grief, comforted my brother, and asked him to mourn and change, and if there was anything he needed to help, just ask.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

After dealing with my brother-in-law's funeral, my brother called me and said that he wanted to send his nephew to me.

"Sister, I know this is a bit difficult for you, but I really can't help it. The factory is not doing well, I was laid off, and I still haven't found a job. The child is still young, and I can't take care of it alone. The younger brother's voice was full of helplessness and pleading.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

I hesitated. Although I sympathize with my nephew's plight and feel sorry for my brother's plight, I am used to living alone, and I am really not confident that I am suddenly asked to take care of a child.

"But...... I've never taken care of a child, and I'm afraid I won't be able to do it well. I said with some embarrassment.

The 48-year-old woman has been living alone for many years and doesn't want to look for it again, and her parents let me raise my nephew and don't want to break up

"Sister, I know what you're worried about. The child is very sensible and will not cause you trouble. You should take it as a help for me, and after a while I find a job and settle down, I will take the child back. The younger brother pleaded bitterly.

I relented and finally agreed to my brother's request.

After my nephew came to me, I tried to play the role of a good "good aunt". I bought him new clothes, cooked him meals he liked, and took him to the playground. The nephew is very well-behaved and sensible, and he quickly adapted to life here, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.


My parents were very happy when they learned that I had taken my nephew with me, and they came from their hometown to help me take care of the child.

At first, I was happy and thought that my parents were here to help me, but gradually I realized that it was not that simple.

When my parents came, they started dictating my life. They thought I couldn't cook, and the food I cooked was not to the child's taste. They thought I couldn't educate my children, and said I doted on them too much; They even advertised that they wanted to introduce me to someone, saying that I was old and it was time to find a partner, and that children couldn't live without their fathers.

I felt like a puppet, manipulated by my parents. I tried to explain, I tried to fight for my life, but in exchange for the accusations and accusations from my parents.

"Lihua, we're all here for your good. Look at how old you are now, you are not married, you are lonely, what will you do when you are old? The child is the root of our family, you raise him, and he will have a person to rely on when he is old. My mother persuaded me bitterly.

"Mom, I've decided, I don't want to get married, I just want to live alone. I'll take good care of the child, so you don't have to worry about it. I said firmly.

"You...... Why are you so stubborn? How can we hurt you? Father said angrily.

I didn't want to quarrel with my parents anymore, so I kept silent.

My silence was seen by my parents as acquiescence. They began to interfere in my life more brazenly, and even instilled in my nephew the idea of "looking for a father" behind my back.

My nephew was still young and didn't understand the minds of adults, so he asked me, "Auntie, why don't I have a father?" Other children have fathers. ”

I could only tell him with a smile: "Because Dad went to work far away, and when he is done, he will come back to see you." ”

I don't want my child to be exposed to the cruelty of the adult world too early, I want to give him a happy childhood.

What my parents did made me feel more and more chilled. I realized that they didn't really care about me, they just wanted to control me and organize my life the way they wanted me.

I finally couldn't take it anymore and I decided to have a showdown with my parents.

"Dad, Mom, I know you are all for my good, but I have grown up, I have my own ideas, and my life should be my own decision. I don't want to get married, I don't want to look for any more, I just want to live quietly alone. I will raise the child well, but please don't interfere in my life anymore. I said calmly.

"You...... Are you trying to us off? The mother trembled with anger.

"Lihua, how can you talk to your parents like that? We worked hard to raise you, and you repay us like this? My father was furious.

"Mom, Dad, I know you're going to be angry if I do this, but I really don't want to go on like this. I'm tired, I'm really tired. As I spoke, tears streaming down my face.

When my parents saw me crying, they relented. They were silent for a long time, but finally compromised.

"Alright, Lihua, we respect your choice. However, you have to send the child back, and our old couple will help you bring it. Mother said.

I shook my head resolutely: "No, the child is my responsibility, I will raise him as an adult." ”

Eventually, my parents returned to their hometown. Before leaving, my mother took my hand and said earnestly: "Lihua, Mom doesn't ask you for anything else, just ask you not to regret it in the future." ”

I looked at the back of my parents leaving, and my heart was mixed. I knew that there was an unbridgeable gap between me and my parents.

I sat alone in an empty room, looking at my sleeping nephew, feeling confused and helpless. I don't know if my choice is right or wrong, but I know that my life is only up to me.

I took a deep breath and told myself that no matter what the future holds, I was going to go strong. For myself, and for my poor nephew.

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