
I've been a technician for half my life, and I still don't understand? There is no hard relationship, you are still a worker when you are old

author:Drifting pony Vlog

Did you find it? Many people have done a lifetime, turning, milling, pliers, grinding, boring, planing, electrician. I'm going to retire at the age of 60, and I'm still a worker!

is still an "old worker" with an occupational disease. This does sound a bit heart-wrenching, but I have to admit that this is a true portrayal of reality.

I've been a technician for half my life, and I still don't understand? There is no hard relationship, you are still a worker when you are old

Old turner

It's not that your skills are not up to par, it's that you haven't fully understood the "rules of the game" in this society!

In this highly competitive society, technology is important, but it is not enough to rely on technology alone.

In many cases, relationships and connections are the key factors that determine whether a person can thrive.

Think back to your side, are there many workers who are not very skilled and have already sat in the position of section chief and supervisor?

These people may not be as skilled as you, but they know how to use their human experience to win more opportunities for themselves.

They understand that in the workplace, they must not only have a solid technical foundation, but also know how to be kind to others and establish good interpersonal relationships.

I've been a technician for half my life, and I still don't understand? There is no hard relationship, you are still a worker when you are old

They know how to maintain good communication with colleagues and superiors, and how to help others at critical moments, so as to win the trust and support of others.

Such people tend to be able to get promotions and salary increases more quickly in the workplace.

And those who focus only on technology, while excelling at work, are often overlooked and undervalued.

They may miss out on many opportunities due to their lack of communication skills and may even suffer unfair treatment in the workplace.

This doesn't mean that their skills are bad, but that they haven't learned how to use their human feelings in the workplace to get more benefits for themselves.

Therefore, if you want to succeed in the job, you must not only constantly improve your technical skills, but also know how to get along with people and establish good interpersonal relationships.

Learn to observe and understand the needs of others, offer help and support, and build mutual trust and cooperation with others.

I've been a technician for half my life, and I still don't understand? There is no hard relationship, you are still a worker when you are old

Only in this way can you be comfortable in your work and achieve better development and achievement.

Therefore, don't just be satisfied with being a skilled old worker, have the courage to expand your personal network, and learn to use your personal feelings to fight for more opportunities for yourself.

Remember, technology is the foundation of who you are, but connections and connections are the key to your thriving!