
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

author:Xiao Nian chats about entertainment

Recently, Wei Dongyi, the "Wei Shen" of Peking University, suddenly appeared in the video of a certain woman, and only after asking did he know that it was Wei Shen's cousin, who came to Beijing in person and took her children to visit Peking University, the highest university, so that her children could feel the cultural atmosphere of Peking University as soon as possible.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

Subsequently, my cousin invited Wei Shen to come out to eat together, and I have to say that Wei Shen was really simple, and he came out to eat in the restaurant with his cousin, still dragging the three big steamed buns brought from the school cafeteria in his hands.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

With three plain white steamed buns, Wei Shen sat on the table, although they were cousins, there were not many words between the two, as always, Wei Shen's personality was still very introverted.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

In fact, big steamed buns have become the same as mineral water, Wei Shen will appear everywhere, the school canteen meal, is also steamed bread-based, mineral water in hand at any time, the same is true for lectures in class, walking on campus, you can often see steamed buns next to you.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

What's more, Wei Shen often wears shabby clothes, if you want to say that you don't have money, it is naturally impossible, after all, Wei Shen's mathematical talent is enough for him to participate in most math competitions and win prizes.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

Some time ago, Wei Shen participated in the first Ali number competition, which was very popular, and easily won the gold medal of the competition, with a prize of up to 30,000 US dollars.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

Wei Shen has participated in a lot of mathematics competitions, and he basically has the strength and level to win awards, and he is still in school, and he makes a lot of money, but he only has mathematics in his heart, so Wei Shen donated all the 16 million on his body and devoted himself to mathematical research.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

This is a real mathematical genius who treats money like dung and has no distractions!

Speaking of this dinner, Wei Shen seems to really like to eat light things, maybe he is used to eating steamed buns and white porridge on weekdays, so at the dinner table, if he eats spicy things, he has to pass through the water before eating.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

Subsequently, in the comment area, my cousin also replied to many questions from netizens, among them, one of them was that netizens asked my cousin to persuade Wei Dongyi. He was told not to wear that shabby dress anymore, and his cousin agreed to buy him a new one.

Subsequently, netizens asked Wei Dongyi about his feelings, after all, Wei Dongyi is not young, although he is not yet old enough to get married, but he can also find a partner.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner! Bring 3 steamed buns to the banquet, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and the emotional status is exposed

However, after being asked by netizens, what he got was a negative answer, Wei Dongyi's cousin said that Wei Dongyi had no object.

In fact, it's normal, Wei Dongyi's whole body and mind are on mathematics, he doesn't have time at all, he probably hasn't thought about it, he can only say that he is a genius in mathematics!

What do you think about this?


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