
Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

author:Life shop

In the hearts of flower friends, the rhododendron always seems to have a hint of mystery and coldness, although its delicate flowers are desirable, but the difficulty of maintenance also makes many gardening masters shy away. However, the truth is not so absolute, as long as you master a few key skills, even a "delicate lady" like Du Juan can shine under your care.

1. Environmental adaptation

Although the cuckoo is beautiful, it is also sensitive and particularly picky about environmental changes. The rhododendron bought in the market often undergoes a drastic environmental change from the greenhouse to the home, and it is not easy to make a smooth transition. The east-facing windows not only ensure soft sunlight in the early morning, but also provide enough scattered light for the azaleas to slowly adapt to their new home and thrive in a comfortable lighting environment.

Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

2. Water and fertilizer management

Watering: Rhododendron likes moisture but is afraid of standing water, and its drought-tolerant and water-tolerant characteristics do not mean that it can be watered at will. The correct way to do this is to use tap water that has been exposed to the sun for a few days, which will reduce the chlorine in the water and make it easier for plants to absorb. When watering, pay attention to keep the potting soil slightly moist, and never let the roots soak for a long time. In the summer high temperature season, increase the frequency of water spraying appropriately to increase air humidity and avoid leaf drying.

Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

Fertilization: Rhododendron is sensitive to soil pH and prefers acidic environments. Therefore, the diluted potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ferrous sulfate solution (about 5 parts per thousand) applied once a month can not only supplement nutrients, but also effectively regulate soil pH and promote root health. In particular, it is recommended to use ferrous sulfate once every half month in areas where the water is alkaline to maintain a suitable acid-base balance of the soil.

Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

3. Pruning and soil change

Post-flowering pruning: Proper pruning and binding after flowering each year to remove withered flowers and diseased branches is not only conducive to aesthetic appearance, but also stimulates the growth of new shoots and lays the foundation for the next year's blooming.

Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

Change the soil regularly: Change the soil about once a year, and choose acidic soil rich in humus and good drainage, so as to provide a new growth environment for the rhododendrons and avoid soil compaction and nutrient depletion.

Speaking of azaleas, masters don't dare to raise them, so do "3 points", anyone can raise them well!

To sum up, although rhododendron maintenance has its own special features, as long as you grasp the three key points of environmental adaptation, water and fertilizer management and annual care, even beginners can easily control it, so that your rhododendron can not only survive, but also bloom every year.

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