
Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (726)

author:Miss Li

1. People are the most critical factor in career development.

2. It is the value of talent work to provide a broader world for talents to play a role and display their talents.

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (726)

3. People's livelihood is great, and the foothold is in a "real" word. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, clothing, food, housing, transportation, and things in daily life are all really concrete.

4. There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and the subtleties are more effective and effective. Urban renewal, multi-faceted, wide-ranging, and large-scale, tests the temperature of serving the people.

5. "Urban construction must put people's livability and security in the first place, and leave the best resources to the people." Walking in the streets and alleys of Beijing, I deeply understood this entrustment, and a warm current rose in my heart, and I added strength to my feet.

6. Young people gather because of the city, and the city thrives because of the youth.

7. Cities are more youth-friendly, and young people are more productive in cities.

8. Young people are at a critical stage of their growth and are facing some difficulties and pressures, and need more care and care.

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (726)

9. Youth is brilliant by tempering, and life is sublimated by struggle.

10. To build a youth development city is not to build a "greenhouse" for young people, but to set up "gas stations" for young people who are running hard and bravely pursuing their dreams, so that they can solve problems, promote development, and make contributions in a better state, and go further on the road of contributing to the country and serving the people.

11. Contemporary youth are born at the right time and have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

12. Culture is the soul of a country and a nation.

13. The flag guides the direction, and the mind gathers strength.

14. When the summer solstice arrives, it is the height of summer. During the summer solstice, the Northern Hemisphere has the longest hours of sunshine, when yang energy reaches its peak and everything grows and flourishes.

15. From the summer solstice, the days get shorter and the nights get longer. Unconsciously, the season will shift from the hot summer when all things grow, to the autumn when all things are hidden.

16. Animation accompanies children and adolescents as they grow up and is a window into the world.

———— from People's Daily 2024.06.21

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (726)

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