
Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

author:Dalian Longwei Xingtu Automobile

Recently, the "400,000-level ultra-comfortable electric hybrid flagship SUV" Xingtu Yaoguang C-DM has successfully "fired out of the circle" by virtue of its excellent performance in high-altitude areas, and has become the focus of heated discussions in the automotive industry, and the topic of "the first high-altitude plateau challenge of high-end hybrid SUV" is rapidly fissioning. As a high-end hybrid new energy model, Yaoguang C-DM lives up to expectations, in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the environment is extremely harsh, in the face of the plateau with a maximum altitude of 5,300 meters, it not only underwent a severe test, but also subverted the traditional cognition with a measured range of 1,227 kilometers, and triggered countless people inside and outside the industry to discuss "whether new energy vehicles are feasible on the plateau".

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

Break the forbidden area of new energy use, Yaoguang C-DM challenges the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with a tank of oil

In fact, it is not uncommon to have plateau challenges in the automotive industry, especially in today's era when consumers are becoming more and more knowledgeable about the automotive industry and more and more insightful, ordinary plateau challenges have long been unable to make users feel novel, but why can the plateau challenge of Yaoguang C-DM get such a high degree of attention? The answer lies in the three words "new energy". For a long time, driving in plateau areas is often accompanied by harsh environments such as high cold and low oxygen, and even the performance and reliability of traditional fuel vehicles here will be greatly reduced. In addition, this time, Yaoguang C-DM not only dared to challenge on the "plateau", but also added many difficulties in the test process in order to ensure a more realistic presentation of the test results.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

First of all, the traditional challenge of the plateau is at most at an altitude of 1 or 2 kilometers above sea level, and at the same time ensure that the drop does not exceed 100 meters as much as possible. And like this time, there are even fewer people who drive directly to Mount Everest in Yaoguang C-DM. Secondly, since it is a challenge with endurance as the test benchmark, it should be mainly based on gentle routes, but this challenge chose the famous Nyingchi - Lhasa - Shigatse - Mount Everest 108 turn - Zhangmu port route.

Not only that, this plateau challenge also chose a super Yaoguang C-DM twice the price of Lexus RX350h to compete on the same stage, you must know that Lexus has more than 20 years of experience in the field of gasoline-electric hybrid technology, this RX350h is equipped with a hybrid special A25B 2.5L self-priming engine, the fourth-generation THS front axle dual-motor module and other configurations have also been well recognized by the market with years of technical maturity. However, as early as the beginning of the listing of Yaoguang C-DM, the Xingtu brand played the concept of "luxury equality", Yaoguang C-DM is based on the industry-leading M3X super-hybrid platform and the new "fourth-generation global hybrid" technology, and strives to create a value of 400,000 at a price of 200,000 yuan.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

At a high altitude of 4,000 meters, Yaoguang C-DM staged "savage madness"

As we all know, the plateau challenge project is often the "reserved track" of car companies, especially for hybrid models, on the one hand, the engine has a low oxygen content due to the thin plateau air, insufficient air intake, and reduced power conversion efficiency, resulting in power attenuation; On the other hand, low temperature will greatly affect the battery activity. The plateau challenge of Yaoguang C-DM starts from Nyingchi at an altitude of 3,100 meters and heads towards the "Everest 108 Turns" at an altitude of 5,200 meters.

Let's briefly talk about what it means to be at an altitude of 5,000 meters, and according to the data that the oxygen content decreases by 0.16% for every 100 meters of altitude gain, the oxygen content in the air drops by 11.10% when the altitude reaches 5,000 meters. In this case, due to the reduction of oxygen intake in the engine cylinder, it will lead to insufficient combustion of the car, so the energy provided by the engine will be attenuated, and the performance will be greatly reduced.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

In addition, this challenge continues to increase the height of "5000 meters". I believe that the audience who has watched the Yaoguang C-DM live broadcast is definitely no stranger to the "108 turn", this mountain road was officially opened to traffic in 2015, because its end point is the base camp of Mount Everest at the foot of Mount Everest, so it is also called "Everest Highway" or "Sky Ladder" by many people. This route is full of dangers, the road is not only narrow with many curves, but also has undulating slopes, so it is often necessary to use "big throttle" and "heavy brake", which is not only a big test for the energy consumption of the vehicle, but also a series of comprehensive considerations such as body chassis and performance.

However, there is one thing to say, although the Everest Highway is tortuous, but the scenery is absolutely world-class, after crossing the 5210 meters above sea level "Gaula Mountain Pass" to arrive at the Snow Mountain Observation Deck, you can look at the Himalayas on the four Mount Everest, Lhotse, Makalu and Zhuo Oyu Peak with an altitude of more than 8000 meters, when the sunset afterglow sprinkled on the Yaoguang C-DM, it is really a visually shocking enjoyment.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

In the high-end hybrid car showdown between China and Japan, Yaoguang C-DM showed its strength

After talking about the difficulties and highlights of this plateau challenge, let's return to the challenge itself. Carrying out endurance tests at an altitude of 4 or 5 kilometers is a severe challenge for any car and form of power, and the excellence of the engine may not be so obvious in the plains, but the slightest advantage in the plateau will be infinitely magnified. As a fourth-generation "global hybrid" technology developed based on the M3X super-hybrid platform, the Yaoguang C-DM still exerts the high economy of its hybrid models even in a low-oxygen environment.

Continuous winding curves, especially on challenging sections such as Turn 108, often require a high level of concentration, and the performance of the vehicle is even more important at this time. As a high-performance hybrid SUV, the Yaoguang C-DM can effectively reduce body roll and ensure vehicle stability during continuous cornering with its excellent tuning of China's top ten chassis "Flying Fish Chassis" and CDC electromagnetic suspension system. At the same time, the efficient damping performance absorbs bumps in the road, providing the driver with a smoother and more comfortable driving experience, and also increasing confidence in difficult corners.

I believe that those who have driven a car know that when you see continuous curves, your body will instinctively tense up and adrenaline will continue to surge. When the vehicle comes to the steep "108 turns", the high-speed cornering, the radical splitting of the corner, and the sound of tire friction one after another are endless, and the Yaoguang C-DM also uses efficient shock absorption and support to give the driver the confidence to be calm and unhurried, and the dynamic performance is good under aggressive driving.

In comparison, the Lexus RX350h performs in this section of the line in a decent way, and due to its focus on comfort, this tuning may be good in terms of comfort in the city section, but it is definitely not its home field in the "108 turns". At the same time, because the power battery used in the RX350h is a nickel-metal hydride battery, the energy density is lower than that of the CATL M3P battery of Yaoguang C-DM, which not only has high fuel consumption throughout the whole process, but also the battery is seriously attenuated.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

It can be said that in this event, Yaoguang C-DM and Lexus RX350h competed in the same field, not only did there not appear a "big fight" crushing scene, but even Yaoguang C-DM was better in some fields, which is not a complete surprise, and it can be seen that the progress of independent brands in recent years is indeed very great.

However, since it is a battery life challenge, it is still necessary to be able to speak for itself. On the plateau with an average altitude of 4,000 meters, the maximum drop of more than 3,000 meters is more than 3,000 meters, and the measured endurance of the Yaoguang C-DM reaches 1,227km. Through the large-scale test results of the professional automotive vertical platform, it can be seen that the gap between the calibrated range and the actual range of many hybrid models in this plateau environment is still obvious, and it can even be said that the range can reach 80% is already a rare and excellent product, such as the Lexus RX350h, the range score is 871km, and this result further reflects how valuable the endurance performance of Yaoguang C-DM is.

Yaoguang C-DM plateau range measurement, a new milestone of 1227km high-end hybrid SUV

Write at the end

An "ingenious" plateau challenge shows the excellent product strength of Yaoguang C-DM to the fullest, which may be the best way to praise the Xingtu brand that builds good cars with heart. Since the release of the M3X superhybrid platform in December last year, Yaoguang C-DM has undergone countless hellish training, from the 10,000-person public test challenge in December to the 1300km north-south double-line long-range challenge in January (the endurance of minus 30 degrees on the northern line can still reach 1200.1km, and the limit of a tank of oil on the southern line can reach 1418.2km in 19.5 hours). Then to the 6.6kW external discharge challenge in February, Yaoguang C-DM reached its own limit again and again.

Of course, the "real play" of the media this time is commendable, perhaps after the Yaoguang C-DM plateau challenge, the traditional "singing hall" style model will be completely changed, which is definitely good news for consumers. Finally, we also look forward to Xingtu being able to carry the banner of its own brand in the future, as the "vanguard of the automobile industry", to comprehensively lead the comprehensive development of Chinese automobiles, and to bloom China's style at the "top of the world".