
Analysis of Psychology Majors in the UK

author:Xiaoqi study abroad service

Recently, many treasures have consulted psychology majors in the UK, and today I will help you take stock of dry information about the foundation of psychology majors~

Analysis of Psychology Majors in the UK

The psychology profession in the UK focuses on the combination of theory and practice, and is widely recognized worldwide.

There are two main types of psychology majors offered in the UK:

1️⃣ Basic Psychology

For example, things like neuroscience, psychological research, cognitive psychology.

2️⃣ Applied Psychology

Generally, it is an interdisciplinary discipline with psychology, such as educational psychology, social psychology, business psychology, and clinical psychology.

For students who want to intermajor

Analysis of Psychology Majors in the UK

Most schools require a bachelor's degree in psychology to have a certain foundation in psychology before applying.

针对本科非心理学背景的学生,英国也有部分学校的心理学专业针对所有背景的学生开放,像:伦敦大学学院 Psychology of Education MSc,爱丁堡大学 Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) MSc,布里斯托大学 MSc Psychology of Education BPS,格拉斯哥大学 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE (CONVERSION) MSc,谢菲尔德大学 MSc Psychology and Education (Conversion),诺丁汉大学 Psychology (Conversion) MSc

Psychology Career Prospects

Analysis of Psychology Majors in the UK

There are generally two types of employment destinations for psychology students: doing academics and entering enterprises.

✅ After graduation, you can consider becoming a teacher in a university or entering a research institute or research institute of psychology.

✅ into the enterprise

1️⃣ Nowadays, with the acceleration of the pace of life, people's stress and psychological problems are also increasing, and the demand and consumption investment in psychological counseling are also increasing, especially in first-tier cities. In addition, it should be mentioned that like some universities, especially international schools, state-owned enterprises generally have psychological counseling positions, of course, psychological counseling is not equal to psychological treatment, and when there are serious psychological problems, you need to go to a clinician;

2️⃣ You can also consider the direction of going to a large enterprise to engage in human resources-related positions, such as a company with a system like Qingzhu, when recruiting HR-related positions in the early stage, candidates with psychology-related backgrounds will be given priority;

3️⃣ There are also more choices for Internet user experience and operation related positions, such as product operation, user operation, product manager;

4️⃣ There are also some students who work in management consulting or human resources consulting in consulting companies after graduation.

If you are interested in psychology and want to achieve in-depth career development and academic results in the field of psychology, then the UK is a very good choice~

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