
Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

author:Rice fat science

In the daily life of work and life, many people are keen to drink coffee, and they drink 1~2 cups almost every day. On the one hand, because of its special coffee aroma, on the other hand, it brings a refreshing effect, drinking it has become a habit of life; Similarly, most people who like to drink tea every day also like the unique fragrance of tea, and the tea polyphenols and other substances contained in tea have a positive effect on health.

More and more studies have confirmed that drinking tea and coffee daily does have many health benefits. So who is younger than a regular tea drinker or a regular coffee drinker? Who has more health advantages? The answer is unexpected!

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

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People who drink tea regularly vs. those who drink coffee regularly

Who is younger?

In 2024, researchers from Peking Union Medical College published a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology that found that regular coffee drinkers were able to effectively reduce the risk of facial skin aging.

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

Screenshot of the study

The study included more than 16,000 participants, most of whom were between the ages of 45~65, and collected data on their facial skin aging. The study comprehensively analyzed the causal relationship between the consumption of four beverages: tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, and sugary drinks, and facial skin aging.

The study found that out of the 4 beverages, only coffee was effective in reducing the risk of facial skin aging, and coffee intake reduced the probability of facial aging by 15%. None of the remaining 3 beverages showed a clear association with facial skin aging. In other words, regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of aging facial skin and look younger.

In fact, as early as 2014, a similar study was published in the International Journal of Dermatology and found that coffee intake can effectively protect human skin from photoaging and reduce pigmentation. Researchers speculate that the reason for the beauty of coffee lies in the polyphenols such as chlorogenic acid contained in it.

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

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Love coffee

And the people who love tea have earned it

So after talking for a long time, is it better to drink tea or coffee? Are the benefits of drinking coffee more than tea? Not really, more and more studies have found that people who like both coffee and tea have the greatest health benefits!


People who drink both coffee and tea have a lower risk of stroke and dementia

In 2021, a team of researchers from Tianjin Medical University published a study in PLOS Medicine found that drinking both coffee and tea can reduce the risk of dementia and stroke, and that it is better to drink both tea and coffee.

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

Screenshot of the study

The study included more than 360,000 participants, all aged between 50~74 years. The analysis found that people who drank 2~3 cups of coffee or 3~5 cups of tea per day, or a combination of 4~6 cups of coffee and tea had the lowest incidence of stroke or dementia.

People who drank 2~3 cups of coffee and 2~3 cups of tea per day had a 32% lower risk of stroke and a 28% lower risk of dementia compared to those who did not drink coffee and tea. The combination of coffee and tea effectively reduces the risk of dementia after stroke, and drinking 3~6 cups of coffee and tea per day has the lowest risk of developing dementia after stroke.

Researchers believe that coffee is the main source of caffeine and contains phenols as well as other bioactive compounds with potentially beneficial health effects. Similarly, tea contains caffeine, catechins, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which have neuroprotective effects such as antioxidant stress, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of β amyloid aggregation, and anti-apoptosis. The combined protective effect of these two beverages may be related to the underlying mechanism of reducing the risk of stroke and dementia.


People who drink both coffee and tea have a low risk of dying from diabetes

In 2020, Japanese researchers published a study in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, which found that drinking both green tea and coffee every day may help people with diabetes live longer and better lives. Diabetics who drank more than 4 cups of green tea and more than 2 cups of coffee per day had a 63% lower risk of death over 5 years.

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

Screenshot of the study

The study included 4923 patients with diabetes and had a median follow-up of 5.3 years. The study found that people who drank green tea or coffee had a lower all-cause mortality rate compared to those who did not drink green tea and coffee, while those who drank both beverages had the lowest all-cause mortality.

According to the researchers, this is related to the fact that green tea contains many beneficial substances such as phenolic compounds, theanine and caffeine. Among them, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most common tea polyphenol component, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic properties. In addition, coffee also contains phenolic compounds and a variety of bioactive components such as caffeine, such as chlorogenic acid, which has a health impact through various mechanisms such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Who is younger when people who drink tea regularly VS people who drink coffee regularly? The answer was unexpected

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Healthy tea and coffee

Remember 3 points

Seeing that people who love tea or love coffee here, there is no need to quarrel anymore, and the combination of "coffee + tea" is the right solution. However, if you want to drink tea and coffee healthily, remember 3 points:


Tea/coffee is good, but consumed in moderation

Although drinking both tea and coffee may reduce the risk of certain diseases to some extent, it is important to know that overall caffeine intake increases when both are consumed. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone drink it in moderation. According to previous research recommendations, it is advisable to consume 210~400 mg of caffeine per day, so 1~3 cups of coffee per day is enough. Adults drink about 12 grams of tea a day, and it is advisable to brew it 3~4 times.


Tea/coffee is good, try to drink it in the morning

Caffeine is in the human body and takes about 8~10 hours to be completely metabolized, so it is recommended not to drink coffee at night, it will affect the quality of sleep, and it is best to drink it before 3 pm. For people who do not sleep well, it is more recommended to drink it in the morning to avoid affecting the quality of sleep at night.


Although tea/coffee is good, pay attention to sugar control

Although coffee and tea are better to drink, it is necessary to pay attention to the "tea" here, not milk tea, fruit tea, but self-brewed tea (green tea, black tea, oolong tea, etc.); It is also recommended to use a black Americano or latte with as little sugar as possible. Try not to choose milk tea, fruit tea, and coffee with a lot of sugar, as well as coffee with a lot of syrup. Excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity and increase the risk of many chronic diseases.

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