
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper

author:Hulunbuir Cultural Tourism
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper

When I heard the name "Will Leave", I felt a wave in my heart. Jiangli is another name for peony, which has the meaning of mutual love and reluctance. In Baihuaquan Village, Sanchahe Town, Arong Banner, the treasure peony garden is stacked with brocade and show, and thousands of flowers compete for beauty. They are a little more wild than the southern peony, a few more layers of petals than the ordinary peony, and they show their face around the summer solstice every year, becoming the preferred tourist check-in place in Arong Banner.

This year, the owner of the flowers is even bolder, and even decided to cut the flowers at the beginning of the bud to keep them fresh, and then exported them to Yunnan, because the peony there has long been out of season, and the peony in the cold land is the peony.

Will leave the United States, the beauty is well deserved, in order to witness this grand scene, even if it is a long journey, there is no regret.

Yu Xuemei/Text: Zhao Xiaodan Photography/Video Recording

The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper
The flowers are blooming just right, and each one is a wallpaper


Source: Arong Qirong Media Center

Editors: Song Shuyuan, Zhu Yinyu

Supervisor: Liu Henan

Please indicate the source of the WeChat public account of Hulunbuir Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television


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