
The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

author:Carved liver

In other words, CCTV's eight sets have been really powerful recently, and the wonderful TV series are one after another, and I can't finish watching them at all.

Not long ago, the urban emotional drama "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei, Lin Gengxin and others really made the audience "feast their eyes", especially the pool scene in the play.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Liu Yifei's figure is perfectly presented in front of the audience, and there is meat where there should be flesh where it should be thin and thin, which really makes the audience have a "good eye", and the beauty is incomprehensible.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Now that "The Story of Rose" has ended, who would have guessed that Yang Ba would immediately arrange a new work "Executive Judge".

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Looking at the cast, good guys, Luo Jin starring, in addition, there are Lin Jiachuan, Dong Xuan, Sarina, Ding Jiali, Yin Xiaotian and many other powerful actors in the play, is it another popular drama?

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

On June 27th, this TV series landed on CCTV's eight sets of golden strong files, but it has only been broadcast for five episodes, and it was swiped by the audience's one-star evaluation, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Most of the reasons for the bad reviews given by netizens pointed the finger at "Yang Zishan", one of the leading actors of "Executive Judge", and the President Chu she played made the audience "play" too much.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Yang Zishan's character in this work is called "Chu Yun", and her identity is an "executive judge", and the first case she took on was to execute a hotel owner named "Qi Runyu".

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

And this hotel owner named Qi Runyu is not an ordinary person, and the nephew of this aunt is also a judge, named "Qi Lin", that is, the male protagonist of our drama "Luo Jin". ”

On the way to the execution owner, President Chu's subordinates reported to him: This Qi Runyu's nephew is Judge Qi Lin of the Criminal Court, let's just go to the execution, do you want to say hello to the leader.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When President Chu heard this, he immediately "retorted": What's the problem? Do you all think so? The case has been decided, the formalities are complete, and what we do is to enforce the work.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Judging from the plot, there is no problem with what President Chu did, as a judge, he should be impartial and not tolerate any personal feelings.

Judging from the acting skills of the actors, Yang Zishan really showed everyone a wave of what is called "disaster-style" acting, when she said the lines throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan was expressionless, and she couldn't see the feeling of "acting" at all, which made people dance very much, as if she was memorizing lines.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

However, Yang Zishan's performance in this section is still a little "restrained", and the next scene that begins to be executed is even more jumpy.

After coming to Yucheng Pork Knuckle Rice, President Chu didn't say a word, and took the law enforcement officers directly to Qi Runyu's shop, looked around, and shouted loudly: Who is Fang Qiang.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

At that time, Qi Runyu was sitting at the cash register, and when she heard President Chu explain her intentions, she hurriedly said that she was Fang Qiang's mother and asked the other party what was the matter.

It stands to reason that after President Chu enters the door, he should first ask the sales staff at the door, after all, as an executive judge, President Chu and his party should have known about the family's information before coming.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But Yang Zishan performed a "feeling of no one in her eyes", as if she couldn't see Fang Qiang's mother sitting at the door, but looking at the subordinates on the side, they also cast a look.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Let's not talk about this detail for the time being, when the two sides knew each other's intentions, President Chu began to "report to his family", and the purpose of coming here was to enforce the court's judgment.

And what is the court's decision? It is to give the restaurant in Fang Qiang's house to a "mortgage auction", so as to pay off the debts of others.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

As soon as Qi Runyu heard President Chu say this, the whole person was directly "confused", and she hurriedly explained to President Chu that this house was her own, not her son Fang Qiang's.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But immediately after, President Chu said a sentence: This house used to be yours, but now it's not.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Hearing her say this, Qi Runyu and his family were completely anxious, they didn't know what the reason was, their house was going to be auctioned, seeing that the judge and his party were still taking pictures and recordings, Qi Runyu's old man was even more anxious, and hurriedly asked the other party not to shoot.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

At this time, President Chu didn't say anything, but her performance and contemptuous eyes always gave the audience a feeling of "contempt".

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Yang Zishan's performance made the audience feel too jumpy, as a public official, Yang Zishan always showed a feeling of "contempt", expressionless throughout the whole process, and always looked at each other with contempt, this acting skill is really outrageous.

Seeing that Qi Runyu and his family didn't believe it, President Chu's subordinates took out a certificate of transfer contract, but it was not difficult to see from Qi Runyu's performance that she didn't know about it at all, indicating that the transfer letter was Fang Qiang's "forged fake certificate." ”

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!
The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But President Chu didn't find out the situation, so he directly sealed Qi Runyu's shop, and throughout the whole of this scene, Yang Zishan was still expressionless, as if she was here to "collect debts", and her acting skills were really "disaster level".

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Even in the face of Qi Runyu's emotional out-of-control and disrupted law enforcement, Yang Zishan still played an "expressionless" role, as if she looked down on the other party completely, and her eyes were full of contempt.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

This acting skills really can't be described in words.

On the other hand, in the popular film "Article 20" at the beginning of this year, the "sister-in-law" Gao Ye also played a "prosecutor Lu Lingling" in the play, which is not much different from the identity of President Chu played by Yang Zishan, but how did Gao Ye perform?

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In the face of the unreasonable demands of the lawbreakers, Lu Lingling did not change her face and argued with the other party on the basis of reason.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Faced with the victim Hao Xiuping (played by Zhao Liying) about to end her life by "jumping off the building", Lu Lingling was heartbroken and tried her best to prevent the other party from committing suicide.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When she failed to save this poor life, Lu Lingling would also be sad and unable to let go of it for a long time.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When she was transferred out of the Supervision Yuan because of dereliction of duty, Lu Lingling didn't cry, but when she saw her colleagues' case-handling methods, Lu Lingling couldn't help but redden, because in her heart, there was always a sacred pure land.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When she said the belief in being a prosecutor buried in her heart, she couldn't help but become "hysterical", her eyes were red, and her voice was crying, which really infected all the audience.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In the end, when she heard the sentence "Prosecutor Han Ming" (played by Lei Jiayin) "The law cannot give way to the lawless", Lu Lingling will also leave tears of excitement and emotion like an ordinary person.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Sister-in-law Gao Ye's acting skills in the movie "Article 20" can be described as "textbook level", she not only performed the prosecutor's belief in impartial law enforcement, but also performed the emotions that an ordinary person should have.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

On the other hand, President Chu played by Yang Zishan was expressionless throughout the whole process, and his eyes would only stare at others, which did not reflect his acting skills at all.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Do you have anything to say about this?

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Information sources: The TV series "Executive Judge" broadcast on CCTV's eight sets of prime files on June 27, 2024, a short review of the TV series "Executive Judge" on Douban's official website, and the movie "Article 20" released on February 10, 2024

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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