
It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

author:Sister Gao commented

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It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

Text/Sister Gao commented

Editor/Sister Gao commented

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

The Employment Dilemma of College Students: Is It Feasible to Return to the Distributed Work System?

In today's society, the employment problem of college students is becoming increasingly severe, which has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. In the face of this situation, some people have put forward the idea of resuming the work distribution system in order to solve the employment problem of college students. However, is this proposal practical? Can it really solve the current dilemma faced by college students in employment?

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

To explore this issue, we first need to understand the nature of the system of assigned work and its historical context. The distribution work system, the so-called "package distribution", was implemented from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the early 90s of the 20th century.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In that particular historical period, this system trained a large number of professionals for the country and effectively promoted economic recovery and development. However, with the gradual establishment and improvement of the market economy, the disadvantages of the distribution of work system have become increasingly apparent, such as restricting the flow of talents and hindering personal career development.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

So, in the context of the current market economy, is it feasible to return to the system of distributed work? The answer is clearly no. First of all, from the perspective of the economic system, the market economy emphasizes the free allocation of resources and the independent choice of individuals, while the distribution of work system is contrary to this. The reinstatement of the system of distributed work implies a rejection of the market economy, which is not feasible in practice.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

Second, from the perspective of the job market, the resumption of the work distribution system will not solve the current problem of college students' difficulty in finding employment. Nowadays, the main challenges faced by college students in employment are the imbalance between job supply and demand, and the prominent structural contradictions in employment. Even the resumption of the assignment of work will not change this situation. On the contrary, it may further exacerbate the misallocation and waste of human resources.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In addition, we need to take into account the issue of the education system. At present, the expansion of university enrollment has led to a surge in the number of graduates, and the disconnect between the quality of education and market demand has also exacerbated the problem of finding jobs. The resumption of the assignment of work will not fundamentally solve the problem. On the contrary, we should start with the reform of the education system, strengthen vocational education and skills training, and improve the employability of college students.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

So, in the face of the current situation of college students' difficulty in finding employment, how should we deal with it? First of all, the government should intensify the regulation and control of the job market, optimize the employment environment, and provide more employment opportunities for college students. At the same time, colleges and universities should also strengthen cooperation with enterprises, understand market demand, adjust professional settings and teaching methods, and cultivate more talents in line with market demand.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In addition, we also need to guide college students to establish a correct concept of employment. Under the conditions of a market economy, employment is a two-way process. College students should choose the right career direction according to their own interests and abilities, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called "iron rice bowl".

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In summary, the resumption of the work distribution system is not a feasible way to solve the employment problem of college students. On the contrary, we should start from the market economic system, the employment market, the education system and other aspects, and take comprehensive measures to jointly promote the solution of the employment problem of college students. Only in this way can we truly realize the rational allocation and efficient use of talents, and contribute to the prosperity and development of society.

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

Here, we call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the employment of college students and actively explore effective solutions. Let's work together to create more job opportunities for college students and inject a steady stream of vitality into the future development of the country!

It's a big deal! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

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