
At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

author:Dr. Tang popularized science

Content Sources:

1. Zhang Rui, Liu Chonghua, Yang Fengchang, et al. Clinicopathological features and prognostic influencing factors of patients with lung cancer complicated with pulmonary infarction[J].Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment,2024,

2. Yan Lin, Du Lin, Zhang Xun, et al. Risk factors and treatment progress of lung cancer complicated with coronary heart disease[J/OL].Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery:1-6[2024-06-27].

3. Li Weiwei. Adverse reactions and nursing of lung cancer immunotherapy[J].Health Guide,2024,

In February 2007, an ordinary winter day was like a bolt from the blue for Ling Zhijun, who was 44 years old at the time. The doctor's diagnosis was like a hammer, shattering his originally hopeful life trajectory: advanced lung cancer and no more than three months to live. To make matters worse, the results of the examination also showed that Ling Zhijun also suffered from both brain cancer and liver cancer. The doctor's words seemed to start a countdown to death, and his life seemed to fall into the abyss.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

Ling Zhijun, a name that has been closely linked to countless words and thoughts. He has been working tirelessly, using keen observation and sharp brushstrokes to reveal the pulse of the times and record the changes of the times for the world, and his works have frequently appeared on the bestseller list, and he is known as "China's William Manchester". However, the cruel test of fate forced this originally high-spirited writer to face the darkest moment in his life.

At that moment, the shadow of despair loomed over Ling Zhijun. However, he refused to give in, believing in the miracle of life, and he chose to fight the disease to the end. He began to seek medical advice, actively looking for all possible ways to continue his life. However, on the long road to seek medical treatment, Ling Zhijun found that the reality was more cruel than he imagined.

Countless times he traveled to different hospitals, received different diagnoses countless times, and faced the questioning eyes of cold doctors countless times, but Ling Zhijun never got a definite diagnosis of the cause. Doctors could only confirm that he was seriously ill, but they could not determine his condition, let alone give an effective treatment plan. This was tantamount to pouring salt on Ling Zhijun's wounds, making him even more desperate.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

In that moment of confusion and fear, Ling Zhijun's sister, an experienced doctor, in Belgium, gave him great support. She quickly contacted foreign experts to consult Ling Zhijun. Experts carefully analyzed Ling's brain lesions and concluded that they may not be tumors, and speculated that there may be no connection between intracranial lesions and lung lesions.

To confirm this speculation, experts recommended that Ling Zhijun go to a hospital for a re-examination. However, the doctor's diagnosis has put Ling Zhijun in a new predicament. Doctors believed that Ling Zhijun had metastases and strongly recommended that he undergo surgery immediately. Doctors warned that if there was no surgery, they would have to wait for death.

Faced with such a choice, Ling Zhijun fell into deep thought. On the one hand, he could not diagnose whether the brain lesion was a malignant tumor; On the other hand, he knows that the risks of brain surgery are much higher than other surgeries. Eventually, he decided to remove only the malignant tumor in his left lung and not to remove the brain tumor for the time being.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

It was a bold decision, and Ling Zhijun chose to trust his instincts and chose to challenge fate. He turned down chemotherapy, radiotherapy and so-called "anti-cancer drugs" because he knew that these treatments, while temporarily curbing the deterioration of the disease, could also bring serious side effects.

Ling Zhijun chose another path, a path full of unknowns, but full of hope - the road of self-help. He began to think seriously about his lifestyle, and instead of blindly pursuing career success, he began to focus on his physical health. He began to enjoy life in earnest, enjoying every bite of food, every cup of coffee, every morning sunshine, every time he was with family and friends.

Ling Zhijun is deeply aware that healthy eating habits are the key to fighting cancer. He began to study various materials about the diet of cancer patients, and finally summed up the four elements of "miscellaneous, coarse, vegetarian and natural" and integrated them into his daily life. He consumes at least 25 kinds of meat, eggs, grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits every day, eats more coarse grains and less polished rice and refined noodles, never over-intakes meat, nor is he completely vegetarian, ensures that the diet is a combination of meat and vegetables, and prefers pure natural food, refusing all kinds of added food.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

In addition to diet, Ling Zhijun also developed the habit of drinking a lot of water every day to ensure that he has enough water intake every day. He strictly controls his sleep and ensures adequate sleep time and quality sleep.

In order to maintain a good physical condition, Ling Zhijun insisted on walking five kilometers every day and getting more sun. He is well aware of the impact of his mental state on his physical health, so he actively adjusts his mentality, relying on deep breathing to adjust in time when he is nervous, anxious, and emotionally fluctuating.

Ling Zhijun spends more time on the things he really likes, reading, writing, and getting together with friends, he enjoys the simplicity and beauty of life, and faces every challenge in life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

In the process of fighting cancer, Ling Zhijun has also experienced countless setbacks and pains. He once struggled to move because of the nerve compression in his brain, but he never gave up walking five kilometers a day, and he always believed that he could overcome the disease.

In the end, Ling Zhijun's hard work and persistence paid off. On March 15, 2012, nearly five years after his illness, he received the good news that his brain lesions were almost completely gone, and there were no signs of cancer recurrence in his lungs and abdomen. He overcame his illness and lived out the miracle of life.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience is not only an inspirational story of personal victory over the disease, but also a valuable experience and inspiration. He tells us that even in the face of the most difficult challenges, we need to remain optimistic, proactively seek solutions, and light the way in life with love and hope.

Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience also reminds us that life is precious, and we should cherish life, enjoy life, and face various challenges in life with a positive attitude.

In the five years of fighting against cancer, Ling Zhijun has experienced countless times of despair and hope, and in the five years of fighting against the disease, from despair to hope, from confusion to determination, from passive treatment to active self-help, he summed up five valuable experiences in the fight against cancer, which are worthy of learning and reference for everyone facing difficulties.

1. Reject fear and embrace hope: A positive and optimistic attitude is the cornerstone of success in the fight against cancer

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

Upon learning the news of terminal cancer, Ling Zhijun was not devoured by despair, but chose to face it positively and embrace hope. He believed in the miracle of life and believed that he could overcome his illness. This positive mindset is the cornerstone of Ling Zhijun's success in fighting cancer. As he said, "As long as your heart is full of hope, as long as you can face life positively, even in the face of adversity, you can find the meaning of life and live a wonderful life." A positive and optimistic attitude can stimulate the body's own immunity and enhance the confidence to defeat the disease, which is a powerful weapon to defeat the disease.

2. Rational medical treatment and independent decision-making: do not blindly rely on doctors, but actively seek the best treatment plan

In the process of seeking medical treatment, Ling Zhijun did not blindly follow the ambiguous diagnosis and treatment plan of the doctors, but actively sought a second opinion and made the most suitable treatment choice according to his own situation. He chose not to undergo brain surgery and refused chemotherapy, opting instead to build up his immunity through lifestyle changes, which ultimately led to his success. This case tells us that in the medical process, patients should actively participate in decision-making, rationally look at the doctor's advice, and do not blindly rely on it, but seek the best treatment plan according to their own situation.

3. Fine diet, scientific health preservation: reasonable diet, enhance physical fitness, and provide sufficient energy for anti-cancer

In the process of fighting cancer, Ling Zhijun paid attention to adjusting the dietary structure, adhered to the principle of "miscellaneous, coarse, vegetarian and natural", and reasonably matched the diet to ensure balanced nutrition and enhance physical fitness. He refuses to process foods, chooses fresh ingredients, ensures a safe diet, and provides sufficient energy for the fight against cancer. A healthy diet is an important means to improve immunity and an important guarantee for defeating diseases.

At the age of 44, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and achieved a cure on his own, Ling Zhijun's anti-cancer experience, you might as well take a look

4. Regular exercise, physical and mental balance: insist on exercising, enhance physical fitness, and improve body immunity

Ling Zhijun insists on walking five kilometers every day and doing appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness, improve the body's immunity, and help the body better resist diseases. Exercise not only boosts physical strength, but also improves sleep, relieves stress, regulates mood, and has positive effects on both physical and mental health.

5. Cherish the present moment and enjoy life: A positive and optimistic attitude towards life is a powerful force to defeat diseases

In the process of fighting cancer, Ling Zhijun did not give up his love for life, he began to enjoy every beautiful part of life, cherish the time spent with family and friends, and face various challenges in life with a positive and optimistic attitude. He spends more time on the things he really loves, lighting the way of life with love and hope. A positive and optimistic attitude towards life can help patients better overcome the psychological pressure caused by the disease, enhance their confidence in overcoming the disease, and create a good psychological environment for recovery.

Ling Zhijun's experience in fighting cancer tells us that overcoming the disease requires not only scientific treatment, but also a positive attitude, a healthy lifestyle and a love for life. I believe that as long as we can stick to these secrets, we will be able to overcome the disease and live a wonderful life.