
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


The tiger father has no dogs, and his daughter is also extraordinary.

Great fathers always raise extraordinary children.

He is an old hero with outstanding military achievements on the mainland - Geng Biao.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

After the liberation of the People's Republic of China, he served as vice premier of the State Council of the mainland and made extraordinary contributions to the battlefield and in the diplomatic field.

Since ancient times, there have been no dogs, and his four children have also carried ideals and shined in their respective fields.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

In particular, the eldest daughter, Geng Ying, not only had outstanding achievements in medicine and business, but also came about when she saw Chinese cultural relics being damaged

A strong sense of responsibility and dedication to the protection of cultural heritage.

He has made outstanding contributions to the protection of cultural relics and the promotion of culture in the country.

Source: China News 2015-07-04 Geng Ying: China Thangka Culture Research Center has truly achieved cultural "inheritance"
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

What kind of ups and downs has Geng Ying, who has changed her career and leapfrogged her field, who is constantly "tossing", experienced?

There is no dog son in the door tiger

Geng Ying was born in 1939, in that war-torn era, she was always far away from her father who was on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War.

She grew up in a nursery school at a young age, and her father's absence taught her to be independent from an early age, and she developed a strong and independent will.

She knew that her father was fighting hard for the country.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

Although she is often separated from her father, this does not affect her father Geng Biao's concern for her.

I often write to her to study hard and be a useful person to the country and society.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

So when talking about her father, Geng Ying was full of admiration in her heart.

As a junior who has experienced the Long March warriors, she once said in an interview that "there are always some people who shout that the Long March is nothing, and these people have no conscience."

Source: People's Daily Online-Communist Party of China News Network 2017-09-22 Long March descendant: Geng Ying
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

And Geng Ying, who has been accustomed to seeing wars with her father since she was a child, is very yearning for doctors who save lives and help the wounded.

I want to be a good doctor, to relieve the pain and bring hope to patients.

After the college entrance examination, Geng Ying, who has an independent and strong personality, applied for the School of Geology and learned geological knowledge.

After graduating, he became a young geologist and followed the team in the rugged mountains to find the secrets of the mountains.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

The times were turbulent, and Geng Ying was transferred to the Beijing Pharmaceutical Factory to become an ordinary worker, but she never admitted defeat.

The seeds of studying medicine that had been planted before also sprouted at this moment and grew into towering trees.

After the establishment of the Cancer Institute at that time, Geng Ying entered the professional research field and became a respected researcher.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

While working at the institute, she volunteered to become a health doctor for the veteran artist among the researchers.

Because of this, she met Ya Ming, a master of landscape painting, and Geng Ying, who often looked at his paintings, burned the shadow of learning in her heart, and she hoped to learn Chinese painting from the master.

In the face of Geng Ying, who has never held a paintbrush, Ya Ming has hesitation in his heart, painting is not achieved overnight, it requires not only interest, but also patience and perseverance.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

But in the face of such a comrade who was willing to learn, Yaming did not directly refuse.

He said that if Geng Ying could copy the "Eighty-Seven Immortal Scrolls" 10 times, he would be willing to teach her.

Geng Ying was overjoyed when she heard this, and immediately started to study copying, and completed this task in three years and handed it over to Master Yaming.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

Master Yaming was also moved by Geng Ying, not only accepted him as an apprentice, but also carefully guided and taught, so Geng Ying was also sharp in the field of painting.

Having seen more people's suffering and poverty, she also has a stronger sense of social responsibility.

She hopes that through her own efforts, she can help more people in her hometown.

So Geng Ying started her own medical entrepreneurship: opening a pharmaceutical factory.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

Facing his daughter's new yearning, Geng Biao's eyes flashed with amazement and pride.

said Geng Ying: "You can't count ten yuan, and you still go to be a legal person and start a company?" But in the end, he still supported Geng Ying's idea.

In the end, Geng Ying's pharmaceutical factory was established in Zhuhai, and in three years, it not only had its own office building, but also established staff dormitories.

The cause of doing is booming.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

He went to other countries just to spread Chinese culture

Fast forward to 1986.

In order to prevent "officials from oppressing the people" and prevent officials from accumulating private wealth through their positions, the state issued a new law prohibiting the children of state cadres from doing business.

Source: Communist Party of China News Network 2015-03-02 Regulate the business of the relatives of leaders, cut off the way to become an official and make a fortune
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

For a while, Geng Ying's years of hard work came to naught.

But she did not hesitate or complain, decisively handed over the company and accounts, and firmly upheld the country's policy.

Having lost her career for a while, she didn't stop there, but decided to continue her adventure!

At the age of 50, she decided to try it in the United States.

Source: China Daily 2008-03-20 Geng Biao's eldest daughter's "cultural journey"
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

So with a skill and Geng Ying, who would never admit defeat,

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

came to the United States across the ocean and opened a new chapter.

Being a stranger in a foreign land, Geng Ying was also confused when she first arrived in this land.

At first, she relied on her painting skills to design and sell jewelry for a living.

I didn't forget my skills in feng shui painting, and I started a life in the United States while setting up a stall to sell goods and fiddling with paintbrushes.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

And the landscape paintings with Chinese cultural heritage once attracted countless foreigners, who rushed to buy them.

At one point, she created a number of comic strips, and her major works have been exhibited in many countries.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

There were also wealthy people who spent $27,000 to buy her Chinese paintings, which was also very rare at that time.

The Chinese female painter who painted on the street also made Geng Ying "popular", and even caused media reports.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

And Geng Ying also relied on her own hands to gain a firm foothold in the United States, and the wind of Chinese painting blew out.

In 1997, Geng Ying's father, Geng Biao, deteriorated.

In order to take care of her father, Geng Ying gave up the development of the United States and returned to the embrace of the motherland.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

At this time, her eyes were also attracted by the cultural relics of the motherland.

After paying attention, it was found that many cultural relics had not been properly preserved, resulting in serious damage to the cultural relics.

So she threw herself into the work of preserving cultural heritage.

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

In 2007, the Chinese Cultural Heritage Foundation was established, and Geng Ying served as the president of the foundation.

Such a decision has also promoted the internationalization of Chinese cultural relics.

It has brought more cultural exchanges and promoted the cultural interaction of the "Belt and Road".

Source: China's Belt and Road Network November 19, 2020 Exclusive丨Geng Ying, President of China Chinese Cultural Heritage Foundation: "The Belt and Road" is for everyone to live a good life together
In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened

As a leader in cultural protection, her efforts are also highly praised at home and abroad, and under her leadership, more people know and understand the importance of cultural relics and cultural relics, and the fertile soil of cultural relics will eventually give new vitality.

Not only do the young people of the mainland respect their own culture more, but also let Western countries understand and revere the Chinese civilization!

In 1986, the assets of the daughter of the Minister of Defense were blocked overnight, and she left a sentence to go to the United States, what happened


The huge changes in life are difficult for many people to accept, and it is also very difficult to choose when facing events.

And Geng Ying will always face difficulties, accept difficulties, bear difficulties, and overcome difficulties.

This strong will and indomitable determination is undoubtedly the most admirable.

I can't help but give people a thumbs up: young women who have the courage to pursue their dreams will always shine.

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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