
It turns out that all his previous likes are pretended. I'm just a game for him.

author:Zhizhi excerpt
It turns out that all his previous likes are pretended. I'm just a game for him.

The picture comes from the Internet

"Ah Cheng, you won't really be tempted by your girlfriend, will you?"

Song Yining had just walked to the door of the box and was about to push the door in, when he happened to hear a charming female voice coming from inside.

She put her hand on the doorknob for a moment, stopped pushing the door, raised her head and looked in through the narrow crack in the door, and saw Jiang Cheng sitting in the center of the pure black leather sofa at a glance.

Next to him sat a charming woman, staring straight at him with a pair of dazzling eyes.

Under the dim light, Jiang Cheng held a cigarette between his index and middle fingers, handed it to his mouth unhurriedly, and smoked casually, the corners of his mouth opened slightly, and spit out white smoke rings.

Smoke lingered around his cynical face, obscuring the look in his eyes a little.

Song Yining froze his steps, his heart was inexplicably nervous, and his heartbeat was unconsciously accelerating.

She stood in the dark, looking at Jiang Cheng's unruly side face, waiting for his next answer.

I saw a smile on the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth that he didn't care about, and said casually, "How is it possible?" ”

"She's so boring, this kind of good girl monster is boring."

"Chasing her is just a game."

Jiang Cheng's friend Chen Shaochuan thought so, patted his thigh, and laughed, "I'll just say it!" Brother Cheng, how can you stop here! ”

"You used to change women not much slower than changing clothes, but this time we talked about this for three months, and I thought you really liked her."

"Brother Cheng, it's really you, you can't be moved by such a beautiful beauty!"

Jiang Cheng leaned back on the sofa, put his left leg on his right leg at will, and sneered, "There are more beautiful women." ”

None of the people present understood the meaning of these words, and they all burst into laughter, "But isn't it, how can our city brother hang himself on a tree." ”

Lin Songyun, who had just asked, glanced at the door of the box as if inadvertently, and his red lips curled, "Ah Cheng, when are you going to play this game?" ”

Jiang Cheng put the half-lit cigarette between his fingertips on the transparent ashtray, flicked it a few times casually, the smile in his eyes was scattered, and his tone didn't care much, "It's almost over." ”

Song Yining's face outside the door turned pale, his lips pursed, his heart seemed to be stabbed unexpectedly with a needle, and his hand holding the doorknob was clenched tightly.

Jiang Cheng's words just now were like a basin of cold water splashed on her heart, making her shiver.

Suddenly, all kinds of fragments of getting along with him before flashed in my mind, and my heart was cold to the bottom.

It turns out that all his previous likes are pretended.

I'm just a game for him.

Song Yining's heart swelled slightly, and there was a trace of indescribable pain at the tip of his heart.

Although she wanted to rush in and slap him twice, the upbringing in her bones made her restrain the urge to go in and question Jiang Cheng loudly.

He's already made it so clear, and he doesn't seem to have anything to ask.

Originally, Jiang Cheng sent a message saying that he was drunk and asked her to come and pick him up, but seeing him like this, there was no need to pick him up again.

After sorting out her emotions, she didn't look inside, turned around without hesitation, and left the club without looking back with red eyes.

Walking out the door, she stood under the street lamp in the distance and stopped, took a deep breath, and calmed her anger.

No matter what the reason is today, since Jiang Cheng can say such things, then he definitely doesn't really like him.

After Song Yining calmed down, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Cheng without hesitation.

[Let's break up.] 】

After sending the message, she stood there alone, waiting for the car.

At this moment, a light rain suddenly fell in the sky, and her hands were empty.

Song Yining looked at the little couple who came across the road with an umbrella, and didn't know what to think, their eyes were red, their eyes were full of mist, and a teardrop that slipped from the corner of their eyes was crystal hot.

The drizzle was like silk, accompanied by a cool breeze, blowing her jet-black hair, and her head was stained with fine droplets.

Under the warm yellow street lamp, her white face was full of cold and broken feeling.

The breeze was accompanied by a drizzle, the hem of the white dress swayed in the wind, and her exposed snow-white skin was covered with tiny droplets.

The whole person is like a white rose in full bloom, blown by the wind and rain.

Tears flashed in those eyes that should have been radiant.

Song Yining raised his head, trying not to let the tears fall from his eyes.

Is it uncomfortable? Naturally, there is.

But the more angry, no one will like the feeling of being deceived.

Jiang Cheng took the initiative to chase her, but she refused several times.

He didn't have a good temper, but he chased himself patiently and perseveringly for three months.

She was gradually moved by Jiang Cheng and agreed to try to date him.

It turns out that you can pretend to like it.

His acting skills are wasted if he doesn't act.

The position of actor has to be made by him.


She raised her hand to wipe her tears, got into a cab and left the Golden Nine Club.

In the VIP box of the clubhouse, there was a slight vibration on Jiang Cheng's mobile phone placed on the corner of the table, Lin Songyun glanced at it and said casually.

"Ah Cheng, your phone is ringing."

Jiang Cheng looked at the mobile phone screen and lit up, and picked it up and looked at it drunkenly.

After the three words came into view, he pursed his thin lips, frowned slightly, pulled his neckline, and replied to her with a cold face.

[Yining, don't make trouble. 】

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised that Song Yining, who had always been well-behaved, would send him this news.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the woman who had just stared at Jiang Cheng stood up, as if inadvertently glimpsing what was displayed on his phone, and let out a surprised voice.

"Jiang Shao, is your girlfriend going to break up with you?"

Jiang Cheng woke up most of the time, and looked at her impatiently with his eyebrows twisted, "Shut up." ”

The woman who had just spoken immediately covered her mouth, not daring to say anything more.

Lin Songyun lowered his eyes, his eyes flashed slightly, and a smile of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, Chen Shaochuan stepped forward and glanced at it curiously, his eyes shocked, "Brother Cheng, I didn't expect you to be dumped one day!" ”

As soon as the words fell, the box fell silent, and everyone looked at him.

Chen Shaochuan realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he was busy covering his mouth and patting his face lightly with one hand.

"Brother Cheng, I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

Jiang Cheng snorted coldly, "She's playing around with me." ”

For some reason, he was thinking about the word breakup on his phone over and over again, and he felt a little dazzling.

The self-esteem that went deep into his bones made him blurt out, "How could her character break up with me?" ”

"If you want to break up, you can only say it."

The people in the box nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, Brother Cheng, you said it." ”

"Who doesn't know the charm of our brother Cheng? How can a woman be willing to break up with you! ”

"Come on, come on, Brother Cheng keep drinking."

Jiang Cheng picked up the glass wine glass on the table, shook the wine in the glass lightly, and drank it all like a nobody.

For some reason, he drank absent-mindedly and simply got up and left.

"Just put it on my account today, I'll go back first."

With that, he picked up his coat on the sofa and strode out of the box.

After getting in the car, he picked up his mobile phone and called Song Yining, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

Jiang Cheng lost his patience, twisted his brows and threw the phone directly on the seat, and then closed his eyes.

When he woke up the next morning, Song Yining picked up his mobile phone and found that there was a conspicuous missed call.

She squeezed her hand tightly on her mobile phone, and then blocked Jiang Cheng's phone with a blank face, and then opened WeChat and blocked the person at the top.

The action is done in one go.

She also has her own pride.

Song Yining got up and had a simple wash, ate breakfast, and began to pack the things that Jiang Cheng gave her.

She thought she was going to break off with him, so she didn't want to keep these things in the eyes.

I didn't even want to see him again, so I packed up my things and sent them directly to his place.

After all this was done, she began to pack her things and prepare to leave Beijing to go out for a walk.

When Jiang Cheng received the express, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

He took out his mobile phone and called Song Yining to ask her what she meant, but he couldn't get through.

opened the dialog box again, and saw that the conversation inside was still stuck on the sentence he sent last night, and immediately prepared to send a message to ask her what was going on.

But as soon as the message was sent, a dazzling red exclamation mark appeared on the screen.

She was willing to block him!

After Jiang Cheng reacted, he stared at the screen several times with a dark face.

Then I looked at the things she sent back on the ground, and my heart was indescribably angry.

She sent him all the things he had given her.

I thought she was joking, but I didn't expect her to come for real.

He never thought that with her well-behaved nature, he would do such a thing.

was broken up before he could figure out what the situation was, which was the first time in Jiang Dashao's dictionary.

With a snap, Jiang Cheng threw the phone on the table, gritted his teeth and said, "Song Yining, there is really you!" ”

Just as Jiang Cheng looked at the pile of things in front of him and sneered, Song Yining had already got on the plane and flew to Haicheng.

As soon as she got on the plane, she put on an eye patch and fell asleep.

When she woke up and took off her blindfold, a sweet female voice came from beside her.

"Oh, you're finally awake?"

The sunlight outside was a little dazzling, and Song Yining was a little uncomfortable when he opened his eyes, and raised his hand to block his eyes.

When she calmed down, she turned her head slightly, looked at the girl sitting next to her and smiled politely.

"What's the matter?" The tactful and gentle voice with a hint of a long tail note, like a spring breeze passing through the tip of the heart, is particularly sultry.

The sunlight outside the window reflected on her palm-sized goose egg face, illuminating her skin crystal clear, like the morning dew of the morning sun, shining in the daylight.

The eyebrows between the foreheads are like distant mountains without depiction, the lips are peach blossom-colored, the clear and bright eyes are glowing with soft light, like autumn water, and the corners of the mouth outline a gentle arc.

The beauty is like jade, and she smiles lightly, making people reluctant to look away.

Lin Shiyao was dazzled by her smile, her little face turned red, and her tone was slightly excited and straightforward cute, "Sister, I just see you as good-looking." ”

God, she seems to have seen a fairy!

The beautiful sister is not only beautiful, but even her voice is so gentle and beautiful.

From the moment she got on the plane, she secretly watched her many times.

Lin Shiyao's pure eyes turned, as if she had thought of something, and her eyes lit up.

"Sister, do you have a boyfriend?"

Song Yining was a little embarrassed by her hot and sincere gaze, but felt that the little girl spoke straightforwardly, but she was not annoying.

She shook her head slightly, "No. ”

Lin Shiyao was immediately excited, not good!

Her brother doesn't have a girlfriend either!

Isn't that a coincidence!

"Sister, let me tell you, my brother doesn't have a girlfriend either, do you want to see my brother?"

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone from her bag, pulled it from the album for a long time, found a photo with only a side face, and handed it to Song Yining.

"Sister, look at it, this is my brother!"

"He's so handsome! Do you like it or not? ”

Song Yining glanced down at the mobile phone handed over by the little girl, although the person in the photo only had a side face, it was difficult to hide his handsomeness.

Her eyes were calm, and she glanced at them before withdrawing her gaze.

Seeing the serious look in the little girl's eyes, she politely praised her wishes, "It's very handsome." ”

Lin Shiyao's eyes lit up, "Do you like that sister?" ”

Song Yining smiled slightly and politely refused, "I'm sorry, I don't have the idea of falling in love for the time being." ”

A flash of loss flashed in Lin Shiyao's eyes, but soon she was like a nobody, and a smile appeared on her face again.

It doesn't matter, the beautiful sister doesn't want to fall in love now, maybe she wants to talk in a few days?

"Sister, did you also go to Haicheng to play?"


"Coincidentally, so did I."

Lin Shiyao is a little talker, before getting off the plane, that little mouth never stopped, Song listened to her quietly, and responded to a few words from time to time.

The little girl is cute, lively, and not annoying.

When it was time to get off the plane, Lin Shiyao asked for her contact information.

Song Yining looked at her eyes with anticipation and anticipation, and couldn't say anything about the refusal.

In the end, it was given to her.

Lin Shiyao suddenly showed a smile, smiling like a flower.

When they parted, she took Song Yining's hand and was a little reluctant to let her go.

"Sister Yining, see you next time!"


Lin Shiyao looked at her reluctantly, and wanted to say something more, but at this time her mobile phone rang.

As soon as she saw the caller ID, she didn't dare to delay for a moment and immediately picked it up.


"Where?" The man on the other end of the phone had a deep voice, and his tone couldn't make out any emotional fluctuations.

"Uncle, I'm at the exit, I'll be here right away!"

Lin Shiyao graduated from high school this year, and as soon as she graduated, she couldn't wait to go out on a graduation trip.

The family was worried about her, and it happened that her little uncle was on a business trip in Haicheng, so she let her little uncle take care of her.

She thought that it would be her uncle's driver who would pick her up, but she didn't expect her uncle to come too.

"Sister Yining, I'll go first!"

Song Yining couldn't help but smile as she rushed forward with a suitcase in a hurry.

The little girl is very interesting, and she is destined to see you again.

She pulled her suitcase and walked forward without hurrying.

As soon as she reached the parking lot, just as she was about to wave for a taxi, a black Maybach stopped in front of her.

The front window rolled down, revealing Lin Shiyao's playful and sweet little face.

"Sister Yining, come up quickly, just drop by, I'll send you over!"

Song Yining stood in place and was stunned for a moment, and after coming back to his senses, he politely rejected her kindness.

"Shiyao, don't bother, I'll take a taxi myself."

Looking at this car, she understood that Shi Yao's family should be very good, but she did not have the squeamishness of a rich daughter.

She and she had just met, so naturally they were not too embarrassed to trouble her.

"No trouble! No hassle at all! Lin Shiyao stared at her eagerly, eager to get into the car immediately.

At this time, the car behind the Maybach honked several times.

Seeing this, Lin Shiyao took the opportunity to persuade, "Sister Yining, come up quickly, the car behind is urging." ”

Song Yining looked embarrassed, but in the end, he still couldn't resist Lin Shiyao's enthusiasm.

Soon the driver got out of the car and put her suitcase, and opened the back door for her.

"Miss, please."

"Thank you."

Song Yining said politely, did not hesitate, and walked to the car door.

It was only when she approached the car door and was about to lean over to get into the car that she noticed that a man in a dark gray handmade suit was sitting in the back seat, closing his eyes and recuperating.

Song Yining hesitated for a moment, and was embarrassed to delay others any longer, so he still sat down.

As soon as she got into the car, she sensed that the other party's aura was so strong that it was difficult to ignore.

She didn't feel comfortable and didn't even look at the other person more.

Lin Shiyao, who was sitting in the front, explained to her, "Sister Yining, this is my little uncle. ”

"Little uncle, this is what I just told you, Sister Song Yining, whom I met on the plane."

Out of politeness, Song Yining leaned slightly and greeted him.

"Uncle Shiyao, hello."

"Excuse me."

Jiang Hechuan slowly opened his eyes, looked at her casually, then withdrew his gaze, his Adam's apple slid down, and replied casually, "Miss Song doesn't have to be polite." ”

Song Yining stiffened, sat up straight, and stopped looking at him.

After getting into the car, Lin Shiyao, who was originally talkative, didn't talk much.

To be honest, she is not afraid of anyone, but she is a little afraid of her little uncle.

She sent a message to Song Yining on her mobile phone.

[Sister, my little uncle is happy, I don't dare to quarrel with him. 】

Song Yining's screen lit up, and she returned to her with bated breath.

[It's okay. 】

[Shi Yao, I looked at my phone and got motion sickness, and I will get out of the car and get back to you. 】

The other party quickly replied, [Understood! 】

She can't stare at her phone for too long in the car, and it will be uncomfortable to look at it for a while.

After putting down the phone, Song Yining looked out the window and quietly looked at the scenery outside.

The car suddenly fell silent, and no one spoke for a while.

Obviously, the space in the car is not small, and it can be said to be spacious and luxurious compared to most private cars, but the atmosphere is inexplicably quiet and weird.

The man next to him had an aura of not approaching people, and Song Yining didn't dare to look at him more, so he simply leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes directly.

Half an hour later, the car stopped downstairs in Song Yiningding's hotel.

She pinched her phone, glanced at the message sent by Lin Shiyao on it, and was stunned for a moment.

[Sister Yining, my uncle's surname is Jiang. 】

Is the surname Jiang?

Song Yining came back to his senses and said hello to Jiang Hechuan, "Mr. Jiang, it's troublesome." ”

"Shi Yao, thank you, I'll get out of the car first."

Lin Shiyao poked her head out from the front and turned around, her eyes mixed with a little reluctance, "Sister Yining, goodbye!" ”

Song Yining smiled softly at her, then got up and got out of the car.

She was about to close the car door when Jiang Hechuan on the opposite side suddenly looked at her.

The two looked at each other.

Those deep ink-like eyes seem to hide the sea of stars, and you can't see it at a glance.

"Miss Song, walk slowly." The man's voice was low and pleasant.

Song Yining missed a beat when he saw his heartbeat.

With a snap, she closed the car door and walked into the hotel with her suitcase.

Song Yining walked into the hotel room, put down his things and collapsed directly on the bed.

After being tired for most of the day, she was physically and mentally exhausted at this time, and she just wanted to lie down.

Lying down, his eyelids drooped, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

By the time she woke up, it was already night.

As night falls, the lights come on.

Song Yining slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his eyes, got up and got out of bed, and walked to the balcony in the open air.

She wore a light-colored thin cardigan over and an avocado-green slip dress underneath.

The skin at the collarbone is like snow, the corners of the mouth are hooked with a slight arc, and the whole person seems to have come out of the moonlight, revealing a gentle and elegant temperament from the inside out.

After slowly leaning forward against the shiny railing, she quietly looked at the sea view outside.

The sea breeze blew slowly, and her long black hair was messy in the wind.

Song Yining didn't bother to pay attention to it, and let it sway with the wind.

A small lamp on the terrace flickered slightly, and a warm yellow glow poured down from overhead, casting a hazy golden halo around her.

Song Yining was blowing the sea breeze in his face, and the breath of the sea was blowing in his face.

The mind calmed down.

She smiled at the sea.

At the same time, in a high-end bar in Beijing, Jiang Cheng was drinking and having fun with Chen Shaochuan.

Chen Shaochuan always felt that Jiang Cheng's mood today was not quite right, and he looked down at his mobile phone from time to time, and he was full of irritability.

What's going on?

He was curious, and after holding back for a while, he simply asked directly, "Brother Cheng, what are you doing looking at your phone all the time?" ”

He had observed that Brother Cheng's mobile phone screen was always black.

I don't know what's so nice about this?

Jiang Cheng pretended not to care and put down his mobile phone, glaring at him coldly, "I love to watch, can you manage it?" ”

"What are you doing staring at me!"

Chen Shaochuan touched his nose, why is Brother Cheng so angry today?

Like eating gunpowder?

It can't be a lack of women, right?

He turned his mind and took out his phone to send a message.

It didn't take long for two hot young girls to walk in from outside the box.

One of them walked up to Chen Shaochuan and sat down.

The other walked up to Jiang Cheng without hesitation and sat down close to him.

"Jiang Shao, it's not interesting to drink a lot alone, why don't I have a drink with you?"

Tian Weiwei picked up the wine glass, leaned forward slightly, revealing the snow-white and proud career line on her chest, and couldn't wait to stick her whole body to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng wanted to refuse, but the picture of Song Yining blocking him came to mind, his face sank, and he took the wine glass in her hand.

Let her get close to her.

Tian Weiwei was overjoyed in her heart, and put her hand on his chest, her voice was sweet, "Jiang Shao, will you let someone accompany you tonight?" ”

Jiang Cheng felt bored for a while, glanced at her coldly, and pushed her away directly.

Tian Weiwei was suddenly silent and didn't dare to say more.

Chen Shaochuan was drinking happily with the beauty in his arms, and when he saw that Jiang Cheng's face on the opposite side was not quite right, he simply let go of the person in his arms, stood up and walked to Jiang Cheng and sat down.

"Brother Cheng, what's wrong with you today?"

"Who upset you?"

Chen Shaochuan's mind turned, and a flash of inspiration occurred in his mind, and he suddenly remembered what happened last night.

"It won't be because of Song Yining, right?"

"How is that possible!" Jiang Cheng retorted without thinking about it.

"You're thinking too much."

He absolutely didn't admit that it was because Song Yining broke up with him.

"It's just a woman, it's divided, it's divided, can I still read her?"

Chen Shaochuan was shocked, "Brother Cheng, did you really break up with Song Yining?" ”

Somewhat suddenly.

However, Chen Shaochuan was used to seeing his straightforward and decisive appearance after breaking up with other women in the past, and he felt that there was no surprise.

"Brother Cheng is talking about just a woman."

If he doesn't want a woman, how can he worry about a woman.

After Jiang Cheng drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, he always felt that the irritability in his heart did not dissipate at all.

"Give me your phone."

Chen Shaochuan didn't know why, but Jiang Cheng spoke, and he didn't ask much, and handed over the phone directly.

Jiang Cheng picked up his mobile phone and went outside, and dialed Song Yining's phone easily, and the phone rang for a while before being picked up.

"Hey, hello, who's that?"

A gentle and familiar voice sounded, Jiang Cheng had a gloomy face, and his tone was not very polite, "Song Yining, what do you mean?" ”

He wanted to ask.

grew so big, the first time I was dumped, I was dumped for no reason.

In his capacity, when has he ever been treated like this?

Jiang Cheng was naturally unhappy in his heart.

Song Yining on the other end of the phone listened to Jiang Cheng's cold voice, and he was in no good mood, but he felt that listening to his voice was disappointing.

That's his nature, right?

In the past, he pretended to be a dog in front of her, and he spoke in a good voice, when did he use this tone to her.

Sure enough, he was pretending.

"Jiang Cheng, don't you understand the word breakup?"

"Don't call again."

"You!" Jiang Cheng wanted to say something, but Song Yining hung up the phone directly after speaking.

The air pressure on Jiang Cheng's body plummeted, and his eyes were so cold that they seemed to be about to leach out of an ice lump.

Song Yining, it's very good!

He didn't even give him an explanation.

Is he really reluctant to give up on her?

If you divide it, you will divide it, and there are many women who can choose with him.

He called her again, and his name of Jiang Cheng was written upside down!

Jiang Cheng was so angry that he directly smashed his phone on the ground.

With a click, the phone screen went black, and it was full of cracks.

Frightened, the people passing by around him looked at him, and then moved away from him.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the people around him gloomily, and after regaining his senses, he picked up his mobile phone and returned to the box.

He threw his phone directly on the table, without the slightest hint of guilt in his eyes.

"Shaochuan, I accidentally broke my phone, I will compensate you for a new one tomorrow."

Chen Shaochuan looked at the miserable appearance of the mobile phone on the table, and his eyes showed surprise.

Where did you fall? How did you fall like this?

He doesn't feel sorry for his mobile phone, it's just a mobile phone, it's only worth a few dollars.

"Brother Cheng, you will see me outside, if you fall, you will fall, where can you compensate me."

Chen Shaochuan was not only in a bad mood when he saw him going out, but his face was so stinky that it looked like someone owed him hundreds of millions.

I didn't dare to ask him what he did with his phone.

He glanced at Tian Weiwei and said angrily, "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you continue to drink with Brother Cheng?" ”

Seeing this, Tian Weiwei didn't care about being afraid, and continued to approach Jiang Cheng with a wine glass.

If she can catch the big fish of Jiang Shao, the benefits will naturally go without saying.

Her body seemed to be delicate and boneless, and she had the courage to stick to Jiang Cheng's arm.

Jiang Cheng remembered what Song Yining said on the phone just now, and sneered in his heart.

What kind of woman does he want.

Any woman is more interesting and interesting than her Song Yining.

It was just right to divide it.

He let Tian Weiwei move around on him, and did not stop her.

Tian Weiwei hid the joy in her eyes, and seeing that Jiang Cheng did not refuse, the movements in her hands became more daring.

After Song Yining hung up Jiang Cheng's phone, Lin Shiyao's message came on his mobile phone.

[Sister Yining, do you want to come out to play? 】

She stretched out her hand as white as jade, and was about to type to refuse, when Lin Shiyao on the opposite side sent another message.

[Sister Yining, have you eaten? I want to go to a barbecue, do you want to go together? 】

Song Yining slept until night, and he didn't eat anything, not to mention that it was okay, but he was really hungry.

She thought about it, the little girl was very cute, but she didn't refuse.

[Okay.] 】

Lin Shiyao on the opposite side sent a happy emoji over.

I couldn't wait to send the address over.

Song Yining looked at the address, it was not too far, a few kilometers away.

After cleaning up casually, she left the hotel with a small bag on her back and took a taxi to Lin Shiyaofa's location.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Lin Shiyao's little face looking at her.

"Sister Yining! Here and here! ”

She waved her hand excitedly, as if she was afraid that Song Yining wouldn't notice her, so that the people around her couldn't help but look at her more.

Lin Shiyao didn't pay attention to it at all, her attention was all on Song Yining.

Seeing her coming, she trotted forward towards her without hesitation.

For the sake of her brother, she can't do a little harder?

Her brother has been single for twenty-two years, and he is not too young, so it's time to talk about a girlfriend.

Hey, this kind of thing has to worry about her as a sister, it's really worrying.

Lin Shiyao stood in front of Song Yining, her face flushed with excitement, and the corners of her mouth were already grinning behind her ears.

Song Yi would rather not know Lin Shiyao's careful thoughts, only when she was happy to see herself.

"Shi Yao, which barbecue do you want to eat?"

Lin Shiyao stretched out her hand and pointed across the road, "Sister Yining, I've inquired, there's a good barbecue opposite, let's try it?" ”

Her family is strictly controlled, and her mother usually doesn't let her eat these, saying that it is not clean.

Every time I eat these, I can only eat them behind my mother's back.

This is not just after the college entrance examination, her whole person is like a bird out of the cage, and she no longer has to scruple about what she wants to eat.

Song Yining saw her happy face, and didn't disappoint her interest, looked in the direction she pointed, and nodded, "Okay." ”

As soon as the voice fell, the green light lit up.

Lin Shiyao took Song Yining's hand and walked forward excitedly.

"Sister Yining, it's a green light, let's go over quickly."

Song Yining smiled helplessly, only felt that the little girl was too enthusiastic, but she didn't withdraw her hand.

When the two walked to the barbecue restaurant opposite, it was almost full.

Lin Shiyao saw that there was still an empty table in the corner, so she immediately trotted over and sat down, for fear that others would rob her.

"Sister Yining, come and sit."

Song Yining walked to the chair opposite her and sat down, just as the clerk stepped forward with the menu.

"Shi Yao, what do you want to eat, I'll invite you."

"How's that going to work!" Lin Shiyao puffed out her eyes and shook her head again and again.

"Okay, don't be polite to me."

Song Yining smiled softly at her, and suddenly fascinated Lin Shiyao and forgot to speak.

She pushed the menu in front of Lin Shiyao, and her eyes motioned for her to order.

Lin Shiyao's eyes rolled, and she simply didn't say anything polite to her, and ordered a lot of her favorite food in one go.

Taking advantage of the barbecue, the two chatted.

"Sister Yining, are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Shiyao observed for a long time, and always felt that she had something hidden in her heart.

Although she kept having a smile on her face, that smile was mixed with some complicated emotions, and her eyes were filled with a faint sadness.

She felt that Sister Yi Ning should be in a bad mood.

Song Yining held the teacup in his hand and chuckled, "Am I acting obviously?" ”

Shi Yao looked at her temperament, but she didn't expect her mind to be quite delicate.

She is not a saint either, and when this kind of thing happens, it is unlikely that there is no trace of emotion in her heart.

Lin Shiyao nodded first, and then shook her head violently.

"It's not obvious."

After she recalled the meaning of Song Yining's words just now, her eyes widened, "Sister Yining, it turns out that you are really in a bad mood!" ”

"What happened to you? Would you like to talk to me? ”

"I promise not to tell anyone else!"

She raised her right hand with a serious look.

Xu was afraid that she didn't want to talk about it, so Lin Shiyao then added, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." ”

This action made Song Yining couldn't help laughing, and she only felt like a pistachio.

Actually, there's nothing that can't be said.

"I broke up yesterday."

"Ahh Lin Shiyao was shocked, she almost didn't hold back her expression, and almost spit out the water she had just drunk in her mouth.

Her eyes widened like copper bells, "Sister Yining, you broke up!" ”

Lin Shiyao opened her mouth, obviously a little surprised.

After reacting, she covered her mouth with her hands, and a flash of joy flashed in her heart.

It's a good point! It's wonderful!

The breakup happened to introduce her brother to her!

I don't know which dog man is so visionless, and he is willing to break up with such a beautiful and gentle sister Yining.

Lin Shiyao was curious, and asked again: "Sister Yining, who is willing to break up with you if you are so beautiful?" ”

Song Yining didn't hide it, and told her directly: "It was I who mentioned the breakup." ”

"He said I was boring, he didn't really like me, and chasing me was just a game for him."

Lin Shiyao was so shocked by her words that her eyes were about to fall out.

What kind of man is so tasteless!

Hearing this, she was so angry that she almost couldn't help but slap the table.

"Scumbag! Proper scumbag! ”

"Sister Yining, don't be sad, it's good to be a scumbag man!"

"There are thousands of men in the world, this one doesn't work, let's replace the next one."

"I'll tell you, my brother is fine, really, lied to you that you are a puppy!"

Lin Shiyao stood up abruptly and walked to the chair next to Song Yining and sat down, taking the opportunity to promote her brother.

"Sister Yining, look at it, this is my brother, what do you think?"

She pulled out her phone and pulled out a frontal photo of her brother and handed it to her.

Lin Shiyao's brain made up for it, the picture of her brother and Sister Yining standing together is really quite an eye-catching match.

Just thinking about her was excited, and the corners of her mouth rose wildly.

Song Yining can see that she is determined to push her brother to herself.

She glanced down at the boy in the photo, who was handsome and had a gentle and elegant temperament.

Just looking at the outside, it is indeed as she said, this is an extremely good man.

However, she has no intention of falling in love for the time being.

In order not to make the little girl sad, Song Yining praised with a smile: "Your brother is very eye-catching." ”

Hearing others praise her brother, Lin Shiyao's heart was bubbling with beauty.

"yes, yes, I think so too."

Lin Shiyao simply struck while the iron was hot and continued to ask: "Then do you want to know my brother?" ”

Song Yining smiled helplessly, "Let's talk about it later." ”

At this time, the barbecue was delivered, and in order to divert the little girl's attention, she directly pushed the barbecue in front of her.

"Shi Yao, eat barbecue first."

Lin Shiyao was attracted by the food, smelled the tempting taste in front of her, swallowed her saliva, and no longer asked about what had just happened.

Let my brother's affairs go first, and I can't delay her from eating.

"Sister Yining, I'm welcome, you can eat too."

She sat back opposite Song Yining, and was not polite to her, picked up a meat skewer and put it in her mouth.


It was so delicious that she wanted to cry!

Song Yining watched her eat with a look of enjoyment, and her appetite was also driven, and her appetite increased greatly.

The two of them had a satisfying meal.

After eating, Song Yining saw that there were oil stains on the corners of her mouth, and handed her a tissue.

"Shi Yao, do you still want to play?"

If there were no other arrangements, she would go back first.

Lin Shiyao licked the corners of her mouth unsatisfactorily, and happily took the tissue in Song Yining's hand and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Her mind turned, and a touch of excitement appeared on her face, "Sister Yining, let's go to the bar and have a look?" What do you think? ”

She held her face in her hands and looked pitiful, "I haven't been to a bar yet." ”

Lin Shiyao didn't tell a lie, she was strictly controlled by her family, and her brother didn't let her go.

Honestly, she's curious.

On the other hand, Lin Shiyao thought that Song Yining had just broken up, and she was not in a good mood, so she just went to drink some wine to relieve her boredom.

Isn't it said that getting drunk relieves a thousand sorrows?

She didn't dare to go alone, but she happened to meet Song Yining, and she became bold when someone was together.

"Sister Yining, are you okay?"

Lin Shiyao pulled Song Yining's arm and was coquettish.

Song Yining relented for a moment and promised her, "Okay." ”

Lin Shiyao's appearance reminded her of her little cousin at home.

Every time my little cousin wants to take her out to play, that's what it looks like.

It's so cute that you can't bear to refuse.

Seeing her agree, Lin Shiyao happily circled in place.

"Sister Yining, let's go!"

Lin Shiyao picked a bar with a good rating from the Internet, and walked in with Song Yining excitedly.

The lights inside were dim, and the colorful light and shadow swept back and forth, illuminating people dizzyingly.

The sound of music in the bar made people's eardrums tremble, and Song Yining was a little uncomfortable.

She lowered her head and led Lin Shiyao to a booth and sat down.

Song Yining didn't seem to be very interested in everything around her, but Lin Shiyao looked left and right curiously.

As soon as she sat down, she noticed that a man and a woman were kissing passionately in the booth opposite.

The two seem to be like no one else, and they are inseparable.

Lin Shiyao's eyes widened in shock.

Is it so exciting?

Lin Shiyao looked at it vigorously, and Song Yining noticed her strangeness and followed her gaze.

It's okay not to look at it, but after reading it, she coughed lightly and turned her head hurriedly.

Thanks to the dim lighting, I couldn't see the expression on her face clearly.

Song Yining's cheeks flushed slightly, she gently pulled Lin Shiyao's hand and asked, "Shiyao, what do you want to drink?" ”


The bar was noisy, and Lin Shiyao couldn't hear what she was saying.

She turned her head, the excitement in her eyes still not gone.

Song Yining leaned close to her ear and repeated it again, and Lin Shiyao reacted.

The two of them each ordered a cocktail.

Song Yining is sitting on pins and needles in the bar, she doesn't like the noisy environment very much.

However, Lin Shiyao is like a fish in water, and the whole person seems to have been beaten with chicken blood, full of vitality.

She picked up the wine glass in front of her, "Sister Yining, cheers!" ”

"Celebrate your breakup!"

Song Yining picked up the cup and touched it with her, and then took a sip.

Lin Shiyao drank more than half of it directly in one go.

It wasn't long before she finished drinking that she hurried to the bathroom.

As soon as Lin Shiyao left on the front foot, someone came over to talk to her on the back foot.

"Beauty, do you want to have a drink together?"

Beautiful people are an eye-catcher no matter where they are, let alone a place like a bar.

Song Yining directly rejected the other party, "No need, thank you." ”

The other party was also interested, so he didn't continue to entangle, and turned around and left after whistling at Song Yining.

After Lin Shiyao came back, she only felt a little dry mouth, so she directly picked up the wine glass and drank the rest.

After a cup of belly, her face was already flushed.

It's just that the lights in the bar are dim, and Song Yining didn't notice it.

"Come back!"

"Shi Yao, are you okay?"

Song Yining glanced at her with some concern.

Lin Shiyao waved her hand, "Sister Yining, don't worry, I'm not drunk!" ”

As she spoke, she also pointed to the card seat opposite, leaned close to Song Yining's ear and said, "Sister Yining, I don't lie to you, I can even tell whether the person opposite is a man or a woman." ”

Song Yining couldn't help laughing.

She looked in the direction that Lin Shiyao pointed, and Lin Shiyao took her hand excitedly, as if she had discovered some secret, and her voice was slightly angry.

"Sister Yining, that person drugged in wine!"

Song Yining subconsciously covered her mouth, pulled her fingers down, and pulled her eyes back.

She frowned, obviously seeing the scene just now.

The man opposite took advantage of the girl next to him to go to the bathroom and drugged her wine glass without permission.

The move speaks for itself.

The lights in the bar were dim, and if it weren't for Lin Shiyao's casual finger just now, no one would have noticed the man's movements.

Lin Shiyao buried her head, held her mobile phone, and after sending a message, she grabbed Song Yining's hand and said with a little excitement: "Sister Yining, I can't sit idly by." ”

Song Yining hesitated for a moment and nodded, no matter what the relationship between the man and the girl who was traveling with him was, his behavior was always illegal.

In fact, she can sit idly by, but maybe the girl will leave a shadow for the rest of her life.

"Shi Yao, you sit here, I'll go to the bathroom door to remind her."

She remembered it well, and she remembered the girl after just one glance.

Besides, she is older than Lin Shiyao, this kind of thing can't let the little girl take risks.

Song Yining didn't pay attention for a moment, picked up the wine glass and took a sip to calm his mood.

To be honest, this is the first time she has done this kind of thing, and she is a little nervous, but she can't just watch it happen.

Lin Shiyao immediately refuted her, "Sister Yining, how can this work!" ”

Song Yining shook her head and motioned for her not to mess around.

She picked up her phone and walked towards the bathroom.

Lin Shiyao waited restlessly, picked up the wine she had just delivered, patted her face, and drank it directly in one go, relieving her uneasy mood.

Who knew that the plan couldn't catch up with the change, Song Yining had just left, and the girl who went to the bathroom had already come over from the other side and returned to the booth.

The man opposite handed her the glass, and the girl in the white dress hesitated for a moment, but finally took the glass.

Lin Shiyao kept staring at the direction of Song Yining's departure, but she didn't notice the man's side for a while.

When she turned around, she saw that the girl was about to bring the glass to her lips.

Lin Shiyao was under the influence of alcohol, she became bolder, and rushed over with an arrow.

Seeing that it was too late, she panicked and shouted, "Don't drink!" He drugged his wine! ”

This sound directly attracted the attention of the people around them, and they all looked over to this side.

"What happened?"

"Looks like someone drugged?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, did not react, and paused with her hand holding the wine glass.

When she came back to her senses, she was so frightened that she quickly put the wine glass back on the table.

"You drugged wine?"

Song Yining turned his head when he heard the movement, looked at the unexpected scene, secretly screamed that it was not good, and hurriedly walked in front of Lin Shiyao and blocked in front of her.

Just as she was about to speak, a man in a black shirt on the booth suddenly got up, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Who made you meddle in your business!" ”

He raised his hand angrily, and was about to fan Song Yining.

At this moment, a strong hand grabbed the hand of the man in the black shirt.

Jiang Hechuan pushed the man away effortlessly, glanced at him with a cold expression, and turned to look at Song Yining on the side.

Song Yining was a little embarrassed by his staring, and had a sense of déjà vu that he had been caught by his elders on the spot and did something bad, so he stood aside obediently and didn't dare to move.

Lin Shiyao, who was behind her, lowered her head even more weakly and quietly pulled her hand.

Song Yining blurted out in a hurry: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I want to bring Shiyao here, don't blame her." ”

Lin Shiyao behind Song Yining was so moved that she was about to cry, Sister Yining is a good person, she didn't forget to take the blame for her at this time.

He was still protecting her in that thrilling moment just now.

Woo woo, it's a pity that such a gentle and understanding beautiful sister doesn't go home to be a sister-in-law.

Jiang Hechuan calmly glanced at Lin Shiyao, and saw that Lin Shiyao's scalp was numb.

The calmer the little uncle is, the more scary he is.

Ahhh He's not going to sue her parents, is he?

"Uncle, I was wrong, don't tell my parents!"

Lin Shiyao doesn't care about 3721, it's always right to admit mistakes first.

She went to the bar with her uncle on her back today, but just now she was afraid that the situation would not be good, so she sent him a message in advance.

Lin Shiyao sighed in her heart, worthy of her little uncle, the speed of this is fast.

I'm afraid I came by rocket, right?

How did she know that Jiang Hechuan had already known her whereabouts, and just came to pick her up after the party.

Originally, it didn't matter if he didn't come, he secretly sent bodyguards to protect her, so that she wouldn't have any accidents.

Jiang Hechuan thought about it, and came over to take a look.

Shi Yao admits her mistakes every time she is positive and has a good attitude, but she will make it again next time.

She just owes a lesson.

"Lin Shiyao, you have grown your skills."

This plain sentence scared Lin Shiyao's legs weak.

It's over, it's over, the little uncle is angry.

She hurriedly hid behind Song Yining, held her hand tightly, and drooped her head, completely losing the courage to stop the girl just now.

Song Yining could see that Shi Yao was really afraid of her little uncle.

"Mr. Jiang, I was in a bad mood and had to pull Shi Yao to accompany me, and today's incident has nothing to do with her."

As soon as the words fell, the man who had just been pushed to the ground got up, clenched his fists and sneaked up from behind Jiang Hechuan with a fierce momentum.

Seeing that the fist was about to fall, it made people's hearts tighten.

The people around him made a gasping sound, but they didn't dare to step forward, for fear of setting themselves on fire.

Song Yining's heart rose to his throat, and he shouted nervously: "Mr. Jiang, be careful!" ”

Jiang Hechuan didn't see any panic on his face, turned around calmly, raised his hand to restrain the man in the black shirt, and kicked him away.

Song Yining breathed a sigh of relief.

The man felt that he had lost face, and he just wanted to scold, but his body was held down and he couldn't move.

"Let go of me!"

The bodyguard ignored him, turned to look at Jiang Hechuan and asked respectfully, "Sir, what should I do?" ”

Jiang Hechuan's eyebrows and eyes were calm, and his face was not shocked.

Ruifeng's eyes glanced at the man on the ground, the expression in his eyes was indifferent, and the coercion that emanated invisibly made the man tense.

"Leave me alone, I won't dare next time."

"Take him to the police."

As soon as the low and steady voice came out, the man was frightened.

Lin Shiyao was so excited that she couldn't help but applaud secretly.

Uncle Xiao, he is so handsome!

Many people were staring at this side without blinking, and Song Yining couldn't help but look at him.

He was wearing a navy blue haute couture suit, with sparse eyebrows and clear bones, and a noble and calm temperament that was incompatible with the surroundings.

provoked the girls in the bar couldn't help but take a few more looks.

Jiang Hechuan ignored the eyes of the people around him and wiped his hands calmly, as if something had happened just now.

"Miss Song is okay, right?"

Jiang Hechuan's eyes drooped slightly, looked at the frightened Song Yining, and asked casually.

I can't see that such a quiet personality of hers would do such a bold thing.

I think it was also brought by Shi Yao.

Song Yining came back to his senses and smiled lightly at him, "Thank you Mr. Jiang, I'm fine." ”

"It's Shi Yao."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Lin Shiyao's body crooked, and there was a tendency to fall.

Lin Shiyao was afraid that her uncle would scold her, so she took the opportunity to pretend to be drunk and collapsed.

"Oops, I'm so dizzy."

Song Yining almost couldn't support her.

Jiang Hechuan glanced at the bodyguard, "Carry her into the car." ”

"Yes, sir."

The bodyguard stepped forward without saying a word, took Lin Shiyao from Song Yining's hand, and walked out with her on his back.

Song Yining took a deep breath and relaxed.

Fortunately, Shi Yao is okay today, if something happens to her, she will blame herself.

After all, he brought her to the bar himself.

Thinking of the scene just now, Song Yining still had palpitations.

Growing so big, where had she ever seen these scenes.

Thrilling and exciting.

Her father was the president of the university and her mother was a famous painter, and her character was raised to be very well-behaved since she was a child.

Going to a bar is even rarer.

Song Yining came back to his senses, and Jiang Hechuan's deep and magnetic voice came from his ears: "Since Miss Song is fine, let's go." ”

After Jiang Hechuan finished speaking, he strode out.

Song Yining picked up the bag and meekly followed him.

The girl behind her called out to her and thanked her gratefully, "Thank you." ”

The man was courting her, and had been acting well before, and she thought he was a good one.

But just now his reaction told her that he had really drugged the wine.

She couldn't believe what would happen to her if no one reminded her.

Now that she thinks about it, she is still a little afraid, and she is grateful to Song Yining from the bottom of her heart at this time.

Song Yining smiled back, "You're welcome." ”

This is all due to Shi Yao, and the little girl is too bold, and she almost scared her into cardiac arrest just now.

Luckily, nothing happened.

After Song Yining finished speaking, he turned around, and Jiang Hechuan had already walked to the front.

His steps were fast, and Song Yining couldn't keep up.

I don't know if he noticed her movements or what, Jiang Hechuan glanced back at her, and slowed down behind him.

As soon as he was about to walk out of the bar, the person in charge of the bar hurried over and stood in front of Jiang Hechuan respectfully.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry, today's incident is our bar negligence."

This is a big man, and he can't afford to offend.

Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, the boss called him to apologize, and he naturally didn't dare to slack off.

Jiang Hechuan stopped and glanced at him lightly.

The person in charge of the bar was in a cold sweat when he saw him, and he didn't dare to make a sound, so he bent his waist lower.

Jiang Hechuan didn't speak for a while, and he didn't dare to say more.

Noticing that Mr. Jiang was followed by a young girl, he immediately reacted and politely said to Song Yining: "This young lady, I'm sorry to frighten you." ”

"I'm fine."

After Song Yining finished speaking, Jiang Hechuan spoke, "Let's go." ”

He didn't go to see the person in charge of the bar, and went out directly, and Song Yining followed.

Walking to the front of the car, Jiang Hechuan stopped and turned to look at her, her figure reflected in those inky eyes like an abyss.

"Miss Song, get in the car, I'll send you back."

Song Yining shook his head, "Mr. Jiang, no need, I'll just take a taxi back by myself." ”

She wasn't familiar with him, and she wasn't too embarrassed to trouble him.

Jiang Hechuan looked at her drunken and crimson face, chuckled, and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Miss Song, you are a girl, and it is not safe to ride in the car at night. ”

"You are Shi Yao's friend, she will blame herself if she has an accident."

Song Yining was stunned for a moment, this was the first time she had seen him smile.

She also thought that he had always been unsmiling, so serious that people didn't dare to approach.

She actually wanted to retort, where is it not safe?

This is a society governed by the rule of law.

But a pair of Shangjiang Hechuan's eyes were as black as ink, and then thinking of what happened in the bar just now, Song Yining swallowed the words back.

Before she could say anything she wanted to refuse, the strength of the alcohol crept up, and her head fluttered.

It's really not safe to go back like this.

Shi Yao said that her little uncle is not close to women, and she should be fine with him.

In addition, Jiang Hechuan has a sense of security that makes people trust.

Song Yining hesitated for a moment and smiled lightly at him.

"Then trouble Mr. Jiang."

In fact, she was a little drunk just now, but she wanted to bring Lin Shiyao out safely, and she kept holding on to it, so no one could see it.

After Lin Shiyao was safe at this time, the hanging thread in her heart loosened and she began to feel dizzy.

The face was also hot, hot and hot.

Jiang Hechuan opened the car door for her gentlemanly, and Song Yining whispered thank you and got into the car.

As soon as she sat down, she closed her eyes.

Song Yining's face was crimson under his eyes, from the tips of his ears to his neck.

Jiang Hechuan went around to the other side and got into the car, glanced at her and lowered his eyes, a smile flashed in his eyes very quickly, and then calmly withdrew his gaze.

"Where are you going, sir?" The driver in the front seat asked suddenly.

The driver didn't know whether Mr. Jiang wanted to send the young lady back or go directly to the hotel, and he didn't dare to make a decision without permission, so he naturally had to ask first.

Jiang Hechuan rubbed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, "Go back to the hotel." ”

Is the gentleman going to take people back to the hotel? This is the first time this has happened.

Maybe it's because she's a friend of Miss Shi Yao, so she sent her over to stay with Miss Shi Yao for one night.

The driver was a little surprised, but he didn't ask much and drove directly in the direction of the hotel.

Lin Shiyao was not in the car at the moment, she went back in the bodyguard's car, worrying about Song Yining all the way.

She felt a little guilty for pretending to be drunk and leaving Song Yining behind.

felt that she shouldn't have no righteousness because she was afraid of being scolded by her little uncle, and left Sister Yining to face her little uncle alone.

Her little uncle is not close to women, and he is very cold to women, and she doesn't know if Sister Yining is afraid.

She's scared of him anyway.

Lin Shiyao had just pretended to be drunk, and she didn't dare to call Jiang Hechuan directly to ask about the situation at this time.

Thinking of her little uncle's personality, Lin Shiyao was a little relieved.

Uncle, he should send Sister Yi Ning back safely, right?

Thinking about it, Lin Shiyao came up with alcohol and fell asleep directly.

On Song Yining's side, there were only the driver, Jiang Hechuan and her in the car, and it was so quiet that no one was there.

At first, Song Yining was quite conscious, but then he fell asleep groggily.

At night, there is less traffic, and the driver drives smoothly and the speed is faster.

Unexpectedly, there was a pothole on the way, and the car jolted.

Song Yining didn't sit down and fell directly into Jiang Hechuan's arms.

Under the influence of alcohol, she did not wake up.

When the driver saw this scene in the rearview mirror, he almost broke out in a cold sweat, his hand holding the steering wheel tightened, and his voice was slightly nervous, "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention." ”

Sir doesn't like a woman near him the most, so he won't be angry now, right?

Jiang Hechuan didn't react yet, but Song Yining, who was asleep after being drunk, subconsciously frowned and admonished.

"Drive slower."

Jiang Hechuan showed no signs of anger on his face, and his tone was as calm as usual.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the gentleman was not angry.

When he came back to his senses, his jaw almost dropped.

The gentleman was not angry???


Jiang Hechuan coughed lightly, and the driver immediately straightened his head, stared ahead, and didn't dare to look in the rearview mirror again.

Jiang Hechuan looked down at the girl who fell in his arms, and he reached out to help her up.

Who knew that after Song Yining was helped up, his head suddenly tilted back, and Jiang Hechuan just lowered his head again.

In an instant, her soft lips touched Jiang Hechuan's lips.

The picture seems to be frozen at this moment.

Jiang Hechuan's eyes darkened, and he politely helped her down and put her back in her seat.

He closed his eyes and stopped looking at her.

There were no more accidents on the rest of the journey, and the driver drove all the way back to the hotel.

At the door of the hotel, after Chen Tezhu asked Lin Shiyao to send him up, he hurriedly stepped forward to open the car door for Jiang Hechuan.

"Sir, the hotel has arrived."

Jiang Hechuan opened his eyes and stretched out his long legs to get out of the car.

When Chen Tezhu saw Song Yining, who was still sleeping inside, his mind quickly reacted to who this was.

He had just heard Miss Shiyao say in the car that he had met a friend, and his words revealed that he liked it.

Miss Shi Yao secretly went to the bar with her husband and someone behind her back tonight, she should have gone with this Miss Song in the car, right?

When he picked up Lin Shiyao during the day today, Chen Tezhu was not there, and when he just went to the bar, the lights inside were dim, and he was busy sending Lin Shiyao away, and he didn't see Song Yining clearly.

Now that he finally saw the appearance clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in Chen Tezhu's eyes.

It's really a rare beauty with excellent bone and skin appearance.

However, he thought that the boss had always disliked women getting close to him, let alone letting women get close.

Chen Tezhu hesitated for a moment, but finally asked, "Sir, do you want me to carry Miss Song up?" ”

Jiang Hechuan glanced at him lightly, "No." ”

He went around to Song Yining's side, bent down and picked her up, and carried her into the hotel in the posture of a princess.

Chen Tezhu was left standing stunned for a moment, which somewhat surprised him.

Recalling the look that the boss had just looked at him, Chen Tezhu now felt a chill on his back.

His face was expressionless, and he was madly shocked inside.

, the boss won't be taken away!

Is this still his boss who usually has no interest in women?

The boss can't be Miss Song who fell in love at first sight, right?


If it is invaded and deleted

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