
In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

author:Military Coffee

The Russian-Ukrainian war continues, and according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the units of the Russian Army Group "South" are actively liberating the settlement of Razdolovka in the Donetsk People's Republic, which is obviously bad news for Ukraine, which also means that Ukraine has suffered heavy losses again! In the confrontation between the two sides, the Russian army hit the living forces and equipment of 3 mechanized brigades, 2 airmobile brigades and 2 air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which led to the defeat of the Ukrainian troops and their inability to organize an effective counterattack, especially in the face of Russian military aircraft and missiles, Ukraine has no good way, after all, Ukraine is very lacking in air defense systems and anti-aircraft missiles, and can only watch as Russian military aircraft and missiles continue to hit Ukraine's frontline area!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

The Russian Ministry of Defense will publish the situation of the fighting between the two sides every day, and the data on the daily losses of Ukraine will also be published! But it was all unilaterally released by Russia, and the accuracy of the data is still up for debate, after all, Ukraine will not recognize such data! But the course of the war is clearly in favor of Russia, which has returned to the pre-war level, and such a result is also very disappointing for Western countries! Western countries thought that they could greatly weaken Russia with the help of Ukraine, but Russia's strength is still very strong, and now it is more likely to defeat Ukraine! Western countries obviously will not let Russia win, otherwise all the efforts of Western countries will be in vain, and so many weapons, equipment and ammunition materials aided by Western countries will be wasted!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, over the past week, Russia still occupies the absolute home team on the battlefield, carrying out as many as 17 cluster strikes on Ukraine! Every once in a while, Russia launches such cluster strikes, Ukraine simply cannot defend against it, and every time it suffers heavy losses! The Russian armed forces used high-precision weapons and attack drones to carry out targeted strikes on power facilities, military airport infrastructure and many other key places that ensure the operation of Ukrainian military industrial enterprises, and the assembly workshops of drones and unmanned boats and many ammunition depots were also directly destroyed by Russia, Ukraine does not have enough air defense systems to intercept, and can only watch a large number of missiles smash into the Ukrainian region!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

These 17 group strikes not only destroyed a large number of weapons, equipment and ammunition materials in Ukraine, but also hit the Ukrainian army detachments and temporary garrisons of foreign mercenaries, causing a large number of Ukrainian soldiers and mercenaries to be killed! Russia's cluster strikes have become the norm, and Ukraine does not have a very good way to deal with it, and can only be beaten passively every time! For Ukraine, it is difficult to organize a large-scale counterattack now, and the Ukrainian Air Force is also useless, and there are very few fighters that can be used by itself, and more drones are used to harass the Russian front line, but most of the drones will be destroyed by Russia!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

According to the data given by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the number of destroyed military aircraft in Ukraine over the past 168 hours is as high as 591, and such a result is clearly a huge victory for Russia! For Russia, the shooting down of so many Ukrainian military planes in just one week has greatly increased Russia's self-confidence! Of the 591 military aircraft, there are 2 MiG-29 fighters, and the remaining 589 military aircraft are UAVs. Fortunately, it is basically drones, which avoids the death of more Ukrainian pilots, and such a result can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune! For Ukraine, it is very difficult to break through the Russian air defense system, as long as it appears, it will basically be locked by the Russian radar for the first time, and it will be impossible to escape being shot down in the end!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

In addition to shooting down a large number of Ukrainian military aircraft, Russian air defense systems also intercepted 6 Ukrainian ATACMS missiles, 8 "Patriot" missiles, 61 "Hymars", "Vampire" and "Alder" rockets, which also makes it difficult for Ukraine to put much pressure on Russia! Although Western countries have provided Ukraine with a large amount of weapons, equipment and ammunition, the Ukrainian front line is still very scarce, especially many ammunition depots have been directly destroyed, making it difficult for Ukraine to put much pressure on Russia on the front line!

In 168 hours, 17 cluster strikes were launched, 591 enemy aircraft were shot down, and 13,820 enemy troops were eliminated on the spot

According to the statistics of Russian national defense, in the past 168 hours, Russia has annihilated as many as 13,820 enemy troops on the spot, this number is still very terrifying, because it was unilaterally released by Russia, Ukraine did not confirm the accuracy of this data, and no one knows how many Ukrainian troops were annihilated! According to Russia, the Russian army groups in many directions have achieved great victories, the morale of the major army groups is high, in sharp contrast to the Ukrainian front-line troops, and if the war continues, Ukraine will only lose more numbers! Even if Ukraine lowers the age of recruiting new soldiers, it is still very difficult to quickly replenish the strength of the front line, but due to the pressure of Western countries, Ukraine can only continue to fight back!