
Jitan Township, Shitai County: "Four points of force" to implement the "four in place" to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief

author:Anhui beautiful style

In the face of continuous heavy rainfall and the severe situation of flood control, Jitan Township, Shitai County, Chizhou City, acted quickly, sounded the "rallying call" as soon as possible, gave full play to the role of grassroots fighting fortresses, made "four efforts" to implement the "four in place", and made every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and emergency measures.

Jitan Township, Shitai County: "Four points of force" to implement the "four in place" to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Based on "Xun", the responsibility for compaction is in place. Isotan Township paid close attention to the development of rain and flood conditions, activated the emergency response plan as soon as possible, held four flood control work deployment meetings and scheduling meetings, and rearranged and redeployed all aspects of flood prevention and disaster relief. Contact county-level leaders and flood control responsible persons at all levels to take the lead in going deep into key areas such as reservoirs and Qiupu River embankments to conduct on-the-spot inspections and command and dispatch on the front line. Establish a leading group for flood prevention and disaster relief in a timely manner with county-level leaders as the team leader and the main responsible comrades of the township party and government as the deputy leader, unify scheduling and deployment, and strictly implement the "call and response" mechanism to ensure the orderly development of flood prevention and emergency work.

Jitan Township, Shitai County: "Four points of force" to implement the "four in place" to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Focus on "reality", and the on-duty patrol is in place. Give full play to the role of grassroots fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, organize party members, third-level cadres of rural groups and volunteers for the practice of civilization in the new era, go deep into the village group as soon as possible, and work with the two village committees to do a good job of 24-hour duty work for reservoirs and key households. At the same time, uninterrupted inspections will be carried out in reservoirs, mountain ponds, low-lying places along the river, construction sites under construction, wading scenic spots, slope-cut construction households, and landslide-prone road sections, so as to maintain the low water level operation of the reservoir, clarify the responsible persons, and formulate targeted preventive measures. According to the statistics, 383 people from 150 households need to be transferred from flash floods in Jitan Township, 245 people from 87 low-lying households along the river, 23 people from 7 households with slope cutting houses, and 3 people from 1 household at geological disaster sites.

Jitan Township, Shitai County: "Four points of force" to implement the "four in place" to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Emphasize "publicity", and visit key groups in place. Make full use of the WeChat public account, WeChat group, emergency broadcasting, electronic display screen, household visits and other online and offline publicity methods, the first time to publicize the meteorological early warning information and preventive measures to the household, to the person, to ensure that the early warning information is transmitted in a timely and accurate manner, so that the masses can understand the flood situation in a timely manner, and can deal with emergencies in the first time and make preventive measures. Issue risk reminders through multiple channels to popularize flood prevention and disaster prevention knowledge to the public, and enhance the public's awareness of flood prevention and disaster prevention and their ability to avoid risks on their own initiative. For key groups, village cadres should focus on them, clarify the transfer routes, transfer signals and persons responsible for guarantees, carry out "door-knocking actions" from house to house, and inquire by phone at any time to ensure that flood control measures are in place and personnel are safe.

Jitan Township, Shitai County: "Four points of force" to implement the "four in place" to do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Closely follow the "prevention", and the emergency rescue guarantee is in place. Start the resettlement points as soon as possible, continue to dynamically replenish materials and equipment, effectively improve emergency response capabilities, timely pull up temporary cordons and set up warning signs for seriously damaged road sections, and organize machinery and personnel to carry out dredging and dredging in important road sections that affect the travel of the masses in a timely manner to ensure the travel of the masses. At the same time, ensure the smooth flow of information for all personnel, respond in a timely manner and deal with it efficiently in case of danger, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. Completed the formation of 7 rescue teams of 140 people, prepared emergency and necessary daily necessities, implemented 9,000 textile bags, 0.12 tons of lead wire, 120 life jackets, 3 cubic meters of wood, 2 forklifts, 2 excavators, and 4 transport vehicles. Up to now, the transfer of 77 people from 35 households in the low-lying areas along the Qiupu River in Jitan Township has been completed.

In the next step, the township will continue to maintain a high degree of vigilance, continue to do a good job in the analysis and judgment of extreme weather, pay attention to changes in weather and water conditions at any time, improve the emergency plan for flood prevention and disaster relief, and take various hard measures to build a solid safety barrier for the masses. (Tang Kang, Zhu Xianxing, Ma Qianqian)


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