
What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

author:Little Brother 2i2N

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young! [Unable to sob] [Unable to sob]


Our company has a new era of teachers to audit the factory, our reception team per capita after 80, the reception of colleagues back said that they were disgusted and young [crying silently] [crying silently]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

I think the revised version of the cat car is designed for a young age

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

Young people, dare to think and dare to do [cover your face] [cover your face]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

Add me and my husband 2 [crying]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

Do you know how much the words "I don't believe" are a stimulus to a young and vigorous young man? [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

Maybe it will take 10 years to participate in the work [covering his face] The first class of the juvenile class will graduate with a doctorate in 20! Alas, look at other people's 24 years old, and then look at my 24 years old, I just came to the world to make up the number [tears]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

It's sad to think about it

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

The world is theirs, and we are the ones they protect in the world

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

These are all 24 Ph.D. graduates

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

[Look] 90's time to retire, the next 00 force

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

I had an expression with her, [crying silently] [crying silently] [crying silently] so touched

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!
What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

You can also try to pick 11 people

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

80.90.00. If the youth is strong, China is strong! From generation to generation, the inheritance is endless[Like]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

These are the big guys, the pillars of the country, and I! Sorry, little NPCs are involved! [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

I don't dare to think that our family can produce such a scholar, then the designated ancestral grave has to be burned [embarrassed laughter]

What the West is worried about is not the successful landing of Chang'e-6, but the fact that the Chinese scientific research team is too young!

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