
The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

author:Character story exploration

On February 2, 1951, Huang Maocai was giving a lesson to a group of children, but several police officers suddenly broke into the classroom. The police looked serious and motioned for Huang Mao to go with them. With this departure, Huang Maocai fell into big trouble - he was suspected of being the murderer of Sister Jiang!

"Me? Kill Sister Jiang? How is this possible! As soon as Huang Maocai heard this accusation, he immediately became anxious, and his eyes widened to refute.

But at that time, everyone hated the Kuomintang spies to death. Huang Maocai was quickly labeled as a "spy", and the people clamored for him to be severely punished.

On July 20, 1953, Huang Maocai's case was pronounced in the Rong County People's Court - death penalty! The whole county gathered at the public judgment meeting to see what happened to this "spy". Huang Maocai was escorted to the stage, and in the face of the muzzle of the black hole, he suddenly shouted a sentence loudly.

It was this sentence that made everyone present stunned. The executors also hesitated, thinking that this matter might not be so simple, so they changed the death sentence to life imprisonment on the spot and announced that they would re-investigate the case.

Later, after more than 20 years of investigation and review, it was finally discovered that Huang Maocai was really wronged! Not only did he not kill Sister Jiang, but he was also a person who contributed to the revolution!

So, what did he shout before his execution, so that he could escape and make the court feel that Sister Jiang's case was suspicious, so he decided to retry it?

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Huang Maocai, a native of Yangjiachang, Zigongrong County, Sichuan, although his family was so poor, he finished junior high school. But just when he thought he could change his fate with knowledge, his father suddenly left. At this time, he could only put away his books, go home to take care of his mother, and married Yang Shuqiong from the same village. I thought that life would be so uneventful.

But at that time, the Kuomintang was pulling people around to serve as soldiers, and no man in any family was afraid of being arrested. Huang Maocai's mother was anxious and found Liu Chongwei, the landlord of their village, for help. This Liu Chongwei looks like an official of the National Government, but in fact, he is a big spy!

Unexpectedly, this Liu Chongwei really found an errand for Huang Maocai - to go to the Dregs Cave Prison as a guard. In this way, Huang Maocai, an honest farmer, suddenly became a person in the spy system.

At the beginning, Huang Maocai didn't have a good face for those prisoners, thinking that they were all bad people. But after a long time, he realized, hey? Why are there so many learned people among these prisoners? This is not what he thought!

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

One day, a group of new inmates came to the prison, among them was a girl named Zeng Zixia, who looked like a water spirit, and a polite young man with her. Huang Maocai asked the name, "Zeng Zixia", and the girl replied very cheerfully.

Huang Maocai pondered in his heart, this girl doesn't look like a bad person, why did she come in? He glanced at her from time to time, and his heart was quite uncomfortable.

Later, Huang Mao learned that Zeng Zixia and himself were fellow countrymen, so he felt close. After the other spies left, he violated the rules and quietly came to Zeng Zixia's cell to chat with her.

"I'm from Gongrong County, and we're fellow villagers. If you need help in the future, come to me. Huang Maocai said sincerely.

But Zeng Zixia was wary of this guard who suddenly showed concern. And this is also related to a betrayal that Zeng Zixia has just experienced.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Zeng Zixia, the daughter of the section chief of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance, can be said to be a female college student from a famous family, who was arrested and imprisoned for being a Communist Party.

was arrested with her, as well as her lover Liu Guozhi. The two looked at each other and smiled, without words, each other's hearts were already connected.

In prison, Zeng Zixia met the guard Huang Maocai. At first, she was very wary of him, after all, this place is unpredictable. She nodded at him, but she was playing Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

But as the days passed, Zeng Zixia slowly got into conversation with Huang Maocai in labor. While pretending to work, she was doing a good job with him, wanting to touch his bottom.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

However, as time passed, Zeng Zixia began to approach Huang Maocai, consciously or unconsciously, in her labor. As she toiled, she chatted with him, trying to find out his attitude towards the revolution from his words.

"Brother Huang, why did you choose this job?" Zeng Zixia asked tentatively.

Huang Maocai scratched his head and said a little helplessly: "Alas, the family is so poor that they haven't read much, so it's good to be able to support the family in this job." ”

When Zeng Zixia heard this, she knew it in her heart. She began to talk to Huang Maocai about the ideas of the Communist Party and the stories of those who fought for the peasants and the poor. Don't say it, this Huang Maocai listened to it, and his eyes began to shine.

Gradually, Huang Maocai became more and more interested in Zeng Zixia's views, and even took the initiative to ask her questions. Zeng Zixia saw it in her eyes and was secretly happy in her heart.

In order to further test Huang Maocai, Zeng Zixia asked him to do a small favor and spread small words. This Huang Maocai is really a sincere person, and he did it without saying a word, and no one noticed it yet.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

One day half a month later, Huang Mao was on duty as usual, but accidentally ran into a special woman. Although she was covered in scars, her eyes were steadfast and she was not afraid of torture. This is Jiang Zhuyun, affectionately known as Sister Jiang.

Huang Maocai secretly admired it in his heart, and at the same time wondered what kind of charm this woman had that could be praised by so many people.

He tried to get close to Sister Jiang and wanted to talk, but Sister Jiang just glanced at him coldly, as if to say, "You and I are not all the way." ”

Huang Maocai heard about Sister Jiang's heroic deeds and had a sincere admiration for her. He decided to help her, but he also understood that it would not be easy to gain Sister Jiang's trust.

One day, he plucked up the courage to approach Sister Jiang and tried to communicate with her. However, Sister Jiang vigilantly turned her head away and didn't want to say more.

As time went by, Huang Maocai often found opportunities to contact Sister Jiang, and would help her deal with some trivial matters every time. Once, when he saw that Sister Jiang was not feeling well, he helped her clean the prison without saying a word.

Although Sister Jiang always kept her distance, Huang Maocai did not give up.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Finally one day, Huang Mao learned that Sister Jiang would be transferred to Cao Zixia's cell, and his heart moved, feeling that this was an opportunity. He found Cao Zixia and whispered to her about Sister Jiang's situation.

Soon after, Sister Jiang was sent to Cao Zixia's cell. There, she learned Huang Maocai's true identity from Cao Zixia.

"He's one of our own?" Sister Jiang asked in surprise.

Yu Zixia nodded: "Yes, he can be trusted." ”

A glint flashed in Sister Jiang's eyes, and she finally understood Huang Maocai's previous actions. She said to Cao Zixia: "We must protect him, his role will be extremely huge." ”

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

A few days later, Huang Mao walked up to Sister Jiang during the roll call. Sister Jiang suddenly stuffed him with a note, and his heart moved, but he didn't show his feelings.

Back in his dorm, he locked the door and eagerly opened the note. It reads: "Xiao Huang, I know your identity. As long as you contribute to the revolution and the people, history will always remember you. ”

Huang Maocai looked at the note, and his heart was excited. He finally got Sister Jiang's trust!

The next day, he specially found Sister Jiang and said with a serious face: "Sister Jiang, I am willing to do my part for the revolution and the people." ”

In this way, Huang Maocai and Sister Jiang got closer and closer, and everyone worked together to fight for the revolution.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

The prison situation has changed dramatically, and the traitor incident is worrying

There were more and more people in the prison, and Sister Jiang and Zeng Zixia looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that this matter was not simple. It didn't take long for them to hear rumors that there had been traitors in the party organization. This is no small matter!

Sister Jiang frowned and whispered, "We have to find a way to notify the organization quickly." ”

Zeng Zixia thought for a while and proposed, "Why don't I write a letter and ask Huang Maocai to help send it out?" ”

"Great idea!" Sister Jiang's eyes lit up, and the two immediately agreed on a plan of action.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Mixin made a move, and Huang Mao was ordered to be in danger

Zeng Zixia took advantage of people's inattention and quietly found Huang Maocai, and her voice was low: "Xiao Huang, there is an important letter, I have to send it out quickly, can you help?" ”

As soon as Huang Maocai heard this, he understood the seriousness of this matter. He didn't say a word, nodded and agreed: "No problem, leave it to me!" ”

Zeng Zixia cautiously handed the letter into Huang Maocai's hands, and repeatedly advised: "You must be careful, this letter is very important." ”

Huang Maocai hid the letter and said with a firm face: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task." ”

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Delivering letters on days off is thrilling all the way

finally waited until the rest day, and Huang Mao got out of prison in the name of procurement. His heart was pounding, but he didn't dare to stop. According to the address given by Zeng Zixia, he came to Xiehe Lane on Zhongshan Road.

After finding the house, he knocked on the door. The door opened, and a vigilant woman looked at him: "Who are you looking for?" ”

"Is Guo Shuhua here?" Huang Maocai tried to make himself look natural, "I brought her a letter. ”

A trace of doubt flashed in the woman's eyes, but she still took the letter: "She's not here, I'll help her keep it." ”

Huang Maocai breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left. Along the way, he really sweated!

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

The letter arrived in a timely manner and the crisis was resolved

After Guo Shuhua came back, she opened the letter and was stunned. She immediately realized the importance of this letter and quickly passed the news to the central government.

Thanks to this timely letter, the party organization was able to take precautions in advance and avoid a catastrophe.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

After Huang Maocai completed the task of delivering the letter, he suddenly became a "postman" in prison and the outside world. Not only the inmates of the women's prison, but even the brothers of the men's prison secretly asked him to deliver letters.

One day, Huang Maocai went to prison with a few more newspapers. This newspaper is like a "small window" for the brothers in prison to understand the outside world. As soon as an underground party member got the newspaper, his eyes were taken away, and he was completely immersed in the news.

"Ouch, oops! Forgot to eat! It wasn't until roll call that he realized he had missed dinner. As soon as the guards saw that he was not there, they immediately rushed over, and after a questioning, they moved their hands. Huang Maocai watched in horror beside him, for fear that he would also be involved, but he still pretended to be calm and secretly observed the situation.

The underground party member was also stubborn, insisting that he had picked up the newspaper in his cell. In the end, the guards had no choice but to give up. But Huang Mao knew that he would have to be more careful in the future.

Beginning in 1948, Huang Maocai quietly delivered more than 30 letters in prison. Among them, he remembers the experience of helping Sister Jiang deliver letters to her family the most. Those letters were full of Sister Jiang's loyalty to the party and her desire for freedom.

The letter reads:

I'd rather die than betray the party organization and my colleagues. He also encouraged the comrades outside the prison to work hard and strive for early liberation.
The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

In the blink of an eye, before the Spring Festival in 1949, Huang Mao excitedly brought a good news: "Brothers, tell you a great happy event!" The People's Liberation Army won a great victory in the two major battles of Liaoshen and Pingjin, and now it is about to capture Huaihai, and Nanjing is also about to be captured! As he spoke, he handed Sister Jiang a newspaper clipping of "Carry the Revolution to the End".

Sister Jiang took the newspaper clipping, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Great! We are finally about to see the dawn of victory! The brothers in the prison gathered around and cheered and celebrated.

For the sake of this good news, Sister Jiang and Zeng Zixia decided to hold a celebration. Zeng Zixia found Huang Maocai and said earnestly: "Xiao Huang, you have to help us, let's do a good job of this activity together." ”

Huang Maocai agreed without saying a word, and began to prepare things hurriedly. It's a pity that this matter was finally discovered by his boss. As soon as the event ended, Huang Maocai was severely scolded by his boss.

"You're a fat kid! Aren't you afraid of self-immolation if you play with fire like this? The boss yelled angrily. Huang Maocai lowered his head and did not speak. Although this matter caused Huang Maocai a little trouble, he didn't give up. He still secretly sent letters to his brothers in prison, hoping that the day of liberation would come sooner.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

In 1949, Huang Mao received a letter from home, saying that his mother was very ill. He hurriedly asked the leader for leave, and rushed home in a hurry. To tell the truth, in addition to his mother's illness, he was also thinking about his comrades in prison at that time. But who would have thought that when he returned to prison, he heard a thunderbolt from the sky - Sister Jiang was executed!

For Huang Maocai, this news is simply five thunderbolts! He was grief-stricken and hated in his heart, but at this moment, the superior leaders also began to doubt him. A few days after he returned, he was sent away.

Before leaving, he secretly returned to the prison to say goodbye to his comrades. Looking at their firm eyes, he didn't feel the taste in his heart. The comrades also saw his thoughts, slipped a letter into his hand, and instructed him to give it to a liaison outside the prison.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

After receiving the letter, Huang Maocai really had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew how important the letter was, and he knew how heavy the burden was on his shoulders. But at that time, Chongqing was as chaotic as a pot of porridge. He searched for someone with the letter in his hand, but it turned out to be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Time passed, and Huang Mao was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He was worried that if the letter fell into the hands of the enemy, the comrades would be in danger. In the end, he gritted his teeth, stomped his foot, and decided to burn the letter! Ensuring the safety of our comrades is the most important thing.

Huang Maocai did this, although it was a little helpless, but it was indeed a wise move.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Maocai returned to his hometown and devoted himself to construction. He became an elementary school teacher and wanted to live a peaceful life. But who would have thought that one day in 1951, he was writing a board book in the classroom, and was suddenly taken away by two policemen.

"Huang Maocai! You are suspected of participating in the '11.27 Massacre' and are one of the main culprits in the killing of Sister Jiang! The policeman's words were like a blow to the head, smashing Huang Maocai. He understood that he had been misunderstood.

During the interrogation, Huang Maocai resolutely denied his crime. But those policemen recognized him as a criminal and refused to let go. In the end, Huang Maocai really had no choice but to admit the crime against his will.

After that, Huang Maocai was unjustly imprisoned and sentenced to death. Before the execution, he shouted with tears in his eyes: "I didn't harm Sister Jiang, I did a lot for Sister Jiang!" ”

The public security officers discovered the suspicions in the case and promptly notified the court. In the end, the court commuted his death sentence to life.

In prison, Huang Maocai has always insisted that he is not guilty. He worked hard to perform and actively reform, hoping to clear up his grievances as soon as possible. After years of hard work, he finally got a chance to have his sentence commuted and was freed in 1964.

After Huang Maocai was released from prison, the first thing he did was to find someone who could avenge himself.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

He knew that if he wanted to remove this stone, he had to find Zeng Zixia. Zeng Zixia, Sister Jiang's best friend, is the key person in his turnaround.

But then again, where is Zeng Zixia? This problem is like a mess, which makes Huang Maocai have a headache. He asked around, but couldn't find the slightest clue.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

It wasn't until May 1981 that things took a turn for the better. A letter sent from the "Chongqing Martyrs Cemetery Memorial Hall" gave Huang Mao hope. He opened the envelope with trembling hands, and saw that it was written by the curator Lu Guang. What does the letter say? It turned out that he was invited to Chongqing to verify some historical information.

Huang Maocai didn't say a word and jumped on the train to Chongqing. When he arrived at the Martyrs' Cemetery, Director Lu Guangte was enthusiastic and pulled him to ask long and short questions, mainly about what he was doing in prison. Huang Maocai was not ambiguous, and all of them shook out, including how he was wronged.

Lu Guangte listened with relish, nodding and frowning from time to time. Hearing that Huang Maocai needed to find Zeng Zixia to testify, his eyes lit up: "Zeng Zixia? Oh, this person is teaching at Chengdu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine! ”

Well, when Huang Mao heard this, it was like picking up a treasure. He immediately wanted to go to Chengdu and find this witness who could prove his innocence.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

Under Lu Guangte's guidance, Huang Maocai finally contacted Zeng Zixia. As soon as the two met, it was called an excitement. Huang Maocai grabbed Zeng Zixia's hand, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "Comrade Zeng, you have to testify to me, I was wronged!" ”

Zeng Zixia looked at the poor old man in front of her, and she didn't feel good in her heart. She patted her chest: "Comrade Huang, don't worry, I will definitely testify to you!" ”

In this way, under Zeng Zixia's strong evidence, Huang Mao finally got rid of the charge of wronging him.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

On April 12, 1982, in the Rong County Courthouse, the tense atmosphere was almost suffocating. The judge made a final decision: "Huang Maocai, not guilty!" These simple words were as heavy as a thousand pounds to Huang Maocai, and tears came out of his eyes.

"I've finally waited for this day." Huang Maocai choked up. Yes, who would have thought that this ordinary old man had been burdened with so many misunderstandings and grievances. But at the moment, everything is gone.

He often recalls his days in prison, those moments when he fought side by side with revolutionary martyrs such as Sister Jiang. Their bravery and sacrifice made Huang Maocai feel that his grievances were insignificant.

Speaking of gratitude, Huang Maocai is most grateful to Zeng Zixia and Sister Jiang. It was they, in that turbulent era, who gave him a chance to serve the party and the people. "They not only saved me, but also gave me meaning in life." Huang Maocai was full of emotion.

The judgment of the Rong County Court not only justified Huang Maocai's name, but also affirmed his past efforts. The supplementary notice of the Rong County CPPCC is a foreshadowing of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders in the future. The monthly living allowance of 30 yuan is not much, but it is enough for Huang Maocai's family to see the hope of life.

The spy of the scum cave was sentenced to death, shouted a word to save his life before the execution, and became a member of the county CPPCC 28 years later

On July 7, 2011, 87-year-old Huang Maocai hobbled to Sister Jiang's former residence. He stood in front of the bronze statue and stared affectionately, as if he saw Sister Jiang in that era, and then, he bowed deeply. "Sister Jiang, your spirit has always inspired me, and I will always remember your kindness." He spoke softly, but with sincerity.

A few years later, Huang Maocai's story was put on the screen, allowing more people to understand his legendary life. Facing the reporter's interview, he smiled indifferently: "The hardships of the past seem to be wealth now." I only hope that people will be able to understand the truth of history and remember those who have paid for the country and the people. ”