
Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

author:History is like an edict
Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand
Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

The arrogance is in the same vein, and the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Indo-Pacific has made ruthless remarks, planning to implement a "hellish landscape", and once it comes true, the Taiwan Strait will become a no-man's hell.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The detailed description was displayed, and we saw that it was a joke at all.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand


The purpose of the implementation of "Hell Landscape" is to "respond to an attack by Chinese mainland", and the premise is based on assumptions, shaky plans, a response from the Ministry of Defense, and another fatal blow.

As far as the United States is concerned, Taiwan is a place, and from the mainland, this is the home of countless people, and those who clamore for turning other people's homes into hell must first prepare to go to hell.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The real purpose of the act is to "use Taiwan to contain China," and in order to achieve this dirty act, the worst scenario of the United States has become to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth." A slight show of goodwill will make the DPP mistakenly believe that the United States is an ally, but for the United States, it is just a reckless dead chess piece.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cannot see clearly and regards the arrogant statements of the US side as the confidence to act in a bad way, but unfortunately, the mainland has never been intimidated, and the PLA can win and dare to fight a tough battle.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

In addition to the Ministry of National Defense, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also responded to this matter, saying that before the "hellish landscape," the anti-China forces in the United States had also hyped up the "plan to destroy Taiwan." Danger signals have been given one after another, and the United States is good at building momentum.

It is not a point worth advocating, and the United States seems to be quite proud of it, and China's attitude is obvious: The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair and opposes any force interfering in the Taiwan issue.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

Furthermore, does the United States really want to go toe-to-toe with China this time?

Not necessarily, as can be seen from the "hellish landscape" it mentions.

The plan is based on the "Copier" framework, which was proposed in August 2023, and the main strategy is to use thousands of consumable equipment such as drones to counter China.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

Perhaps because they thought it could be done, or maybe they were afraid of leaking the news, the United States did a very good job of keeping the secret plan secret, and some details were not revealed until the 23rd.

It is planned to purchase more than 1,000 "Switchblade 600" drones in 2025 with a budget of $1 billion.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

Ideal plumpness

The selected "Switchblade 600" was manufactured by the American Aviation Environment Corporation, and its advantages include that it can hover in the air for nearly 40 minutes after launch, and its long-endurance combat radius can reach 40 kilometers.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

With the "abort technology" mission, the "Switchblade 600" can be restored from strike to cruising at any time if the accuser wishes, and because it is equipped with an anti-armor warhead, it is also threatening.

The performance in the UAV can almost be said to be "full", the ambition is shown in the design, but the practical effect is not optimistic, once there is electronic interference, the loss of contact is not controlled at all, such a situation is often found in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The product has little advantage in actual combat, and the "protracted war" is what China is good at, in the field of unmanned equipment, China and the United States are not much different, mass manufacturing capacity, the United States is not as good as China, delusional in the field that China is good at, what are the chances of the United States winning?

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The plan was originally a bet, using the existence full of uncertainty to intimidate China, and the United States really did it, reflecting from the side that the Littoral Combat Ship suffered losses, and it really did not have a long memory.

After the end of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, although the United States became the "victors," the desire to prevent trouble before it became a disaster, and the United States was worried that the next war would be fought relatively close to the waterfront, and it was willing to develop a small warship that was both fast and flexible, maneuverable, and cheap.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The development is vast, the two companies carefully polished the program for this, officially started construction in 2006, and the delivery has been in 2010.

Even if the practicality is not strong, the cost of maintenance and upgrades is rising, and the annual repair cost of a combat ship exceeds 70 million US dollars, although the United States is rich, it cannot afford to build it, and the project was finally characterized as "expensive and useless" in 2021.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The design life is more than 25 years, and the actual service is not even half of it, but the people have suffered a big loss, and they should have taken it as a warning, looking at the drone program, it can be seen that the United States has not taken it as a warning, and what the United States said, the "show" component is greater, and the PLA shot is true.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

Military aircraft sorties

The media on the island reported on the 24th that at 6 o'clock in the morning, the Ministry of Defense of the Taiwan region discovered that 23 military planes of the People's Liberation Army were operating around the Taiwan Strait, and the situation was "surrounded by Taiwan on all sides in the north, center, south and east."

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

The PLA's intentions have been repeatedly speculated, and there are voices saying that this move is in response to the US side having just approved two batches of arms sales to Taiwan worth $360 million a few days ago, and that the DPP really thinks that selling weapons to itself is a sign of friendship, and in the slightest regard, the hard-earned money of the Taiwan people has flowed into the pockets of the United States, thinking that it is a friend, but in fact it is just a money bag and a dead chess piece.

Different from the sensitivity of the Taiwan region, mainland military experts' explanation of this move is quite understated, and the "middle line of the strait" has no legal basis in the first place, and the PLA can dispatch as much as it wants on China's territory, and it can do as much as it wants, and the DPP has no control over it, and it has nothing to do with the United States.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

Moreover, the more tricks there are, the more it proves the anxiety of the United States itself.

The United States also wants to win over its allies and attempt to form a "protectionist alliance" to contain China, but there is still no basis for ignoring the fact that the global demand for green production capacity is far greater than the output.

Green and high-quality production capacity is obviously insufficient, and the United States still wants to hype up "overcapacity", for its own selfish interests, the United States has ignored global climate change, and it has not done well in the new energy industry, so it will not allow other countries to develop and grow.

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand

From this point of view, the excess is not production capacity at all, but the anxiety of the United States.

The United States itself does not understand why it is necessary to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, it is clear that it is the perpetrator but always wants to play the role of the victim, and the best attitude is to admit it, rather than looking for a point to jump around and try to make people unhappy.

As the Ministry of Defense said, China has never eaten this set.

Reference: Red Star News: 2024-6-27: The U.S. military said it would turn the Taiwan Strait into a no-man's hell, and the Ministry of Defense responded

China Youth Network: 2024-6-25: Be vigilant! U.S. media: Aiming at China, the United States announced some details of the "Copier" plan

Xinhuanet: 2021-8-25: Why did the US Littoral Combat Ship retire ahead of schedule US media: It costs money and is useless 2024-6-24: Taiwan media are closely watching: 23 PLA military aircraft are active around the Taiwan Strait, showing a situation of "encircling Taiwan on all sides in the north, central, south and east". 2024-6-27: "China's overcapacity theory" originates from the "backwardness anxiety" of the United States Experts from many countries pointed out the purpose of the United States

Our army sternly rejected the fatal threat issued by the US military, and taught the other side a lesson with its backhand