
Why not publish a book?

author:The official account is memorable

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world, so that you can read the text "Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, people are afraid of choosing the wrong city, and they are even more afraid of buying the wrong house"

I'll answer a question today, because I've been asked by a number of full-level readers.

There are three problems with this.

The first one is called the content type problem.

If you write something that is highly cohesive and low-coupled, then you can publish a book at any time.

For example, Dream of Red Mansions is a thing with high cohesion and low coupling, and if you look at it in any era, everyone can understand it and have value.

Then on the other hand, if you write content that is low cohesion and high coupling, for example, you are writing celebrity gossip, who who and who has a leg.

The one you can publish is not called a book, the one is called a magazine.

Some people read this issue, because the star you wrote about is popular, and ten years later, it will be like an old newspaper, and you can only take it to the toilet to paste wallpaper.

Why? Is it because you don't write well?

No, it's a person ten years from now, he doesn't remember who that star is, and of course he is confused when he looks at your magazine.

Therefore, the former is self-contained, it is self-sufficient, and contains all the amount of information; What is the latter? It's really just an index, it's just calling the information functions that are already happening in your head at the time, and it gives you a different picture.

As the years go by, the functions that are being called in your head are gone, and what can you call with this index alone? Only one empty can be called.

That's why I say, old newspapers can only be pasted with wallpaper.

Coincidentally, a large part of our content is the latter, and it is all very time-sensitive, and it is all about the new and hot things that you are paying attention to at the moment.

So I said, a lot of my content is weather forecasts.

After that point in time, when the corresponding function in your head changes, you go to the old and old index to call the function, which will only make a mess of the brain call, and finally get an wrong result.

Anyone who has ever been a coder knows what I'm talking about.

The former is a stand-alone function that contains all the functions to be called; The latter is just a call function, it's just a call to the function that you have in your head.

So this part of the content, the outdated weather forecast, you publish it in the book, you yourself are making money, but the readers who trust you, won't you be harmed?

The crux of the matter is that you are still harming the people who trust you, and people trust you, and as a result, you know that the function in his head has changed, but you still hide it, and let the old call function to mess with the changed function and give him a wrong result.

If people want to live like this, they will be bored, so it is better to go directly to Southeast Asia.

The second one is called the stage problem.

Investment is a long snowball process, I can't roll a certain order of magnitude, and the real boss won't take care of me.

When Lao Yu visited Lenovo before going public, he sat for a few hours before a department manager came out to receive him, and after the listing, he could have a good time with the big boss.

In 2024, the level of service I received from some large institutions was completely different from that in 2019.

From the perspective of a worker, is it possible for you to go from the grassroots to the manager in 5 years?

Before you got to the manager, a lot of meetings were open to you?

In 2019 and 2020, I licked my face to communicate with some top international investment bigwigs, but there was no news.

People won't communicate with you.

Over time, I was able to get access to more high-end resources.

So let me ask, as you come into contact with more and more resources and get higher and higher, will you find problems when you go back and look at your own methodology in the past?

Of course, it's called progress.

So every time I improve, I go back and look at the methodological part of what I wrote in the past, and I find mistakes.

This is normal.

Even Newton, he would have found that he had miscalculated the formula when he was young, so what am I?

So all weather forecast articles in history, if it's wrong, it's wrong, as I said before, this kind of thing only has time value, and if it's wrong, it's never revised, and if it's left there, it's wrong to predict.

But when it comes to methodology, if I had written it wrong at the time, I would have rewritten the same topic later, re-launching it.

So a reader asked me, he flipped through the historical records on the backend homepage of the official account, went to read the article in 2018, and couldn't figure out the methodology in it, so he asked me.

I glanced at the date of the article, and replied with a sentence, it was too long to read it, and I wrote it incorrectly at the time. You are wasting your precious time on an old version of history that is wrong.

It's normal to make mistakes.

In the history of mankind, it was written into textbooks that the earth was flat, and it was also written into textbooks that the sun revolves around the earth.

In fact, if we think about it carefully, it will become clear that the methodology is also time-sensitive.

Why? Because the environment is changing.

The methodology is the key to open the lock of the environment, the lock has changed, how can there be an unchanged key?

With the same methodology, 10 years ago you used it to do business and achieved a small success, and 10 years later you used it to do business and went bankrupt.

There are the most books in the library, but have we ever thought about it, even if you soak in it for a lifetime, can you use those old tickets to board the new ship of this era? Can you?

So what is knowledge?

A good mentor is knowledge, and a good person is knowledge.

The library is so useful, and the children of poor families will not take so many detours.

Why do the second generations go smoothly in life? Do you read a lot of books? No, it's because they have a group of successful people around them, ready to answer their queries.

Our content is like Windows, it is also a version that goes forward and looks forward.

When I find that the methodology is wrong, one thing I can do is to tell you about the latest scientific results in future articles.

Is this understandable?

Windows also has an infinite number of version numbers, not just 1.0.


I hope you understand.

THE BUG ON WIN95, JUST LET IT GO. The whole world is moving forward, do you have to live alone on WIN95?

To figure this out, then I'll ask everyone.


Is this Microsoft or a money scam?

Okay, excluding the above two categories, you will encounter the following problem again.

The third is called the question of stylistic type.

My assistant and I had a long discussion about whether or not I could write a book.

He told me, "Boss, you have two questions.

The first question is that you have not received systematic writing training.

Those writers who are not from a professional class have at least learned the structure of writing books, otherwise they would not be able to write a book of hundreds of thousands of words.

The second problem is that you have too much information in your head to remember at the same time.

You think you're saying it very clearly, but it's not, when others read it, it's already overloaded with information, he doesn't know what you're talking about, he just feels messy.

So he gave me an idea, you don't try to write, you just write programs. You don't understand literary architecture, but you understand programmatic architecture.

You are a programmer, you have worked as an architect, and you are very professional in writing programs.

How is the program written? Is everything written in a main function like a writer?

No, that's how the student baby doesn't know how to write.

When a programmer writes a program, he writes the header file first, and he defines the function modules one by one to write the function modules.

Then go write the call function.

Some of the content is written in the calling function, and some content is directly asked to call the function to call the module.

For example, boss, you want to write a 50,000-word long essay, how to write it?

It's very simple, write a call function with about 20,000 words of main content, and then add links to some words in it.

Then the reader looks very refreshing, and the 20,000 words he sees are 12,345.

Then the remaining 30,000 words, hidden in 2.1, 2.2, 4.1.

If you tell the story directly, 1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4, 4.1, 5, what about the reader?

was misled.

Because there is no contextual coupling between 2.2 and 3. Put together, he misunderstood 3, remove it, he can't understand 2.

So you're going to hide it, hide it in the link.

The first time the reader reads 12345, the logical structure is very clear.

The second time he read it, it was 2, 2.1, 2.2, and the logical relationship was also very clear.

The third time he read 4, 4.1, and the logical relationship was also very clear.

Was he refreshed and refreshed to receive the complete information?

After listening to this, I admired in my heart: good.

The platform of WeChat itself provides such a function, and I can rely on WeChat to be a secondary developer.

So what you see is not the article, what you see is the program, I will give you tips in the introduction part of each long article, please note, picture-in-picture, text Chinese.

Then I ask you, who have you ever seen print a program on paper and still run? So how do you call between modules?

And you will find that after every long article, for a long time, what am I doing? Answering questions.

What are these follow-up two-week articles, these follow-up Q&A? It's the test code that matches the program.

So you're saying I'm writing? No, I'm obviously developing software.

Have you ever seen anyone who prints out the Linux kernel, prints out all the test code, and can still understand how the software works on paper?

Isn't that funny?

We are no longer a primitive society.

We have to keep up with the times, the future of books may exist in the form of programs, my special way of writing, now you look fresh, just like in 08 when I did high-frequency quantification, domestic people look fresh.

And then? What about over time?

Let me tell you, in the future, everyone will be a programmer, every book will exist dynamically in the form of a program, and everyone who reads a book will be reading a program and calling a program.

I'm just getting you used to a new habit of thinking ahead of time.

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world, so that you can read the text "Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, people are afraid of choosing the wrong city, and they are even more afraid of buying the wrong house"

Why not publish a book?