
At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

author:North of YB

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At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Do you still remember the "Hong Kong drama goddess" Chen Fala who became popular on TVB?

In the past, she was glamorous and glamorous, and marrying into a wealthy family was enviable.

However, who would have thought that this "winner in life" would resolutely divorce at the age of 32, give up his career and return to school?

What's even more unexpected is that ten years later, she not only broke out in Hollywood, but also gained a happy family.

Chen Fala once posted a warm family photo on social media, announcing the good news of the second child.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Looking at the happy family of four in the photo, who would have thought that she had experienced so many ups and downs?

Chen Fala's life experience can be called a wonderful "counterattack drama".

Let's take a look at how she rose from the bottom to become an enviable "winner in life".

1. The American Dream of a Scholarly Girl

Many people don't know that Chen Fala is actually an authentic Sichuan girl.

She was born into a musical family, her grandfather was a professor at the Conservatory, her father was a pianist, and her mother was a dancer.

With such a family background, it's no wonder her name sounds like musical notes.

However, at the age of 14, Chen Fala's life trajectory took a huge turn.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

The family immigrated to the United States so that she could get a better education.

You thought this was the beginning of a dream?

No, for the young Chen Fala it was a nightmare.

The language barrier, no friends, and even the difficulty of buying bread.

However, this Sichuan girl is not easy to bully.

She began to study English desperately, reading at night, memorizing words and reading sentences.

You know what?

In just two years, she completed the counterattack, not only speaking English well, but also ranking among the best in her academic performance.

When he graduated from high school, he was admitted to Emory University, known as the "South Harvard", with top 10 grades in the school.

The university's acceptance rate is only 15%, and the tuition fee is 500,000 RMB a year.

You know, this is still the price 20 years ago!

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

In college, Chen chose marketing and international business, which were the most popular majors at the time.

But she's not a nerd who can only read.

In order to reduce the burden on her family, as long as she is free, she works part-time as a model and shoots magazine advertisements to make money.

Seeing this, do you think that Chen Fala is simply someone else's child?

High IQ, high education, and good looks and temperament.

However, the drama of life is far from over, and the wonderful story has just begun.

2. Beauty pageant champion to TVB Hua Dan

At the age of 23, Chen Fala's life took another turn.

"You're going to a beauty pageant." This sentence completely changed the trajectory of Chen Fala's life.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Originally, I just wanted to see it for a long time, but I didn't expect to win the runner-up of Miss International Chinese in one fell swoop.

What's even more surprising is that judge Andy Lau was full of praise for her: "Chen Fala is very star-like. "

It was this sentence that ignited the acting dream in Chen Fala's heart.

Although she didn't have any acting experience and couldn't even speak Cantonese, she still came to Hong Kong alone, signed a contract with TVB, and embarked on the road of acting.

However, the reality is not as rosy as it seems.

Because he can't speak Cantonese, Chen Fala can only take on some small roles, either with few lines or shots.

But instead of giving up, she tried harder.

In 2008, the opportunity finally came.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

In "Home and Full Moon", Chen Fala played a mute girl.

This role is extremely challenging because it is impossible to speak and all expressions rely on sign language.

For this role, she signed up for sign language classes for four months, practicing in front of the mirror every day until late at night.

The hard work has finally paid off.

After the broadcast of this drama, Chen Fala received countless praises and made himself famous in one fell swoop.

After that, she starred in popular dramas such as "Rushing to the Clouds 2" one after another, and successfully ranked among the top five TVB actresses.

It is even rumored that TVB offered an eight-figure sky-high contract in order to keep her.

And the well-known director Zeng Zhiwei lured her with tens of millions of profits, wanting to include her under his umbrella.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Seeing this, do you think that Chen Fala's life has reached its peak?

However, a twist of fate came again, and this time, pushed her to the trough of her life.

3. The sweetness and bitterness of a wealthy marriage

If Chen Fala's acting career is soaring, then her love life is full of drama.

At the peak of his career, Chen Fala met his "Prince Charming" - Xue Shiheng, the prince of Neway.

This rich second generation fell in love with Chen Fala at first sight, and in order to pursue the goddess in his heart, he not only sent cars and luxury goods, but also took the initiative to act as a maid and went to Chen Fala's house to cook and clean.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

I'm afraid no girl can resist such a pursuit offensive.

Soon, the two fell in love.

However, Chen Fala, who was at the peak of his career at the time, did not announce his relationship to the public.

It wasn't until 2010 that Hong Kong media broke the news that the two had secretly married as early as 08, and this relationship was officially exposed.

For a while, the news of "TVB Hua Dan marrying into a wealthy family" caused a sensation.

However, the marriage of a wealthy family in real life is far from being as beautiful as a fairy tale.

As the old saying goes: "Once you enter a wealthy family, it is as deep as the sea".

Although Chen Fala does not hype, does not compete for favor, and does not intrigue with others, trouble still finds the door.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Surprisingly, what she is facing is not the traditional conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but the complex relationship between concubines and concubines.

The second young grandmother of the Xue family seems to have a grudge against her, not only hinting that Chen Fala is not filial many times in public, but also breaking the news of her privacy in front of the media.

In the face of these provocations, Chen Fala has always maintained decency and restraint.

Even when the second young grandmother had a miscarriage, she did not fall into the ground, but defended the other party in front of the media.

However, her revenge with virtue did not earn the other party's gratitude, but intensified, even to the point of being unbearable.

In the end, Chen Fala made a decision that surprised everyone - to file for divorce and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

This decision made Chen Fala the target of public criticism overnight.

Remarks such as "the dream of a wealthy family is shattered" and "after all, they can't beat the second young grandmother" are overwhelming.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Word of mouth has fallen, fame is no longer there, and Chen Fala can be said to have lost all overnight.

However, just when everyone thought that Chen Fala would sink, she proved her strength and courage with her actions.

4. Courage and perseverance to go back to school

At the age of 32, many people may be content with the status quo and reluctant to make changes.

But Chen Fala chose a path that everyone didn't expect - to return to school.

Her goal is not an ordinary school, but Juilliard, the world's top performing arts school.

The master's program at this school admits only 10 people per year, 5 males and 5 females, and the competition is extremely fierce.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

When the news broke, the entire entertainment industry was shocked.

Many people ridiculed Chen Fala for not being able to do anything, thinking that she was just trying to use it to hype.

However, Chen Fala proved his determination with practical actions.

In order to prepare for the exam, Chen Fala almost cut off contact with the outside world and devoted himself to studying.

She practiced her vocal music, body and performance every day, just like she did when she first entered the entertainment industry.

The hard work paid off, and Chen Fala was successfully admitted to the Juilliard School.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation again.

Those who used to laugh at her had to be impressed by her.

However, getting into the exam is just the beginning, and the real challenge has just begun.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

Juilliard's curriculum is extremely rigorous, with plenty of assignments and exercises every day.

Chen Fala must contend with language barriers and cultural differences, as well as compete with talented people who have been professionally trained since childhood.

However, Chen Fala once again demonstrated her amazing perseverance and ability to learn.

She is the first to arrive in the classroom and the last to leave every day.

Even when she encounters something she doesn't understand, she never feels ashamed, and always humbly asks her classmates and teachers for advice.

Four years is as long as a century for the entertainment industry.

Many people think that by the time Chen Fala graduates, he may have been forgotten by the audience.

However, instead of being forgotten, she has regained her standing in the spotlight with an even more dazzling attitude.

In 2019, Chen graduated from The Juilliard School with straight A's.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

This achievement, even at a top university like Juilliard, is extremely rare.

After graduating, Chen Fala did not rush to make a comeback, but continued to hone his acting skills in preparation for his foray into Hollywood.

Her courage and persistence finally paid off handsomely in the days that followed.

5. The rise of Hollywood's rising stars

After graduating from Juilliard, the 36-year-old did not choose to return to the familiar Hong Kong entertainment industry, but set his sights on a broader stage - Hollywood.

This decision is undoubtedly challenging.

In Hollywood, she was just a nobody and had to start from scratch.

However, Chen's strength and charisma were soon recognized.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

She was favored by the American gold medal agent and signed a contract with the well-known brokerage company UTA.

You must know that this company is the cradle of cultivating countless actresses and actors.

Fala Chen's journey to Hollywood began with supporting roles.

She first played a marginal role in a miniseries starring Nicole Kidman, and although she didn't have many scenes, her performance was affirmed by the director.

After that, she played an important supporting role in the Marvel blockbuster "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings".

Not only did the film achieve huge box office success around the world, but it also made Fala Chen's name begin to be known to more Hollywood people.

While his career is thriving, Chen Fala's personal life has also ushered in a turning point.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

While studying in the United States, she met her current husband, Emmanuel.

, a rich second generation who once served as a Japanese diplomat, not only has a successful career, but also supports Chen Fala very much in his acting career.

In 2019, the two held a romantic wedding in France.

After that, Chen Fala gave birth to a son and a daughter successively, forming a happy family of four.

Write at the end

From a wealthy daughter-in-law to a rising Hollywood star, Chen Fala used her own experience to explain what it means to "have no limits in life".

Her story teaches us that no matter how old you are, with the courage to start over, miracles are possible.

At the age of 32, he abandoned his wealthy ex-husband, stayed in the United States, and married a French diplomat for the second time, how are you doing now?

There is no eternal low point in life, as long as you have the courage to start over, it is possible to create miracles.

When we are facing a crossroads in our lives, we might as well think about the story of Fala Chen.

Perhaps, the courage to step out of our comfort zone and start over will allow us to discover a wider world.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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