
Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

author:One Light Health Net
Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

The weather has been hot and muggy lately, and it's time to go out for 5 minutes and sweat for 2 hours. Some people sweat when they sit still, and some people don't sweat much when they exercise.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Can sweating detox?

Is sweating a lot a sign of weakness?

Sweat like rain, dry heat without sweating, night sweats...... What kind of sweat might be a distress signal from the body?

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Why do I sweat?

It is the instinctive means of the human body.

In fact, water accounts for the largest proportion of sweat, which is more than 99%. Other components only account for 0.5%~1.0%, including sodium chloride, potassium and other inorganic salts, lactic acid, urea, ammonia, amino acids, proteins, proteolytic enzymes, histamine and prostaglandins and other organic substances.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Therefore, heavy sweating can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body, and it is important to replenish water and foods or drinks containing electrolytes in a timely manner.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

How much sweating is determined by what

(1) Ambient temperature: The ambient temperature rises in summer, and the human body sweats a lot in order to regulate body temperature.

(2) Genetic factors: it is easier to sweat.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

(3) Metabolism: people who sweat more than slower people, men tend to sweat more than women, young people sweat more than the elderly, and people who exercise regularly sweat more than people who do not exercise.

(4) Fat and thinness: the body fat content is high, and the thermal conductivity of fat is relatively poor, and the heat generated by metabolism in the body is not easy to dissipate, and it is necessary to dissipate body heat through sweating.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

(5) Emotional state: When people are in the hands, they generally sweat more in their palms, and the sympathetic nerves are more excited at this time.

(6) Special period: increased sweating.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Can sweating detox?

Let's start with the answer:.

Sweating is one of the body's natural physiological responses, which mainly releases sweat through sweat glands to help us maintain the balance of body temperature.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

When our body is overheated, such as during physical activity, hot weather, or emotional excitement, the autonomic nervous system sends signals to prompt sweat glands to secrete sweat, which cools the body surface by evaporation.

This helps to prevent the body from overheating and maintains a normal body temperature range.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Regarding detoxification, the main detoxification organs of the human body are and.

  • It is responsible for metabolizing and breaking down toxins in the body, converting them into waste products that can be excreted;
  • These waste and excess substances are excreted through the urine. Most toxins and waste products are excreted from the body through urine, feces, and breathing.

About 99% of sweat is water in the body, so sweating really can't detoxify.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

But! It can actively sweat through appropriate exercise to help the body's metabolism, enhance immunity, promote digestion, sleep, stabilize blood pressure and other functions.

Therefore, in order to promote the health of the body, pay attention to the habit of regular physical exercise in daily life to promote human perspiration.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Does sweating mean that the body is weak?

Sweating is a means for the human body to regulate body temperature, in our skin nerves, there is a kind of "sympathetic nerve", which is responsible for giving sweating commands to the brain and spinal cord to the sweat glands - when the temperature in the body or outside rises, these nerves are stimulated and excited, directing the sweat glands to increase secretion, and the human body will sweat more.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

The amount of sweating also varies from person to person, people with a strong metabolism produce more heat in the body, and are more likely to sweat, and people who are easily excited, nervous, and impatient also sweat more, which is not necessarily a weak body.

As for excessive sweating caused by some diseases (such as hyperthyroidism, rickets, etc.), it is generally also present.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

However, if you sweat "too much" or sweat when you shouldn't, you should be careful.

These three types of sweating require special attention

1. Sweating "too much"

If there is no other reason, excessive sweating all over the body or in parts (such as armpits, palms, soles, etc.) will wet clothes and socks, which will seriously affect life, and it is best to see a doctor.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

At normal room temperature, sweating so much that the sheets and bedding get wet and must be replaced, that may be called drenching sweating, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination.

Because it can be related to certain infectious diseases (the most common being tuberculosis), neurological diseases, tumors, hyperthyroidism, etc.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

2. Sweating too little

It is normal for people who do not like to sweat to have fewer or underdeveloped sweat glands, resulting in less sweating in the body.

However, if you feel very hot in the heat or after exercise, but do not sweat at all, you need to be vigilant, and.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

3. Diabetics

When diabetic patients are combined with phytopsychiatric lesions, the phenomenon of increased sweating will occur, mainly concentrated in the upper body, which can be manifested.

Is sweating too much a deficiency? Or detoxification?

Finally, there are three things to pay attention to after sweating profusely:

  • Promptly;
  • Do not take a shower right away, and remember not to take a cold shower.


(Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet)