
Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

author:Eagles who love camouflage

Recently, Lai Qingde was really frightened in the face of the 22 new rules on "fighting Taiwan independence" newly promulgated by the mainland and the high-intensity military exercise of "encircling Taiwan" by the People's Liberation Army for a week. According to Taiwan media reports, "In response to the mainland's issuance of new regulations on 'punishing independence', Lai Qingde panicked and said, 'There is only one political party on Taiwan that is either Taiwan independence or the party for promoting reunification; More than ninety percent of the people on Taiwan Island are likely to be affected, and we call for unity between the government and the opposition.'"

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

According to Lai Qingde's meaning, that is, the Kuomintang and the People's Party on the island, as well as other large and small political parties, except for the "Party for Promoting Reunification," are all "Taiwan independence." Even Ma Ying-jeou, who has always adhered to the "92 Consensus," is also "Taiwan independence." In fact, this is Lai Qingde's "squid tactic," which wants to pull the people on the island and Ma Ying-jeou and other people in the blue camp into the water to support their "Taiwan independence" and tie the lives of 23 million people on the island to the "Taiwan independence" chariot.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

Lai Qingde's willpower and executive power to pursue "Taiwan independence" far surpass Tsai Ing-wen's, and only one month after she took office, she has already set cross-strait relations back 10 years and returned to the brink of a military conflict that could break out at any time. In order to prevent himself from being "beheaded" ahead of schedule, Lai Qingde recently vigorously grasped the island's armament and defense, not only carrying out an island-wide military exercise against landing, plane-landing, airborne, and air raids, but also quickly receiving two batches of US-made weapons, and even secretly sending a warship to participate in the US military exercise.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"
Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

As the U.S.-led RIMPAC 2024 military exercise officially began, U.S. Commander Wade declared that he wanted to "stop aggression" in response to the situation in the Taiwan Strait, which was actually an attempt to militarily intervene in the Taiwan Strait. With the help of the military exercises in which 29 countries participated, the US military attempted to once again exert pressure and intimidation on the mainland and openly express solidarity with the Lai Ching-de authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

In this regard, the PLA launched another sortie, dispatching at least 23 PLA military planes, including 20 sorties that crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" and entered the airspace in the northern, central, southwestern, and eastern airspace, as well as five warships, and jointly staged a military exercise of "encircling Taiwan on all sides." According to Taiwan media reports, the PLA's "multi-faceted encirclement of Taiwan" for many days has exerted great pressure on the island's air defense.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

Li Zhengjie, a retired general on the island, interprets that the PLA does not only encircle Taiwan Island in one layer, but now it is a three-line encirclement, which is equivalent to a three-dimensional encirclement. Taiwan Island has fallen into the "layers of encirclement" of the People's Liberation Army, and the mainland may have to implement a quasi-military "isolation" policy on Taiwan at any time! The most likely breakthrough is for the mainland's navy and coast guard to jointly board and inspect ships entering and leaving Taiwan. If the mainland adopts such a gray isolation policy, the United States will have no way to stop it.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"
Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

According to the recommendations of the US military advisory group, the Taiwan military must have enough small platforms for launching air defense and anti-ship missiles to block and hunt down helicopters and ships on the mainland in the Taiwan Strait and on the island. Therefore, the Lai Qingde authorities urgently purchased a large number of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles from the United States. In addition, the Taiwan military is speeding up the construction and completion of the "Tuojiang-class" mass-produced warships.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

According to Taiwan media reports, the two "Tuojiang-class" warships, the Anjiang and the Wanjiang, have completed their combat strength training and will hold a military formation ceremony next week. The "Tuojiang-class" warship adopts a double-hull wave-piercing layout, and the whole ship has stealth design features, with a full load displacement of 600 tons and a maximum speed of 38 knots. Carrying 16 anti-aircraft missiles and 12 anti-ship missiles, it was boasted by the Taiwan military and "Taiwan independence" as an "aircraft carrier killer".

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

As a matter of fact, if the Taiwan military possesses a large number of such anti-ship missiles, it will still pose a great threat to our military's logistical auxiliary warships and civilian merchant ships navigating through the strait. This is because the "Hsiungfeng-2" missile has a maximum range of more than 100 km, and the "Hsiungfeng-3" missile has a maximum range of 300 km. The average width of the Taiwan Strait is only about 200 kilometers. The most crucial thing is that the Taiwan military's "Hsiungfeng" missiles also have shore-based versions, which can be dispersed and concealed, and even hide in civilian buildings for sneak attacks.

Do you want to conduct a temporary inspection of a Taiwanese ship? Our military countered the military exercises on the island, and the Taiwan military was not convinced to show the "aircraft carrier killer"

The Taiwanese military missile launcher is disguised as a civilian vehicle

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