
State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company: Condolences to retired veteran party members, organizational care and warmth Ren Xiaofeng

author:Shaanxi Science and Technology Newspaper Shaanxi Observation

On June 27, a group of 4 people, including the person in charge of the State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company and the person in charge of the Party Committee, visited and condoled 3 retired old party members, sent them the care and warmth of the party organization, and extended sincere greetings and blessings to the festival.

State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company: Condolences to retired veteran party members, organizational care and warmth Ren Xiaofeng
State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company: Condolences to retired veteran party members, organizational care and warmth Ren Xiaofeng

In the condolence activities, the person in charge of the company and the person in charge of the party committee came to the homes of the three old party members, talked cordially with the old party members, carefully inquired about their physical condition and living conditions, talked to the old people cordially, listened to the practical difficulties they encountered in life, and gave the greatest help to the best of their ability. And informed them of the situation of the party congress of the municipal company, saying that the company will hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and more resolutely implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, always adhere to the leadership of the party, strengthen party building, take the initiative to integrate into the overall situation of local work, fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the party committee of the provincial and municipal companies and the county party committee and county government of Jia County, adhere to the direction, manage the overall situation, and ensure the implementation, and promote the "banner pilot" party building project in depth, and firmly establish the concept of "people first". Adhere to the "double satisfaction" work orientation, practice the "five grasping" work concept, fully complete various tasks, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the company and the power grid.

State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company: Condolences to retired veteran party members, organizational care and warmth Ren Xiaofeng

The person in charge of the company thanked the old party members for their contributions to the party's cause and the company's work, and at the same time told the old party members to pay attention to the seasonal changes, take care of their health, and encourage them to participate in more physical fitness activities and live a happy, healthy and happy life in their old age. The person in charge of the company said: "several old party members are the precious wealth of our party, have worked in important positions in the company, and have made important contributions to the development of the company in Jia County, in the future we will definitely do a good job in service guarantee, implement relevant policies, take care of the life of old party members, so that the old party members can enjoy their old age, but also hope that the old party members will continue to play a residual heat, carry forward the exemplary vanguard role of the Communist Party members, and make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the enterprise." ”

State Grid Jiaxian Power Supply Company: Condolences to retired veteran party members, organizational care and warmth Ren Xiaofeng

The veteran comrades expressed their gratitude to the party organization for its concern, which made them feel very warm and moved, and said that they would continue to actively fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of party members and give full play to their residual heat.

Author: Ren Xiaofeng, reporter Cao Yi