
The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

author:Not a red layman
The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Among the four famous novels, the poetry level of "Dream of Red Mansions" is the highest, different from the poems in the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Journey to the West, the poems in the Red Chamber do bear the real artistic aesthetic value, not only have the beauty of poetry appreciation, but also in terms of the storyline, often have the role of hinting at the ending of the characters and revealing the characters' personalities.

The only time there was a number of poems in the Red Mansion was in the eighteenth episode of "Concubine Yuan's Provincial Family", in order to praise the peaceful and prosperous times, Jia Yuanchun arranged a task for the sisters, and each of them made a poem, which turned out to be a mess.

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

The grand occasion of the provincial concubine

Take the poem of the third lady Tanchun as an example, the poem she wrote should be like this: the famous garden is built majestic, and she is ordered to learn shallowly. The subtlety was indescribable for a while, and sure enough, all things were brilliant.

Even readers who have not studied poetry can see that the poem is written in general, especially the sentence "subtle and unspeakable", and even a little embarrassing.

The other sisters in the sisters, such as Yingchun, Xichun, and Li Kun, their levels are also almost the same, and this situation is normal, because Concubine Yuan ordered everyone to make poems.

The so-called should be made poems, to put it bluntly, is a poem that praises virtue, the status of the concubine is already political, and it is common to make a poem to praise the prosperity of the world during the provincial period, but also because of the restrictions of "should be made poems", resulting in the lack of ideological content of the poem itself, and it is difficult to make good poems.

Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu are exceptions, these two strange women are talented, even if they make this kind of "proposition composition" that praises virtue, they can also write new ideas, because of this, after reading everyone's poems, Concubine Yuan happily commented: After all, Xue Lin's second sister's work is different, and non-foolish sisters can be listed together.

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Yuan Concubine inscription

Let's focus on the analysis of Lin Daiyu, her poem should be made as "The Source of Immortals in the World", and her poem says: Where to build a famous garden, don't be red in the fairyland. Borrow the mountains and rivers to add new scenery. Xiangrong Jingu wine, flower charm Yutang people. He is fortunate to invite grace, and the palace car passes frequently.

Lin Daiyu's poem is very special, it is a five-word rhythm, and the other sisters on the scene are all seven-word rhythms, this is not an idle pen, but Cao Xueqin is carefully portraying Lin Daiyu's personality, the original book has a positive description of this:

It turned out that Lin Daiyu showed off her genius tonight and overwhelmed everyone, [Gengchen Shuangxing Clamping Criticism: Why bother, but the stunner is like this. I don't want Concubine Jia to only order a plaque and a song, but it's not good to disobey the edict more, just make a five-word law to suit the situation. [Gengchen double-line clipping: Please see the previous poem, but the cloud is chaotic to respond to the situation. —Chapter 18

It turns out that this five-word rhythm is only used by Lin Daiyu to deal with errands, even if it is to deal with errands indiscriminately, it is enough to overwhelm the golden hairpins, through this contrasting writing, Lin Daiyu's "talent of Yongxu" can be highlighted.

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Xiangling learns poetry

At the same time, this five-word rhythm is a foreshadowing buried thousands of miles, because in the forty-eighth episode of "Mu Ya Nu Ya Collection of Bitter Poems", Xiangling worships Daiyu as a teacher and learns the method of composing poems, and the curriculum designed by Lin Daiyu for Xiangling is like this:

Daiyu said: "You only listen to me, if you really want to learn, I have "The Complete Works of Wang Majie" here, you read a hundred of his five-word laws, carefully figure out and familiarize yourself, and then read one or two hundred of Lao Du's seven-word laws, and then read one or two hundred of Li Qinglian's seven-word quatrains." —Chapter 48

Lin Daiyu's course for Xiangling obviously adheres to the principle of going from easy to difficult, the simplest is the five-word law, then the seven-word law, and finally the seven-word law, which is in line with the eighteenth Lin Daiyu's performance - what she did is exactly the five-word law, which is indeed in line with the psychology of "random response".

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Jia Yuanchun chose Fengzao Palace

It is worth talking about another poem written by Lin Daiyu, during the provincial period, Jia Baoyu was ordered by Concubine Yuan to make four poems that should be made, but Baoyu was not good at thinking, Lin Daiyu secretly helped him make a poem "Apricot Curtain in Sight", and the result was the only one who won the green eyes of Concubine Yuan.

The apricot curtain invites guests to drink, and there is a mountain villa in sight. Lingjing goose water, mulberry elm swallow beam. A wisp of spring leeks is green, and ten miles of rice flowers are fragrant. There is no hunger in the prosperous world, so why be busy with farming and weaving. - "Apricot Curtain in Sight"

Lin Daiyu's poem is very well written, and it particularly touches Concubine Yuan's heart, and even Hongjun can assert that among all the poems she wrote that day, Concubine Yuan's favorite is this "Apricot Curtain in Sight"!

Why is this assertive? Because of this "apricot curtain", it changed the inherent concept of the concubine.

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Jia Zheng led the crowd to Daoxiang Village

There are four major buildings in the Grand View Garden, namely Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Xuwu Garden, Yihong Courtyard, Daoxiang Village, the Yuan Concubine ordered Jia Baoyu to make four poems, the proposition is these four buildings, among which the name of "Daoxiang Village" has been modified several times.

At the beginning, Jia Zheng took Jia Baoyu and the Qing guests to visit the Grand View Garden, and when passing by a farm-style building, Jia Baoyu made the following suggestions:

Baoyu said: "There are clouds in the old poem: the red apricot tip hangs a wine flag. Now Mo Ruo's 'apricot curtain is in sight'. Everyone said, "What a 'in sight'!" It also implicitly fits the meaning of 'Xinghua Village'. Baoyu sneered: "If the name of the village uses the word apricot blossom, it will be vulgar and ugly." There are also poems of the ancients: Chaimen is near the fragrance of rice flowers, why not use the wonder of 'Daoxiang Village'? When everyone heard this, they also clapped their hands and said, "Wonderful! —Chapter 17

Jia Baoyu named the building "Daoxiang Village", but when the concubine was provincial, she didn't like the name, and she modified these plaques:

"Youfeng Laiyi" gave the name "Xiaoxiang Pavilion", "Red Fragrance Green Jade" was changed to "Yihong Fast Green", that is, the name "Yihong Courtyard", "Zhi Qingfen" gave the name "Wuyuan", "Apricot Curtain in Sight" gave the name "Huange Villa".

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

Chai Men is fragrant with rice flowers

Jia Baoyu's elaborate "Daoxiang Village" was changed to "Huange Villa" by Concubine Yuan, but before the ink of the renamed name was dry, Lin Daiyu wrote this poem "Apricot Curtain in Sight", which hit Concubine Yuan's heart at once.

In the original book: Concubine Jia was overjoyed after reading it, and said: "Sure enough, I have benefited!" He also pointed out that the song "Apricot Curtain" was the crown of the first three songs, so "Huange Villa" was changed to "Daoxiang Village". —Chapter 18

Concubine Yuan obviously fell in love with the "A wisp of spring leek green, ten miles of rice flowers" in "Apricot Curtain in Sight", and the more she tasted it, the more she felt that it was still the previous "Daoxiang Village", so she denied herself and crossed out her own Huange Villa.

The first talented woman in the Red Mansion: Lin Daiyu's song "Apricot Curtain in Sight" completely conquered Jia Yuanchun

There is a phoenix to praise the holy will

There is another detail worth noting, the two poems made by Lin Daiyu respectively take into account the identity of the poet, "The Immortal Source of the World" "He is fortunate to invite grace, and the palace car passes frequently", which is clearly based on the identity of women;

When writing "Apricot Curtain in Sight", because he wrote a poem for Jia Baoyu, he could not substitute this feminine vision into it, so Daiyu sang the praises of the peaceful and prosperous era through the scene of the farmhouse, and finally attributed it to the sentence "There is no hunger in the prosperous world, why do you need to be busy with farming and weaving", which is extremely appropriate.

Lin Daiyu's poetic talent is hidden in these details, Cao Xueqin's portrayal of Lin Daiyu is written in accordance with the standard of "genius girl", through these details, we can also clearly see Cao Xueqin's work in the poetry of "Dream of Red Mansions", every word seems to be blood, ten years of hard work and unusual painstaking heart, poetry must be the most important part of Cao Gong's heart.

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