
The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

author:Love is talent in life

Under the warm spring sun, Lin Daiyu leaned lightly in front of the window, holding a volume of "The Legend of the West Chamber" in her hand, her eyes fluctuated with the emotions between the lines, sometimes bright, sometimes gloomy. Her voice was deep and emotional, chanting words that depicted the beauty and sorrow of love. Her heart, as described in the book, is full of yearning for love, but it can't help but have a trace of unspeakable sorrow.

At this moment, Jia Baoyu walked lightly into Lin Daiyu's room, and his arrival broke the silence in the room. Baoyu looked at Daiyu's focused expression and couldn't help but be attracted by her beauty and talent. He asked softly, "Sister, what are you chanting?" Daiyu was interrupted by the sudden voice, she looked up, a flash of surprise in her eyes, but quickly regained her composure.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

"Brother, you're here." Daiyu responded with a smile, her eyes revealing concern for Baoyu. Baoyu walked to Daiyu's side, glanced curiously at the "Legend of the West Chamber" in her hand, and then said: "The love story in this book, although moving, is fictional after all. In reality, how should we experience and grasp love? ”

After hearing this, Daiyu frowned slightly, she pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Love, maybe like the warm sun in this spring, warm and bright, can illuminate the deepest corners of people's hearts. But at the same time, it can also be accompanied by unforeseen wind and rain, which makes people enjoy the warmth while also facing challenges and tests. ”

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Baoyu nodded, and he agreed with Daiyu's opinion. He knows that Daiyu's heart is sensitive and fragile, and she has her own unique perception and understanding of love. Baoyu gently patted Daiyu's shoulder and said gently: "Sister, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, I will be by your side and face it with you." ”

The dialogue between the two, although it is not flowery rhetoric, reveals deep concern and sincere emotion. Their hearts were communicated at this moment, and mutual understanding and support became the nourishment for their emotional germination. On this spring afternoon, Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu's hearts are like flowers blooming outside the window, quietly blooming with their beauty and fragrance.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

However, their story doesn't end there, and the germ of emotion has just begun. How the emotions between them will develop over time, and how they will face the challenges of life, all of this is full of unknowns and possibilities. Their emotional journey is like an unfinished book, waiting for them to write their own chapter. 4

When night fell, the lights in the Grand View Garden were dim, but Lin Daiyu's room was only lit with a faint lamp. She sat alone in front of the window, looking at the moonlight outside the window, and her heart swelled with mixed emotions. The moonlight illuminated her pale face, and also reflected her inner struggle and pain.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Daiyu's thoughts drifted back to the bits and pieces between Baoyu and Baochai. She remembered the sweet words that Baoyu had said to her, those promises and vows, but now that she thought about it, they were like bubbles, and they were broken at the touch of a button. The appearance of Baochai seems to have changed everything. Baoyu's care and thoughtfulness for Baochai made Daiyu feel jealous and uneasy like never before. She didn't understand why Baoyu's heart could be transferred so easily, why her love was betrayed like this.

Her heart was filled with bitterness, like a glass of bitter wine, difficult to swallow. Daiyu felt a deep despair, and she began to wonder if there really was such a thing as true love in this world. She once firmly believed that the relationship between her and Baoyu was unique and capable of transcending all obstacles. However, reality has dealt her a heavy blow and forced her to re-examine her feelings and future.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Daiyu's inner monologue is full of pain and struggle. She asked herself if she should continue to hold on to this seemingly hopeless love, or should she let go and free herself from the whirlpool of this emotion. Her heart hovers between love and pain, unable to make a decision. She was afraid that her persistence would only end up in exchange for deeper damage, but she couldn't bear to give up and give up on the person she once loved.

On this silent night, Daiyu's room was filled only with the sound of her own breathing and heartbeat. She felt an indescribable loneliness, as if the whole world had abandoned her. Her tears slipped involuntarily and dripped onto the back of her hand, cold and stinging. She gently wiped away her tears, but she couldn't wipe away the pain in her heart.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Daiyu begins to reflect on her actions and choices. She realized that her dependence and expectation on Baoyu might be the reason for today's situation. She began to wonder if she should learn to be independent and learn not to rely on the love of others to define her own worth. She wants to be stronger and no longer swayed by emotional fluctuations.

However, this transition has not been easy. Daiyu's heart is still full of longing for Baoyu and nostalgia for the past. She knows that it takes time and courage to really let go. She began to try to accept the reality and understand Baoyu's choice, even though it was extremely difficult for her.

Daiyu's heart is full of confusion about the future. She didn't know what her future would be like without Baoyu's love. She is afraid of loneliness, afraid of the unknown, but she also longs for freedom and to be able to take control of her own destiny. On this night, Daiyu's soul experienced a profound baptism, and she began to slowly learn to grow, learn to face her emotions and life.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Daiyu's monologue echoes in the night, her heart hovers on the edge of love and pain, and her emotions gradually become clear in the struggle. She knows that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, she must go on bravely, for herself, for that desire and belief in true love.

The morning dew has not yet dissipated, but Lin Daiyu's heart is as cold as this dew. She stayed awake all night, her thoughts were thousands, and the emotions accumulated in her heart finally exploded at this moment. When Jia Baoyu stepped into her room, Daiyu's emotions were like a flood bursting an embankment, and she couldn't suppress it.

"Baoyu, come and tell me, where is your heart?" Daiyu's voice trembled, with a hint of despair, her eyes were full of pain and doubt, staring straight at Baoyu as if to see through his soul.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Baoyu was stunned by Daiyu's sudden questioning, he had never seen Daiyu look so out of control. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to try to calm her emotions: "Sister, what's wrong with you?" Naturally, I mean it to you. "

But Daiyu's emotions could not be calmed down, her heart was full of the pain of betrayal, and Baoyu's explanation seemed so pale to her ears. "Really?" Daiyu sneered, "Your sincerity is intimacy with Baochai, is it just to put me aside and ignore my feelings?" "

Baoyu was stunned, he didn't expect Daiyu to interpret the interaction between him and Baochai in this way. He wanted to explain, but Daiyu didn't give him a chance, and her emotions were like a raging storm, out of control.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

"I always thought that the relationship between you and me was sincere and unquestionable. But now it seems that I am just deceiving myself. Daiyu's tears welled up again, and her heart was like being slashed by a sharp blade, and it hurt her heart.

Baoyu was eager to explain, he didn't want to see Daiyu in such pain, "Sister, listen to me, there is nothing between me and Baochai as you imagined. I only have you in my heart, don't you understand? "

But Daiyu's heart has been broken, and she can no longer believe Baoyu's words. "Baoyu, I've heard too much of your sweet words, but your actions have disappointed me again and again." There was a cry in Daiyu's voice, and her heart was completely broken at this moment.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

Baoyu looked at Daiyu's tearful appearance, and her heart was also a colic. He knew he had to do something to win Daiyu's heart back, but how could he untie her knot?

The misunderstanding and knot between the two further intensified at this moment. Daiyu's emotions are out of control, and Baoyu's explanation is weak, all of which put the relationship between the two into an unprecedented crisis.

Daiyu's heart is full of accusations, she accuses Baoyu of infidelity, accuses her infatuation. Her heart completely collapsed at this moment, she didn't know how to face Baoyu, how to face this once hopeful relationship.

Baoyu stood in place, looking at Daiyu's grief-stricken appearance, his heart was also mixed. He knew that if he couldn't untie Daiyu's knot, the relationship between them might break down because of this.

The "cruel words" that Lin Daiyu said when she was jealous have been praised for more than 300 years and have become classics

The early morning sun shone through the window, but it couldn't dispel the gloom in the room. Daiyu's emotional outburst, Baoyu's inability to explain, the misunderstanding and knot between the two all reached their peak in this early morning. Their feelings, like the morning sun, are bright but with a hint of unspeakable sadness.

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