
Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

author:Xia Yutian reads
Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

Do you have such a girl around you, or are you such a girl: Varshti Harrison's "Big Girl". This girl has a big smile, a big heart, and big dreams as a baby. She studied hard, ate well, and worked hard to grow up. However, it's not great at all.

Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

Little girls are "bigger" than children of the same age, which causes trouble. One day, she was stuck in the children's adventure, not only was she ridiculed by her classmates, but she was not counted down by the teacher. From then on, she began to feel uncomfortable, always being provoked, criticized, forced to accept advice, and even ignored. Those ugly words were like engraved on her body, and they couldn't be erased.

Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

During the rehearsal of the art show, she finally couldn't help these words that hurt her intentionally or unintentionally, and broke down and cried. Even if she cried, all she heard was not comfort, but "What are you crying about when you are such a big child." "It seems that when you are big, you don't have the right to cry, you can't pretend to be cute, you can only do things that are limited.

Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

Those words that can't hurt us will eventually make us stronger, and the little girl awakened herself in the hesitation and struggle, broke through the shackles that others put on her, released those negative energy, and bravely told them that your words are very hurtful. Although some people still disagreed, the moment she fought back, the little girl's heart grew again.

Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong

I like a quote from actor Sydney Lee Ralph: "People don't have to like you, people don't have to love you, they don't even need to respect you." But when you look in the mirror, take a good look at yourself and love yourself. "So anyway, don't be the one who is defined, be your own heroine!

Girl, remember that those words that don't hurt you will eventually make you strong
