
Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again

author:Nozomi Sekiyama

The more you love someone, the more you will be hurt in your relationship.

When a woman gives everything she has in a relationship and pours out her emotions without reservation, only to find that you don't feel as much for her as she does for you, she will start to think in her heart that you don't love her deeply - which will also cause her to be more disappointed in you.

She may still have feelings for you in her heart, but intellectually she can no longer treat you like before.

Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again.

Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again

1. Avoiding you, not loving to meet you

In the past, when she had no grudge against you, she was willing to ask you to meet whenever she had time, or go to you when you were free. But after this situation lasted for a while, she began to find frequent excuses to avoid you, and was unwilling to contact you more.

Sometimes you ask her to meet, but she always refuses for various reasons.

She began working overtime late into the night every day; Every weekend, a friend asks her out to go out, or she takes the lead in making an appointment with someone else about where to go on a holiday...... She spends her time at work, friends, but not you.

She doesn't want to tell you the disappointments in her heart, but she can't face you with a clear and bright heart. In a dilemma, she can only choose to avoid you and not meet you.

A person will not avoid you for no reason, she doesn't like to meet you, and she doesn't explain the reason to you, just because she has accumulated too many disappointments in her heart, and she is waiting for you to take the initiative to notice.

Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again

2. Perfunctory to you, don't reply to your messages

If you are disappointed in someone, the most obvious manifestation is that you will become uninclined to reply to the other person's messages.

In the past, when I was in love, I couldn't wait to reply to your message as soon as I heard the phone ring. But then there is a gap in your relationship, and she begins to feel disappointed and sad about some of your behavior, and before she knows it, the distance between her and you becomes more and more distant.

She doesn't take much interest in your messages anymore, but always wants to perfunctory you as soon as possible and end the chat between you.

Sometimes, when she feels exhausted, she also pretends that she can't see the unread messages in the chat box. Until you ask her why she doesn't reply to the message, she will find a reason to tell you, "I was busy with something else and didn't see it."

When disappointments accumulate too much, love becomes perfunctory.

In fact, she herself is not comfortable, but she just doesn't know how to face you.

If you see the changes in her, you might as well find out where the problems between you are, make amends as soon as possible, and don't let her be sad for too long.

Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again

3. Ignoring you and being cold to you

In the relationship, "disappointment" is like a blunt knife, which wears away the affection between you little by little, and cuts off your beautiful illusions about each other little by little. Under this accumulated consumption, no matter how much you love you, you will become impatient.

Maybe the things you promised her have never been done, the things you promised to do with her have been delayed again and again, and the gifts you promised her have never been fulfilled...... This little thing will eventually become a scar in her heart.

She was full of expectations for the beautiful development between you, but you missed the appointment again and again, which will make her dare not have good expectations and yearning for you.

When the disappointment accumulates too much, she begins to fight back with "ignore you".

She no longer cares about your every move, what promises you make to her, and what you are going to do......

When the disappointment is extreme, she is left with indifference to you.

Women treat you like this, most likely because they have accumulated too much disappointment, don't make her sad again

In a relationship, few people will change inexplicably, if you have always loved her, she will most likely love you the way you treat her.

But if you always lose your trust in her and let her feel disappointed everywhere, then it is understandable for her to avoid you, perfunctory you, and ignore you.

The reason why she became like this is not because she doesn't love you anymore, but because she feels that you don't love her that much.