
Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible

author:Nozomi Sekiyama

Although it is said that the relationship is a matter of two people, it is lovely to the end, but it also depends on whether the efforts of both parties are equal.

When you like someone, you are willing to give what you think is the best thing to the other person, and you don't want to see others receive gifts when the person you like does not.

To like him is to give him preference both materially and emotionally.

But if you blindly give unilaterally in the relationship, but you can't receive feedback from the other party, then no matter how much you love the other party at the beginning, the relationship will change in the end.

Love or not, most of the time is reflected in the use of the heart.

Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible.

Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible

1. The small family is angry and will calculate their own efforts

A girl once posted on the Internet that her boyfriend's salary is higher than hers, but when she is with her, if the other party invites her to dinner, then she needs to invite her boyfriend to watch a movie. Or if you go out to play together, if your boyfriend invites you to drink milk tea, she will in turn ask the girl to buy snacks for herself......

She thinks it's normal for her to take the initiative to pay, but her boyfriend is so calculating that he doesn't like her so much.

Among them, some netizens commented sharply: "Men who care too much about gains and losses are essentially thinking about their own interests." ”

Sure enough, in the end, the woman found that he had calculated how much money she had spent for her in this relationship in her boyfriend's mobile phone, and the moment she saw the detailed bill, her heart died all of a sudden. I didn't expect my boyfriend to be so childish, and finally broke up decisively.

People who care too much about their own efforts are emotionally difficult to love someone wholeheartedly.

Because after he gives a little, he will also ask you for a little to make up for his shortfall.

Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible

2. Take the initiative to ask you for gifts

A relationship needs two people to work together, but the premise of this careful management is that both parties should not be too careful, nor should they carefully calculate who pays more. Because love is not like other relationships, once you carefully investigate who gives more, then it is not love.

But if a man is too concerned about his own good to you in his relationship, and even after he has paid for you once, he will think about asking you for a gift next time, then he probably doesn't care so much about you.

In the process of interacting with you, he may not think about how to please you, nor how to spend more time on you. What he thinks is that he needs to receive your feedback from him before he will continue to make the next overture to you.

This kind of love is actually not about feelings, but about interests.

Love without feelings cannot last long. See his feelings for you as soon as possible, and end this relationship that can't nourish you as soon as possible.

Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible

3. Flim tongue, don't do practical things

Shakespeare once said, "Women love with their ears." ”

It can be seen that many women actually like to hear sweet words from their beloved. But life is not a fairy tale, if a man is too flamboyant and often promises you a better future, but can't even bring you a bouquet of flowers when they meet, then he is just pleasing you through sweet words.

It's easy to say a word, but it's hard to do.

So there's no need to listen to what he says, it's important to see how he does it.

A man who relies on words alone to paint a blueprint for your future is essentially unwilling to put too much thought into it.

The cost of talking about it is not high, but if you really want to do it, you need to pay more energy and money.

Therefore, the person who just says but doesn't do it actually doesn't want to pay for you so much, he just wants to spend the lowest cost to keep you by his side, so it's better to see it as soon as possible!

Men treat you like this, most of them are reluctant to bother for you, so see it as soon as possible

A good relationship is inseparable from both parties working together and working together.

But if the other party is petty, he always calculates his own efforts in the process of dating; Take the initiative to ask you for gifts; If he is flamboyant and doesn't do practical things, then he is not only not so willing to bother with you, but also not worthy of your trust.

Since it's just that the other party is the wrong person, it's best to stop the loss in time and leave early after seeing his true face.

Don't waste too much time on the wrong people, the right people are waiting for you.

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