
Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

author:Xiao Ming children's shoes
Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

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Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

Of course, I can understand why people like Nintendo, and I think Nintendo's games are very good, but it is too much of an exaggeration to call Nintendo's game mode the "ceiling of games".

Games are a diverse thing.,Of course, fun is important.,Just like poetry at least rhymes.,But other aspects are also important.,Nintendo is really weak in plot and narrative (although their games really don't need to have a plot),Why does it feel like many people worship Nintendo as a god?

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

However, the royalty system also has advantages and disadvantages, the royalty system was originally Atari's game review system in front of the rotten, and Yamauchi didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the past, so he engaged in a royalty system, which now seems too extreme to review the mechanism

But later, the third-party manufacturers collectively abandoned Nintendo, which belonged to Nintendo's cocoon, which also allowed Nintendo to learn the truth that it must deal well with third-party manufacturers, so that there was a strong lineup of NS, and it was a blessing to suffer to a certain extent

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

But the problem is that there is Nintendo now, it's like Einstein, you say that without Einstein, there would be other stans, but this is meaningless, and now the world is the one who proposes the theory of relativity

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

No, it's from 0 to 10. Super Mario Bros. 3 has not been surpassed so far

The controller design is really like this, Nintendo made the vibration package, Sony built in the vibration, Nintendo made a single analogue stick, Sony made two, Nintendo made a pair of LR buttons, Sony made two pairs of LR buttons, Nintendo made Wii, Sony made a pair of split wireless PS moves, Nintendo made WiiU, Sony made PSV remote control

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

Tencent's evil is actually less, and as far as Tencent's investment and dominance in the game industry are concerned, it really has to be as evil as Nintendo in the royalty era, so that everyone can know what real evil is.

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

The historical traces of the Ocarina of Time are still quite obvious, and I can feel it when I played it on the 3DS in '09.

Mario 64 is not impressed, more than 20 years ago with the broken Pentium 3 computer plus TNT graphics card to play with the simulator, and did not clear the level.

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

Then you probably don't know that the first 3D game Nintendo was in Mitrod in the GBA, and it was Mario and Zelda who laid the foundation for today's 3D game operations.

And Ubisoft's action system is actually inherited and developed from the Prince of Persia, but in fact, this system was almost done as early as Metal Gear Solid 2. Only Eagle Vision is really original to Ubisoft.

You're playing a little bit less of the game.

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

The plot of the XB series... Xenomorph series can blow the plot, it's not Xenoblade, it's Xenoblade armor and Xenotropic legends, right?

As for the fire streaks ... Do you look at the last three fire emblems? In terms of gameplay, it's more fun than the other.,The plot.,It's hard to compliment.

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?

Now we're all going our own ways and doing what we're good at. Sony tossed his cinematic narrative with VR equipment with ceiling-level hardware, Nintendo steadily innovated after the NS just released the title, and Microsoft bought and bought and then sold XGP. Each family has its own strengths

Nintendo's evaluation is too high, isn't it overpraised?