
What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

author:Xiao Ming children's shoes
What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

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What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

After all, it is a dark age of bandits, ruffians and bullies, and warlords, and it is really an analogy to the apocalyptic state in "Train to Busan 2".

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

It's really good luck to encounter this simple murderous pervert, but there is a high probability that you will encounter warlords, landlords, horse bandits, bandits, mountain bandits, Japanese soldiers, foreigners, homecoming groups, capitalists, Kuomintang troops, Tusi, lamas......

Every time I see this, I think of Xu Fengnian, who is the same as a warlord and a young master, and who does a lot of evil, this one only affects a few dozen people at most, and Xu Fengnian finally pit at least 300,000 people

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

Wow, for those who are willing to go to great lengths

When the modern woman of the wife of a Kuomintang official

Going to Jingming Tower is a step to the sky

And these love brains may also think that there will be an American prince charming to protect her, and then marry the American palace fight

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

Ruijin is indeed safer, but it is better to Yan'an

The Long March is really difficult, if you don't follow the team, hehe, you have to face the repeated sweeps of the Kuomintang, which is an indescribable purgatory on earth.

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

If you are a qualified science and engineering student who has completed higher education. Make your own charcoal, reproduce a classic engineering drawing, and then go to the nearest university to find a well-known engineering scholar, such as Zhu Jiaye at National Central University or Xie Jiarong at National Sun Yat-sen University. With the basic skills of current undergraduates, it is not difficult to enter their door.

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

Actually, it's not necessary, to put it bluntly, it's better for female college students to join the Communist Party, their ideological consciousness is high, and their luck is better, maybe they can mix up with a political commissar, a women's director, a women's army or something, if you really want to pretend to be illiterate, I don't believe you can fool the instructors, they are a bunch of people!

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

What people want to do is the kind of aunt who only loves herself even if she has 180 aunts, overthrows the main house, controls the warlords' military and financial power, only helps herself when she encounters things, makes her sisters envious and can slap her face at any time.

Most of the dreams are young and handsome, little white-faced warlords with long legs + big chest muscles + eight-pack abs.

But in reality, most of them are middle-aged and elderly warlords who are bearded, tyrannical, and abuse women as cats and dogs (refer to Lu Zhenhua's whipping of his wife and children + the appearance of a biu person who pulls out a gun at every turn) Even if he is lucky, he gets along with the warlord's little white-faced son, there is still a probability of being forcibly occupied by the middle-aged and elderly warlord.

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

The angle is tricky, so can I change the name of a military factory or an industrial production line directly?

Or even the number of a certain main battle unit?

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

Although I can't write it, it's good to know it at that time, the cultural level is definitely enough, but the troubled times are not suitable for women to survive, especially in the era when most women are not even human, the long male and female may be able to dress up as men, maybe find our party and still have a way to live, be a medical soldier at least learn faster than those who can't read, and contribute to your own efforts.

At that time, it was difficult for even men to live, but it was better than women. The Republic of China now feels romanticized, not to mention the excitement in the novel, it is really difficult for ordinary people to live

What would happen if a beautiful modern woman traveled back in time to the Republic of China?

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