
Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

author:Watermelon Tea Party

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Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Edit: Watermelon Tea Party

Next year, the spring breeze will come again, soaring up to 90,000 miles

Life is sometimes a play, especially when the protagonists on the stage are Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

An economic dispute between Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming

Some time ago, Huang Yiming revealed on the Internet that she gave birth to Wang Sicong's son, and posted a chat record of her asking Wang Sicong for milk powder money. She sent a message directly: "Hurry up and transfer money!" Wang Sicong replied: "I will have money for you next year." This sentence instantly detonated the laughter of netizens, and the comment area was filled with a joyful atmosphere of eating melons. Huang Yiming did not show weakness, and directly sent out Wang Sicong's QR code on the Internet, and his words were full of dissatisfaction with the status quo. She said that she lived a very hard life, and watching Wang Sicong live a good life, she simply "hated the rich".

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Netizen reaction: The people who eat melons are happy

After Huang Yiming posted the chat record, netizens quickly watched and expressed their opinions. Some people ridiculed Wang Sicong's statement that he "has no money", saying that "President Wang will also have a day when he has no money". Some netizens ridiculed the absurdity of this dialogue and said: "Huang Yiming directly sent the QR code, this operation is really high." The comment area is full of all kinds of ridicule and ridicule, forming a joyful melon-eating atmosphere.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Huang Yiming's response: Life is too bitter and hateful

Huang Yiming did not show weakness in the reply in the comment area, she said that she lived a very hard life, and watching Wang Sicong live a good life, she was simply "hating the rich". Her statement has aroused the attention and discussion of more netizens. Some netizens expressed their understanding of Huang Yiming's distress and believed that as a mother, she had the right to ask the child's father to take responsibility for raising her. While other netizens believe that Huang Yiming's behavior is a bit radical and should solve the problem privately, rather than making a public fuss on the Internet.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

There is a constant controversy: how to define the responsibilities of the parties

Around this economic dispute, netizens launched a heated discussion. Some people believe that Wang Sicong, as the father of the child, should take on the responsibility of raising him, and he cannot evade responsibility because of his unmarriage. Some people also believe that Huang Yiming is also responsible in this matter, and he should think carefully in advance before making a decision. How to define the responsibilities of both parties has become the focus of debate among netizens.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Open squabbles: who has the better strategy

This public quarrel makes one wonder who has the better strategy. Huang Yiming chose to expose the conversation with Wang Sicong on the Internet, trying to use public opinion to exert pressure and make Wang Sicong take responsibility. Wang Sicong seemed relatively calm, and the simple sentence "If you survive next year, you will be rich" not only responded to Huang Yiming, but also aroused the laughter of netizens. The game between the two makes people see the effects and impacts of different treatments.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Women's helplessness: while asking for money, set up a torii

Netizens also have a lot of opinions on Huang Yiming's behavior, some people think that she put down her posture and asked for money after gambling failed, and wanted to set up an archway, saying that she was not looking for Wang Sicong for money. Someone joked: "This girl is really stupid for three years of pregnancy, and she will say everything after this chat record is posted." Some people also feel that Huang Yiming, as a mother, had to put down his body and ask Wang Sicong for money for the sake of her children, and this helpless situation is indeed sympathetic.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Sympathy and doubts from netizens

Many netizens expressed their sympathy for Huang Yiming after seeing her situation. They believe that as a mother, it is understandable for Huang Yiming to let go of his dignity to ask Wang Sicong for money for the sake of his children. Some netizens commented: "If it's not a last resort, who wants to publicize the ugliness of the family? She is also for the good of the child. However, some netizens questioned Huang Yiming's motives, thinking that her practice of setting up a memorial arch while asking for money was incomprehensible. If she really doesn't care about money, why would she make these chat logs public? This contradictory behavior has made many people doubt Huang Yiming's true intentions.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Society's double standards for women

Huang Yiming's behavior has also sparked a discussion of double standards for women in society. It has been pointed out that when women are financially dependent on men, they tend to be blamed and questioned more. "If a man asks for alimony from his ex-girlfriend, I'm afraid there won't be so much criticism." This kind of double standard on the basis of gender has made many netizens feel unfair, and they call for society to be more understanding and tolerant of women's choices in difficult situations.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Huang Yiming's response and attitude

In the face of various comments from the outside world, Huang Yiming also responded on social media. She stressed that she did not make these conversations public for money, but hoped that Wang Sicong would take on the responsibility of being a father. "I just want him to take responsibility for our children, it's not just about asking for money." Huang's response sought to clarify her motives, but still failed to dispel all doubts. Some netizens believe that there are still contradictions between her words and behavior.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Wang Sicong: The responsibility of unmarried people

Wang Sicong has always claimed to be unmarried, which also means that he does not intend to take on the responsibilities that come with marriage. But now that the child has been born, Wang Sicong, as a father, should take on the responsibility of raising him, instead of putting all the responsibility on Huang Yiming's side. Some netizens said: "When the child is born, Wang Sicong should bear the responsibility of raising him, rather than letting the woman bear it." Someone else pointed out: "Is it also called fishing when looking for a child's father to ask for child support?" The child's father is not responsible, you don't scold at all? From these comments, it can be seen that the public's attitude towards Wang Sicong is not all sympathetic.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Wang Sicong's financial ability

As the son of Wang Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group, Wang Sicong's economic strength is beyond doubt. Although he claims not to marry, financially, he is more than capable of providing good living conditions and educational resources for his children. Some netizens said: "It is understandable that Wang Sicong is not married, but it is impossible to say that he does not bear the responsibility of raising him, and he has no financial difficulties." ”

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

The pressure of public opinion

Every move of a public figure will receive widespread attention, especially an influential person like Wang Sicong. Discussions about his "unmarriedness" and "parenting responsibilities" continue to ferment on social media. Some netizens pointed out: "As a public figure, Wang Sicong's behavior will have an impact on society, and if he does not assume his due responsibility, it will have a negative impact on social values." ”

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Huang Yiming's situation

In contrast, Huang Yiming's situation is even more difficult. As the mother of the child, she needs to take on the responsibility of raising the child alone. Netizens expressed sympathy for this, and some commented: "As a single mother, Huang Yiming's pressure to raise children can be imagined, but Wang Sicong ignores it, which is unfair to her." ”

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Internet public opinion: who is fishing for whose oil and water

With the exposure of the chat records posted by Huang Yiming, netizens expressed their opinions one after another. Some people feel that since Huang Yiming chose to be with Wang Sicong, he should understand what kind of consequences he will face. And her current behavior is interpreted as an act of "fishing". Someone ridiculed: "It's people's ability to catch it, and it won't affect your life if you can catch it or not, so why be jealous." Some netizens believe that Huang Yiming is just an ordinary woman, and her actions are understandable in the face of the irresponsible behavior of the rich.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Social Reflection: Children are not tools

Some netizens lamented that this child has become a tool since birth, used by his mother to ask for money, and used by his father to deal with public opinion. Someone said, "This child is miserable, and the purpose of being born is to be used as a tool." Someone else pointed out: "For the first time, I know whether a child exists or not, and I still need to be 'recognized', Wang Sicong is God, and it is his turn to 'recognize' the existence of others?" These comments reflect the public's concern and dissatisfaction with the situation of children in such family disputes.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

Social responsibility from entertainment gossip

This farce has also triggered netizens to reflect on social responsibility. Some netizens mentioned: "Can the country ban this kind of Internet celebrity, pretending to be crazy and stupid on the Internet to attract people's attention, I don't believe that children who really love themselves will be used again and again like this, so that children can live in public opinion from an early age." These voices reflect the public's revulsion at influencers' overexposure of their private lives on social media, and remind us that as public figures, we should have a corresponding social responsibility.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time

I laughed and thought about it

After watching this farce, I have to say that I really laughed and thought about it. Huang Yiming chose to expose the chat records for the sake of child support, which attracted public attention, but also plunged herself into the whirlpool of controversy. As the father of the child, Wang Sicong should assume his due responsibilities and cannot shirk his maintenance obligations because of unmarriage. The comments from netizens also show us the public's concern about the situation of children in such family disputes, as well as the dissatisfaction with the excessive exposure of private lives by influencers on social media.

Huang Yiming asks for milk powder money, Wang Sicong will have money for you next year, netizens: It's time


Overall, this farce allows us to see the complexity and helplessness of the entertainment industry, and also makes us reflect on social responsibility and family responsibility. After all, isn't life a play? I just hope that the characters in the play can be played well, and don't let innocent children become victims. I hope they can all find their own happiness!

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