
Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions



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Huang Yiming, this name has been in the limelight recently, and it has once again become the focus of attention.

She boldly spoke on social platforms, claiming that she had added a thousand gold to Wang Sicong, which caused a thousand waves with one stone, and the discussion on the Internet exploded instantly.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

At the beginning, she complained that Wang Sicong was ignoring her daughter, and portrayed herself and her daughter as pitiful, as if she was forcing Wang Sicong to come out to recognize her relatives.

But who would have thought that the plot suddenly took a turn for the worse, and Huang Yiming jumped out to support Wang Sicong again, and even did not hesitate to expose the private conversation between the two, which proved that Wang Sicong loved his daughter.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

What's even more puzzling is that Huang Yiming not only called Wang Sicong on the Internet, but also launched an inexplicable solidarity campaign, calling on everyone to support the troubled Wanda Group.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

This wave of operations is simply jaw-dropping, and netizens are also talking about it, saying that they can't understand this play.

You said that Wang Sicong, a rich second generation, although he is famous, he is not so downtrodden that he needs ordinary people to help, right? He used to be famous for his generosity, and he gave his ex-girlfriends a lot of gifts, why can't he even get his daughter's milk powder money now? This kind of contradictory rhetoric inevitably makes people wonder if Wang Sicong wants to evade the responsibility of being a father.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

Of course, Huang Yiming is not without suffering.

She revealed that her doctor had warned her that if she terminated her pregnancy this time, it might be difficult to get pregnant again in the future.

Perhaps out of the instinct of maternal love, she resolutely decided to keep the child.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is doing this just to hug Wang Sicong's big tree so that she can enjoy the shade.

After all, being able to get involved with Wang Sicong is a good thing for fame and fortune.

It's a pity that she thinks about it beautifully, but the reality is very skinny.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

If you want to stuff the child to the Wang family to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

Huang Yiming said quite spinefully that he has always been raising children alone, and he has never relied on Wang Sicong's dime.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

This sounds very inspirational, but she didn't forget to say that she would continue to deal with Wang Sicong to the end and fight for her daughter's reputation and future.

As for the rumors that she wanted her daughter to inherit Wang Sicong's property, she brushed it all away and said it was nonsense.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

Recently, she also complained that she was misunderstood, pointing the finger at those hype-loving marketing accounts.

She reminded everyone not to believe rumors on the Internet, and to learn to distinguish the truth from the false.

But then again, she also admits that some girls do want to improve their social status by having children, especially if they can be related to the rich second generation like Wang Sicong.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

In this environment of unmarried pregnancies, these girls are often in a vulnerable position, especially when they give birth to daughters.

Because according to the traditional concept, the inheritance of society and property is biased in favor of men, and it is almost impossible to inherit property through daughters.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

Huang Yiming seems to know this, so she hopes that Wang Sicong can give her daughter the fatherly love she deserves, rather than just staring at his property.

Netizens also watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and they gave Huang Yiming advice.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

Someone suggested that she simply take the paternity test results to a sit-in protest at the entrance of Wanda's headquarters and force the Wang family to give an explanation.

This idea sounds bold, but it is not without risks, in case it provokes the Wang family, it will be a big trouble, and maybe it will affect Wanda's business operations and future development.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

For these radical suggestions, Huang Yiming still kept a sense of sanity, and she rejected them on the grounds that she didn't want to cause trouble.

It can be seen that although she is facing all kinds of difficulties, she still wants to fight for her daughter's due rights.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

The farce between Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong is not only a matter of the two of them, but also reflects the complex views of society on issues such as unmarried childbirth, women's rights and interests, and property inheritance.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

This play is not over yet, so let's wait and see how it ends.

What do you think about this phenomenon? Feel free to speak in the comment section.

Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat with Wang Sicong, asking for milk powder money, which caused heated discussions

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