
In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


[1] Wang Xiaoheng. Jiangsu Health Care,2022,(04):40-41.

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[3] Yang Chaozhen, Ren Siying, Wu Guofeng, et al. Effect of malignant cerebellar hemorrhage on the prognosis of patients with a small number of spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage[J].Chinese Journal of Geriatric Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases,2024,26(05):535-538.)

Cerebral hemorrhage, also known as intracerebral hemorrhage, is a cerebrovascular emergency with acute onset, dangerous condition and high mortality. Most patients with cerebral hemorrhage are caused by high blood pressure, so many patients with high blood pressure have put a lot of effort into controlling their blood pressure in order to prevent this terrible complication, but they have failed to do so because they have neglected some small details when sleeping.

In 2015, 68-year-old Wang Wei, a 40-year-old smoker, sat on the balcony of his home and lived with his daughter and son-in-law since retirement. Recently, her daughter was pregnant, and she couldn't smell smoke at all, so Wang Wei could only take advantage of her daughter's daytime to go to work and hide on the balcony to relax.

Before her daughter became pregnant, she reminded her father to quit smoking earlier, after all, she is old and can't stand her chimney-like body every day. Wang Wei was dismissive of his daughter's words before, and said that he was in good health, but the recent abnormality that happened to him made him alarmed.

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

The season turns into winter, the temperature gradually drops, Wang Wei wakes up every morning and feels dizzy, and this situation will continue when stretching in the morning, especially when he bends over and bows his head, Wang Wei even feels that the blood vessels in his head are jumping suddenly. Although he had been comforting himself in his heart, the dizziness lasted longer and longer, which had seriously affected Wang Wei's daily life.

The classic manifestations of hypertension are dizziness and headache, and the blood vessels of patients with hypertension are relatively narrow, and the low temperature in winter will exacerbate the constriction of blood vessels, resulting in ischemia and hypoxia of brain tissue, which will cause dizziness and headache. In the early stage of high blood pressure, dizziness usually occurs only for a few minutes to about ten minutes when you wake up, but if you don't intervene properly, your blood pressure will continue to rise, and the uncomfortable symptoms will last longer.

In order not to worry his daughter, Wang Wei came to the hospital alone for an examination, and after entering the clinic, the doctor measured his blood pressure, and the result was as high as 165/100mmHg, which can be classified into the range of moderate hypertension. Combined with the symptoms described by Wang Wei, the doctor was almost certain that he had developed high blood pressure, and he was tested for other functions such as liver and kidneys.

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

The results of the examination showed that Wang Wei's hypertension was not caused by lesions in other organs in the body, and the doctor diagnosed him with essential hypertension. After learning that he needed to take medicine for life, Wang Wei regretted that if he had listened to his daughter earlier, maybe he would not have had this chronic disease. The doctor also echoed that although the exact cause of essential hypertension is not yet fully understood, it must be inseparable from smoking.

Nicotine in tobacco and carbon monoxide in smoke can cause damage to the human body, and when these two substances enter the body, they will directly destroy the cells lining the blood vessels and damage the elastic fibers. In the long run, it will lead to potholes in the blood vessels, and the elasticity will gradually decrease, and the ability to regulate blood pressure will irreversibly decrease, and eventually lead to hypertension. This is one of the reasons why once high blood pressure is diagnosed, it is necessary to take medication for life, and there is no cure.

After returning home, her daughter still saw the medicine that Wang Wei brought back, but the paper couldn't contain the fire after all, and Wang Wei could only confess his illness. The daughter was so worried that she threw away all her father's cigarettes and went to the pharmacy downstairs to buy an electronic blood pressure monitor that was easy to operate. Most patients with hypertension are prone to unstable blood pressure in the early stage of the disease, so it is highly recommended to measure blood pressure once a day in the morning and evening to determine the therapeutic effect of drugs.

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

After that, Wang Wei completely quit smoking, and his son-in-law's taste when cooking was lighter. A year has passed, and Wang Wei will measure his blood pressure from time to time every day, and almost every time it is within the normal range, which means that his condition has been very stable, and he has gradually become accustomed to his status as a patient.

On December 9th, his daughter washed up as usual and prepared to go out to work, and Wang Wei would exercise on the balcony every day on weekdays, but he was not seen today. The daughter felt strange, pushed open the door and saw her father lying groggily on the side of the bed, vomit everywhere, she quickly stepped forward and slapped and shouted her father's name, but found that he was completely unresponsive, so she quickly dialed 120.

After entering the emergency department, the doctor immediately arranged a cranial CT for Wang Wei, and the results showed that the right cerebellar hemisphere saw a clumpy high-density lesion, and a ring-shaped low-density lesion was seen around, with a maximum cross-section of about 3.7*3.1cm, and the adjacent cerebellar tissue was compressed, and a cast high-density lesion was seen in the four ventricles, and acute cerebral hemorrhage was considered. In addition, Wang Wei had a history of hypertension, and the doctor diagnosed him with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage (cerebellum).

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

Among all intracerebral hemorrhages, cerebellar hemorrhage is one of the more dangerous ones, and if conservative treatment is used, the case fatality rate is as high as 80%. After some discussion, the daughter finally chose surgery, and Wang Wei's life was saved, but his body was left with serious disabilities: his mouth was crooked, his speech was unfavorable, and he couldn't even walk independently.

The daughter looked at her father's current appearance, and her heart was full of self-blame, if she had found out earlier, it might have been a different result. But she also had a puzzle in her heart, her father's blood pressure had been very well controlled during the year, how could she suddenly have such a serious cerebral hemorrhage? She knocked on the door of the doctor's office with questions.

In order to untie her heart, the doctor carefully inquired about Wang Wei's usual medication and living habits, and he found that there was no problem with the time, frequency, and dosage of the medicine, and Wang Wei's obedience to the doctor's instructions had reached the extreme. Not to mention in life, all bad habits have been changed, is it really fate for Wang Wei to have a cerebral hemorrhage?

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

The doctor did not give up, and asked her again about the specific situation when she found Wang Wei, and after listening to the other party's description, the doctor instantly understood the truth of Wang Wei's cerebral hemorrhage: "Your father has done everything, and he didn't pay attention to this small detail when he slept alone, which is also the most easily ignored detail of life that induces cerebral hemorrhage......"

On the day of the onset of the disease, the daughter heard a muffled noise from her father's room, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a light coming from his room. She turned over and looked at her phone, it was only half past six in the morning, and she fell asleep again, presumably her father was already ill at that time, and the muffled sound was the sound of him falling.

There are two periods of the day when the human body has the highest blood pressure, that is, 6~8 o'clock in the morning and 4~6 o'clock in the afternoon, and the blood pressure will rise more significantly in winter. It is very likely that Wang Wei was woken up by urine in his sleep, and quickly turned on the light and got up, and it was this "quick" behavior that caused him to have an acute cerebral hemorrhage.

In 2015, a 68-year-old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when his blood pressure was stable, and it turned out that he had made a mistake

Therefore, if there are elderly people with high blood pressure in the family, children should not call them casually at night (especially after 9 o'clock), and the phone should also be placed on the bedside table within reach. After the elderly fall asleep, do not respond quickly to the ringing of the doorbell and telephone, it is best to let the wife or children who do not have high blood pressure to open the door, and do not get up too quickly when getting up at night, it is best to sit up slowly from the bed, rest for a while and then get up.

In addition to this, myocardial infarction is also a condition that often occurs at night. In daily life, it is not difficult to find that many patients with cardiovascular diseases (such as patients with coronary heart disease) "fall asleep" at night, because they eat more greasy food at dinner, and sleep for up to 6~8 hours at night, and the body promotes thrombosis due to lack of water, thereby inducing myocardial infarction and not waking up. In view of this, in order to maintain the balance of the body, patients with cardiovascular disease should develop a good habit of drinking water regularly at night and pay attention to the timing of drinking water.

You can choose to drink a moderate amount of water one hour before bedtime, which can play a role in reducing the burden on the heart, and if you have the habit of waking up at night, you can drink another glass of warm water after going to the toilet with the same amount as before bedtime.

(Note: "In 2015, a 68-year-old man had stable blood pressure, but he had a cerebral hemorrhage, it turned out that he made a mistake" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)