
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

author:Three battles fell into the sky

Hello everyone, this is Xiaotian, I recently changed jobs and moved, so the update reply is a little untimely, please forgive me, let's talk about the last famous general of Soochow today - Lu Kang!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Lu Kang was born in a famous family in Eastern Wu, and his father was Lu Xun. Later, Lu Kang succeeded Lu Xun as the Great Sima of Eastern Wu. During his tenure of office, he actively strengthened the military strength of Soochow, rectified military discipline, and improved the combat effectiveness of the army. At the same time, he also paid attention to diplomatic relations with neighboring countries and worked hard to maintain the stability and security of Soochow.

Basic Attributes:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Wu Guo 6 Imperial General, one of the first batch of generals in the PK season, but the current appearance rate is miserable, even if it is strengthened, the current appearance rate of Lu Kang is still not good. Bow S riding gun A, when Wu Gun was popular before, it was used as a substitute for the lower position without Lu Su, but because of mechanism problems + seeking talents, there are fewer people playing behind.

There are 52 full-level generals, 28th in intelligence, and 15th in command, which is okay, plus the bow S attribute, with many bow S in Wu State, it stands to reason that it should not be obscure, so why is Lu Kang obscure? Let's move on.

Comes with a strategy of war: the school wins

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Command tactics to increase the team's main general's 14% attack, 14% chance of conspiracy (affected by intelligence), and 20% of conspiracy damage, and share 30% of the damage of the team's main general (invalid when the main general is the main general)

Compared with before, it has increased by 14% Attack Heart (Spell Vampire), but there are almost no teams that are currently adaptable, but I feel that it can be matched with the current T0 archmage Zhou Yu.

However, conspiracy is a matter of probability, and it is not like Zhou Tai's tactics that the bonus is a stable increase in damage, so it is rarely chosen by players, and sharing 30% of the damage causes him to be quickly killed by the enemy. Although Zhou Tai has similar problems, Zhou Tai's stability is much higher, and I will focus on it when I go back to Zhou Tai.

Inheritance tactics: Take advantage of victory and drive long

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Passive tactics that increase the damage dealt by self by 11% per turn, which can be stacked until the end of the battle

Eight rounds of damage increase of 88%, a single combat method to increase the damage No.1, but this is to increase the damage caused by yourself, it is inevitable to bring one less combat method, such as Sima Dun's Sima Yi, you said that you don't take Shibei for three days or use Wutongshen? Zhang Jiao's team, do you not bring Taiping or Shibei?

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

The team you match with this strategy must first have the ability to drag turns, and it is even more inappropriate for you to carry it with the rush team. The limitations of this tactic are the ones mentioned above, and naturally few people choose to use it. Of course, when you don't have a specific strategy, the appearance of this strategy is very perfect.

Book of War:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Nine changes in the green system: no chaos in the face of the enemy + concealment + savior

The Lord will reduce the damage and share the damage himself. It is not affected by the Savior's self-damage increase.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Wu) - The Last Famous General of Eastern Wu - Lu Kang

Zhou Yu: Soul snatching + wind fueling fire

Lu Xun: Temporarily avoid its edge + scrape bones to cure poison

Lu Kang: United + Wudang Flying Army

This team might as well give it a try, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the team as a whole does not have a good countermeasure, but the output system of this team is very good. It's a pity that Lu Kang was not able to join the fate of the Governor of Eastern Wu.

Lu Xun and Lu Kang can be replaced with SP Lu Meng/Cheng Pu.


Lu Kang's whole life has been working hard for the prosperity and development of Soochow. His military prowess and political wisdom made an important contribution to the prosperity of Soochow. His deeds and spirit are also deeply admired and praised by future generations.

And in the three wars, the design of Lu Kang is also very unique, at present, the intrigue, attack of the main general, only this one, before the planning thought of strengthening the Lu Resistance, indicating that the planning is also actively so that the Lu Resistance can be active on the battlefield, so when do you think the Lu Resistance can be active on the battlefield?

That's all for this issue, see you next time!
