
In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

author:Chattering reading circles
In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent
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In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

In 2020, in the early morning of Fenghuang Village, Yuechi County, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, a heartbreaking scene was unfolding. Li Jian, a haggard-looking father, knelt down in front of his mother-in-law, Yang, and begged her with tears in his eyes to come up with a million compensation for his daughter.

His eldest daughter was in urgent need of surgery, and the money was the only hope. However, Yang's response was as cold as ice: "The money has been spent."

Li Jian looked up in disbelief, his eyes full of despair and anger. The compensation, which stemmed from the accidental death of his ex-wife, should have been used for the children's future, but now it has become a flashpoint for family strife.

Why was this huge amount of compensation withheld by my grandmother? What kind of family entanglements are hidden behind it? Let's lift the veil of this tragedy together and explore the difficult journey of a family from tearing apart to redemption.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

The love story of Li Jian and Yanzi began in the spring of 2009, like a beautiful encounter. The two who met through the Internet quickly fell in love, and the emotions of the virtual world quickly heated up in reality.

They met for the first time in a cozy café, and at that moment, it seemed like fate. Li Jian recalled the scene at that time, with a soft light in his eyes: "As soon as we met, we called out each other's names, and that tacit understanding made me feel that she was the person I was looking for."

In 2010, with a beautiful vision for the future, Li Jian and Yanzi entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Shortly after the birth of their first daughter, they were diagnosed with congenital heart disease.

The bad news was like a hammer hammer that drove the young couple to rock bottom.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

Li Jian recalled those difficult days, and his voice was full of pain and helplessness: "When the doctor told us about my daughter's condition, I felt like the whole world had collapsed.

We have fantasized about the future of our children countless times, but we never imagined that this would be the beginning.

Faced with high medical bills, the young couple did not give up. They gritted their teeth and worked hard to give everything they could for their daughter's treatment. Li Jian works as a chef in a hotel, earning only 4,000 yuan per month; Yanzi works as a cashier in a supermarket with a monthly income of 3,000 yuan.

Despite their meager income, they spent more than 300,000 yuan on treatment when their daughter was one year old.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

Li Jian sighed: "During that time, our lives were only limited to work and hospitals. Every penny has to be carefully calculated, for fear that one day our daughter needs first aid, but we can't come up with the money.

In 2013, their second daughter was born, bringing a glimmer of hope to the family that was shrouded in gloom. However, with this comes greater economic pressure.

The cost of raising two children and the ongoing medical expenses of the eldest daughter made it difficult for the family to make ends meet.

Li Jian's eyes were full of perseverance and helplessness: "Almost all of our income is used for the treatment of our eldest daughter and the living expenses of our two children. Sometimes, I feel so hopeless, but when I see the smiling faces of the children, I know I can't give up.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

Faced with increasing economic pressure, Yanzi proposed a seemingly feasible solution – to go to Guangzhou to work. This decision came suddenly, which caught Li Jian off guard.

"At the time, I was conflicted," he recalls. I knew we needed more income, but the children were still so young, especially the eldest daughter's condition that needed to be taken care of.

However, at Yanzi's insistence, Li Jian finally compromised.

Who would have thought that this step for the family would become a lifeline for their marriage. Only half a year later, Li Jian received a phone call that made him a bolt from the blue - Yanzi asked for a divorce.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

"At that moment, I felt like the whole world was collapsing," Li Jian's voice choked, "I thought we could get through it together, but I didn't expect it to end like this."

Despite the hard persuasion of Li Jian and his relatives and friends, Yanzi insisted on his opinion. On February 23, 2018, the couple who once loved each other went through the divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the former vows and alliances came to naught.

After the divorce, Li Jian raised his two daughters alone, and his life became more and more difficult. "Every day is like walking on a tightrope, taking care of the children's lives and meeting the medical bills of my eldest daughter," he said.

Sometimes, I really don't know how much longer I'll last.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

However, fate doesn't seem to be intent on sparing the family there. One day, just half a year later, Li Jian was busy in the kitchen when he suddenly received a call from his ex-father-in-law.

Li Jian felt his heart stop beating suddenly. He immediately put down his work and rushed to Guangzhou with his two daughters. However, fate played a cruel joke on them again - by the time they rushed to the hospital, the swallow had closed his eyes for good.

Facing Yanzi's body, Li Jianqiang endured his grief and comforted his two crying daughters softly: "Mom went to a place where there was no pain, and she will always protect us."

His voice trembled, and his eyes were full of tears, but he did not dare to reveal them in front of the children.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

The compensation, which should have been used for the children's future, was deposited into the account of Yang, Yanzi's mother. Li Jian recalled the scene at that time, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes: "I naively thought that as a grandmother, she would think about her granddaughters.

But reality hit me in the face.

In this way, a compensation payment that should have brought hope became the fuse that triggered a new round of family disputes, pushing Li Jian into a difficult legal battle.

When Li Jian learned that the compensation of 1.33 million yuan was deposited into Yang's account, a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart. He immediately went to negotiate with his ex-mother-in-law, hoping to raise funds for his eldest daughter's surgery.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

However, in the face of Li Jian's request, Yang's attitude was as cold as ice.

"I knelt in front of her and begged her to give the children some money, especially the surgery fee that my eldest daughter urgently needed," Li recalled. But she always finds all kinds of excuses to refuse.

His voice was full of helplessness and pain, "I even said that she only needed 600,000 yuan, and she could handle the rest by herself, but she was still unmoved."

After many fruitless negotiations, Li Jian was forced to go to the legal route. "I never wanted to go to court with my children's grandmothers, but I had no choice for the sake of my children's future," he said.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

Li Jian was tormented by this decision, and he feared that the lawsuit would completely tear apart the family relationship, but the imminent surgery of his eldest daughter forced him to do so.

After the court trial, it was finally decided that Yang should pay 640,000 yuan of the 1.28 million yuan compensation to Yanzi's two daughters. This result gave Li Jian a glimmer of hope.

However, six months after the verdict came into effect, he still did not receive any payment.

Li Jian said helplessly: "Every time I contact Yang, she always says that she needs to wait until her granddaughter turns 18 to pay. But the eldest daughter's condition is urgent, and we need the money for surgery.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

His voice was filled with anxiety and helplessness.

In 2020, under Li Jian's application, the court took enforcement measures against Yang. Law enforcement officers came to Yang's home, hoping that she would fulfill the court's decision.

However, Yang's attitude was still tough, and even claimed that he had used up all the money.

Li Jian recalled the scene that day, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes: "Watching the law enforcement officers search Yang's home, I feel very uncomfortable. I don't understand why this is the case.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

In the course of the investigation, the executive uncovered some shocking facts. After receiving the compensation, Yang made several large withdrawals, including 800,000 yuan, 290,000 yuan and 60,000 yuan.

What's even more puzzling is that Yang's son Zhou Chonglin's account suddenly increased by 400,000 yuan and bought a property. These discoveries have taken a new turn in the case.

In the face of these evidence, Yang still insisted that the compensation of 1.28 million yuan had been used to treat his daughter Yanzi, and he had no savings in his hands. Her attitude made Li Jian feel desperate and angry.

Li Jian said: "Every time I see my daughter's painful appearance, I feel extremely desperate and angry. Why does money that belongs to children turn into such a nightmare? His voice was filled with helplessness and pain.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

This legal battle lasted for nearly two years, during which Li Jian experienced numerous disappointments and setbacks. "Sometimes I feel tired and want to give up," he says.

But every time I saw the children's faces, I knew I had to persevere.

With the deepening of the investigation and the accumulation of evidence, the case finally ushered in a turning point. The court imposed harsher sanctions on Yang's actions, which gave Li Jian a glimmer of hope.

He firmly believes that as long as he continues to persevere, one day justice will be served and the children will receive the compensation they deserve.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

After Yang repeatedly refused to fulfill the court's judgment, the situation began to develop in a more serious direction. On January 19, 2020, the court took tougher measures and forcibly brought Yang back to the court for investigation.

In the face of the judge's patient persuasion, Yang still had a tough attitude, and even said that he was not afraid of being detained.

Li Jian recalled the scene that day, and his tone was full of mixed emotions: "Watching Yang being brought into the courtroom, I have mixed feelings in my heart. I didn't want things to get to this point, but for the sake of the kids, I had no choice.

In the end, the court detained Yang. However, even during their detention, Yang and her husband Zhou still refused to honor the verdict. The seriousness of the situation exceeded everyone's expectations, and on February 25, 2020, the Yuechi County People's Court made a major decision to determine that Yang and his wife were suspected of constituting a crime and handed them over to the public security organs for investigation.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

This decision was like a hammer, and finally shook the intransigence of Yang and his wife. Under the dual pressure of the law and public opinion, they finally agreed to mediate on July 23, 2020.

After lengthy negotiations, the parties finally reached a settlement agreement. Yang agreed to pay all the costs of his granddaughter's surgery, which gave Li Jian a glimmer of hope.

For the remaining money, the children's uncle, Zhou Chonglin, pledged to transfer the remaining money to Li Jian by December 31, 2021, with his property in Guang'an City as a guarantee.

When the agreement was finally reached, Li Jian's eyes flashed with tears: "This is not just a matter of money, but also a guarantee for the children's future." I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

This legal battle, which has lasted for more than two years, has finally come to an end. Li Jianchang breathed a sigh of relief, and tears of relief flashed in his eyes: "Although the process was difficult, I am glad that the children finally got the rights they deserved.

It's not just about money, it's about respecting their mother's wishes.

Even more gratifying is that the once fractured family is beginning to try to repair the relationship. Li Jian said that he and his children visit their grandparents and uncle regularly.

He said softly: "I hope that children can grow up in love and not lose their family affection because of the strife in the adult world." After all, family is always family.

In 18 years, the woman died and left a million in compensation, and her daughter needed this money for surgery, and her grandmother: it was all spent

This case has provoked deep reflection on the role of law in family disputes, and has also made us re-examine the complex relationship between family affection, responsibility and money.

Li Jian's experience reminds us that communication and understanding are often more effective than confrontation when facing family conflicts. At the same time, when family affection cannot solve the problem, the intervention of the law is also necessary.

Ultimately, this family story teaches us that even through the toughest of times, there is hope for family relationships to be rebuilt when there is love in the heart.

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