
Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

author:Mango Literary Society
Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters
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Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

Bai Yansheng and Zhou Jia's marriage had just begun, but their happy life came to an abrupt end in the ninth month. That day, what was supposed to be a pleasant outing turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare due to an accident.

Zhou Jia's long skirt was accidentally caught by the car door, and under Bai Yansheng's frightened gaze, she fell down heavily and was dragged for several meters.

In the hospital, Bai Yansheng anxiously awaited the diagnosis. When doctors announced that Zhou Jia's lower limbs could be paralyzed for life, he felt that the world was spinning. What broke his heart even more was that Zhou Jia, who was on the sickbed, tearfully filed for divorce, unwilling to be a burden to him.

Standing outside the ward, 29-year-old Bai Yansheng burst into tears and faced the most difficult choice in his life. Do you follow your wife's wishes and leave, or do you keep your vows and get through it together? This decision will completely change their future.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

When she first met Zhou Jia, Bai Yansheng was attracted by the gentle temperament exuded under her simple appearance. In a simple conversation, he felt a long-lost throbbing in his heart. The disappointment of love in the past is swept away, replaced by a renewed flame of hope.

Bai Yansheng began to carefully prepare flowers and gifts, and touched the heart of this ordinary accountant with his sincere heart.

However, love always comes with trials. Zhou Jia decided to go to Xi'an University of Political Science for further study, and the two had to start a two-year long-distance relationship. Bai Yansheng said to Zhou Jia affectionately: "Don't worry about pursuing your dreams, I will always be at home and waiting for you to come back."

Instead of cooling their feelings, the long separation only intensified their love. Letters and phone calls have become the bond that binds them together, making them stronger and stronger over time.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

On the day of the end of her studies, Zhou Jia couldn't wait to rush back to Bai Yansheng's side. Bai Yansheng had already prepared the engagement ring and asked affectionately, "Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?" Zhou Jia cried with joy and happily threw herself into his arms.

There was no grand ceremony at their wedding, and the "wedding feast" was just a steaming bowl of poached egg noodles. Although it is simple, it is full of the two people's beautiful expectations for the future.

Zhou Jia got her graduation certificate, and at the same time she also gained the most precious marriage certificate in her life. With the support of virtuous helpers, Bai Yansheng's career is thriving.

That ordinary day was supposed to be a pleasant time for Bai Yansheng and Zhou Jia to spend with their friends. Zhou Jia was dressed in an elegant long skirt with a happy smile on her face.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

Fate is unpredictable, pushing them into a nightmare in an instant. Zhou Jia's skirt was accidentally caught by the car door, and Bai Yansheng struggled to save her, but she was still one step too late.

He watched as his wife fell hard, dragged for several meters, and eventually fell into a coma.

Every minute and every second in the hospital is torment. Bai Yansheng waited anxiously, praying in his heart. However, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Zhou Jia suffered from a femoral neck fracture, and the operation was extremely complicated, and even if the operation was successful, the risk of lifelong paralysis was extremely high.

Bai Yansheng held back tears, but it was still difficult to hide the pain and worry in his heart.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

"The operation lasted a full three and a half hours," Bai Yansheng recalled years later, still excited, "I was prepared for the worst outside the operating room."

But I told myself that I wouldn't give up no matter what the outcome was.

The surgery was successful, but it was only the beginning of a long road to recovery. Zhou Jia needed to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate, and Bai Yansheng resolutely took on the responsibility of taking care of his wife. From turning over, massaging to daily living, he does everything in detail and does it himself.

During the day, he has to deal with a busy work; In the evening, he turned into a caring nurse to take care of all his wife's needs. Bai Yansheng's life was pushed to the limit, but he never complained.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

In this way, Bai Yansheng traveled between the hospital, work and family for two whole years. His persistence and dedication have finally paid off. Under his careful care, Zhou Jia's recovery progress far exceeded the doctor's expectations.

Finally, one day, she miraculously stood up and took the first step after recovery.

Seeing this scene, even experienced doctors couldn't help but sigh: "It's so rare to be able to recover so perfectly in just two years, and maintain such a good mental state!" It's an absolute medical miracle.

This miracle was undoubtedly created by Bai Yansheng with endless love and persistence. Zhou Jia looked at her husband, her eyes were full of gratitude, and she was more deeply in love with this man who never gave up.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

Their feelings have increased in this ordeal, and the power of love has overcome the merciless test of fate.

The story of Bai Yansheng and Zhou Jia is not only a touching story about love and marriage, but also an inspirational legend about hope and perseverance. It tells us that as long as there is love in the heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In the face of life's many trials, sincere feelings and firm beliefs will eventually create amazing miracles.

When Zhou Jia finally got back on her feet, Bai Yansheng and his wife thought that they had overcome the test of fate. However, life always seems to have new challenges waiting for them.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

The doctor sternly admonished the couple: "Although Zhou Jia's physical condition has improved a lot, we strongly recommend avoiding pregnancy for at least the next five years."

Considering the previous injuries, fertility could pose a serious threat to her body.

This suggestion was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the hopes that Bai Yansheng and Zhou Jia had just ignited. At this time, Bai Yansheng has missed the golden age of childbearing, and if he waits for another five years, the chance of becoming a father will become more and more slim.

Whenever she saw her mother-in-law's eyes eager to hug her grandson, Zhou Jia's heart was full of guilt.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

Fate seems to favor this couple who have gone through ups and downs. An unplanned pregnancy gave them hope. When he heard the news, Bai Yansheng was both surprised and worried.

He was initially adamantly opposed to taking risks, fearing that his wife's safety would be endangered. But Zhou Jia's determination finally touched him, and she insisted on giving this hard-won life a chance.

During pregnancy, Bai Yansheng was more nervous and careful than ever. He guarded his wife every step of the way, taking care of this fragile and precious new life.

Every time he had a prenatal checkup, he was like a great enemy; Every late night, he waited by his wife's side, for fear of any accidents.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

In 2005, shortly after Bai Yansheng's 36th birthday, they welcomed their long-awaited daughter. When he saw the fair-skinned, lively and cute little life in the swaddling clothes, Bai Yansheng cried with joy.

This little angel is not only a gift from heaven, but also the crystallization of their courage and love.

The arrival of her daughter gave Bai Yansheng's life a new vitality. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time to accompany his wife to transport his daughter to and from school.

This loving family of three, its happy scene makes everyone around them envious.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

However, it seems that the heavens feel that their happiness is not complete enough. When Bai Yansheng was 47 years old, they once again ushered in an unexpected surprise - the arrival of their second child.

The joy of "getting a son from old age" this time made Bai Yansheng's life more complete. Although he is not confused by the old age, he still maintains his love and expectation for life, and manages this hard-won happy family with his heart.

The advent of the two children not only filled the gap in Bai Yansheng and Zhou Jia's lives, but also made them deeply appreciate the preciousness of life. The couple exemplified the power of love with their actions and brought hope to many families facing similar difficulties.

The peaceful and happy life of Bai Yansheng's family was shattered by a sudden accident on an ordinary afternoon. The youngest son, who is only 7 years old, got into an argument with other children while playing in the neighborhood.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

What should have been a simple quarrel between children turned into a harrowing incident due to the improper intervention of a parent.

When Bai Yansheng arrived at the scene, he saw his son's face full of tears and injuries. The bloody wound not only stabbed Bai Yansheng's heart, but also ignited the anger in the father's heart.

In the face of the unreasonable accusations and prevarication of the other party's parents, Bai Yansheng, who has always been low-key, can no longer remain silent.

This time, he chose to stand up and speak up for his children. Bai Yansheng publicly released the ins and outs of the incident through the online platform, hoping to attract the attention of all walks of life and seek justice for the child.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

His actions quickly sparked widespread discussion, with many praising the courageous father and expressing concern about similar incidents of bullying at school.

With the intervention of the relevant departments, the incident was finally properly handled. The perpetrator was punished by law and was sentenced to 10 days of detention and a fine of 500 yuan.

Although such a punishment may not fully compensate for the harm suffered by the child, it at least allows justice to be done and is a wake-up call for other parents.

This incident made Bai Yansheng realize more deeply that as a father, he must not only give his children warmth and love, but also stand up in times of crisis and become a strong backing for his children.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

His actions not only protected his own children, but also set an example for other families facing similar difficulties, demonstrating the strength of family and the greatness of fatherly love.

This experience also made Bai Yansheng re-examine his role, and he realized that on the road of children's growth, parents should not only be nurturers, but also protectors and guides.

After the turmoil subsided, Bai Yansheng chose to return to a peaceful life. This former CCTV celebrity is now devoting more energy to the art of opera, which he loves.

He began to share his unique insights on opera on video platforms, hoping to contribute to the inheritance of this traditional art.

Bai Yansheng: After nine months of marriage, his wife was paralyzed and did not abandon him, he left CCTV at the age of 45, and now he has both children and daughters

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Bai Yansheng cherishes the current happiness more and more. For him, a harmonious and happy family is the most precious treasure. He often said: "The warmth of family and the charm of art are the two pillars that have supported me through the ups and downs of life."

Between career and family, Bai Yansheng has found a balance. He integrates his love for opera into his life, and at the same time pours his love for his family into every ordinary day.

This way of life of returning to the original heart allowed Bai Yansheng to find inner peace and satisfaction at the age of 50.

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