
一加ACE3 Pro卖这么贵,都怪供应链涨价!

author:VV Digital

I've been looking forward to OnePlus ACE3 Pro for so long, but I didn't expect his meow's pricing to be so confident! 12+256GBThe starting price is as high as 3199 yuan,Especially the ceramic collector's edition that friends are looking forward to the most has been dried to 3999 yuan,It's not easy to say I love you!

一加ACE3 Pro卖这么贵,都怪供应链涨价!

Netizens are all spraying prices, and the big V is solving the siege for OnePlus, this time they are all to blame for the price increase in the supply chain!

The price of processor, memory, and screen has all increased, and peripheral configurations such as batteries, motors, and fingerprints have also been piled up, and it is impossible not to increase prices. And the price of the new competing machines may also rise in price, and there are eggs under the nest?

It does make sense! So if I pull out this pile of old Snapdragon 8 Gen3 models, how will you deal with it?

一加ACE3 Pro卖这么贵,都怪供应链涨价!

First of all, Redmi's sixth old man is behind the raid,On the day of the OnePlus press conference, RedmiK70 ProThe whole system dropped up to 600 yuan,12+256GB is only 2799 yuan!

Of course, not only Redmi, but also other Snapdragon 8 Gen3 older models are also at a good price. Realme GT5 Pro is 3099 yuan, and it is about 2900 yuan; Meizu 21 is 3099 yuan, Pinxi is about 2700 yuan, and vivo X100 and iQOO 12 ...... Wait a minute.

一加ACE3 Pro卖这么贵,都怪供应链涨价!

These Snapdragon 8 Gen3 except for the battery is not as large as the OnePlus ACE3 Pro, the other configurations have their own advantages, the key is the low price, and they were previously positioned as flagship models, and the configuration will be more comprehensive.

一加ACE3 Pro卖这么贵,都怪供应链涨价!

In fact, OnePlusACE3 ProThe overall configuration is very good,It's just that the image configuration is not good,Forget it if you don't have a telephoto lens,I also gave two lenses to make up the numbers,I really can't support the starting price of 3199 yuan。

One more thing, the release time is wrong!

Released after 618, the anchor price in the hearts of friends is still stuck at the ultra-low price of 618 a large wave of models, OnePlus ACE3 Pro suddenly came to a price that doesn't seem to be cost-effective, who do you spray if you don't spray?

The pictures in the article are from the Internet