
That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

author:Exceptional sailboat R

At that time, I was fifteen years old, just in time for the crucial moment in my life, and I was in the third grade of junior high school. I have a very strong relationship with Xiaoqiang at the same table, he is a top-notch learner, and he is easy-going, and he helps me make up for my lessons. Xiaoqiang's family conditions are very difficult, his father left at an early age, and the family relied on his mother to farm and raise a few pigs to survive. One day, Xiaoqiang suddenly didn't come to school, and when he inquired, it turned out that his mother was sick and had to have surgery, and the operation fee was sky-high for their family. In order to raise money, Xiaoqiang broke his leg and borrowed from relatives and friends, but he was still a few hundred yuan.

I looked at Xiaoqiang's sad face, and I really didn't feel good in my heart. I know that he has a lot of self-esteem and is not willing to accept handouts from others. I thought I had to find a way to help him. That night, while my parents were not looking, I secretly found 300 yuan from the drawer where they were hiding money. This money is not a piece of cake for my parents, but I had an idea at the time: I have to help Xiaoqiang tide over this difficulty.

The next day, I stuffed the 300 yuan to Xiaoqiang and told him that this was my pocket money and asked him to use it for his mother's surgery. Xiaoqiang held the money in his hand, with tears in his eyes, hugged me tightly and said thank you repeatedly. The operation went well, and Xiaoqiang's mother slowly got better. But the good times didn't last long, and my parents soon found out about stealing money. They were so angry that they beat me up and locked me in the house so that I wouldn't even eat. I know I did something wrong, but I don't regret it at all because I feel like I did the right thing.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

After this incident, my relationship with my parents became strained. They thought I was ignorant, and I felt like I had let them down. However, Xiaoqiang and his mother were very grateful to me, and they often invited me to eat at home and bought me new clothes and school supplies. Time flies, ten years have passed. I'm now out of college and have a job in the city. Although our job is not a golden job, it is more than enough to support the family. In the past ten years, Xiaoqiang and I have never broken the contact, and we chatted hotly every day on WeChat, talking to each other about trivial things in life and work troubles.

During the Spring Festival this year, I went back to our hometown for the New Year, and our parents saw that I had grown up, and they no longer cared about my little mistakes back then. But we know in our hearts that the stone in their hearts has not yet landed. We also want to find an opportunity to talk to our father and mother and untie this knot.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

One day, our father and mother had to arrange for me to go on a blind date, saying that the girl was a good person and had a good family background, so I had to seize the opportunity. Although we were reluctant, we didn't want to disappoint our father and mother, so we agreed.

On the day of the blind date, we dressed up, put on a newly bought suit, put on a tie, and sprayed some perfume. We arrived at the agreed place in advance, and after waiting for a while, the girl also came. She is quite handsome, tall and stylishly dressed. We introduced each other and started talking.

After chatting for a while, we felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. At this moment, a familiar voice came: "Oh mom, isn't this Da Ming?" Why are you here? "When we turn around, it turns out to be Xiaoqiang's mother! She was carrying a basket of vegetables in her hand and had just returned from the market.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

As soon as Xiaoqiang's mother saw us, she came over to greet us warmly and asked us how we have been doing these years and whether our work is going well. Let's tell her that everything is fine, but that she is a little busy at work. She nodded and said, "Da Ming, you are one of the most promising children in our village!" It's really a glory for our village! We smiled and said, "Where is that?" You've won a prize! ”

At this time, we suddenly remembered the blind date. We turned our heads to look at the girl next to us, who was looking at us with a complicated look. We smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Xiaoqiang's mother also seemed to have noticed something wrong, she looked at the girl, then at us, and then asked, "Da Ming, what are you doing here?" Why do you bring a girl? "We scratch our heads, not knowing how to answer. Hey, this is a big deal, but it's really funny. At this moment, the girl stood up suddenly, and said, "Hello, Auntie! I'm here to go on a blind date with Daming today. As soon as Xiaoqiang's mother heard this, her face changed suddenly, her eyes were as wide as copper bells, and she looked at the girl and said, "My God, this girl is so smart!" But Da Ming, how can you fool people like this? Isn't this a blatant deception of other girls? As soon as I heard this, my heart panicked, and I was in a hurry, and I didn't know what to do. The girl also looked uncomfortable, and her eyes dodged me.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

At this moment, Xiaoqiang's mother suddenly grabbed the girl's hand, and her tone was a little eager: "Girl, listen to me, Daming, this kid is good, but he has also done foolish things before, that is, stealing the family's money to treat his classmate's mother." You'll have to weigh it up! As soon as I heard this, I jumped to my feet in a hurry, and hurriedly waved my hand and said, "Auntie, which pot you don't open and mention!" How many years have passed, why are you still mentioning this stubble? But Xiaoqiang's mother just didn't let go, and continued to say to the girl: "Girl, you have to think clearly, although Daming is a good-hearted child, he has made mistakes before, don't be blinded by him!" When the girl heard this, the embarrassment on her face was even worse, she broke free of Xiaoqiang's mother's hand, and said, "Auntie, you misunderstood, I came to go on a blind date, not to listen to this!" With that, she turned and left, leaving me alone.

I looked at the girl's back and disappeared into the sea of people, and I felt a mixed taste in my heart, knowing that this blind date was in the soup again, and it was so embarrassing, I felt uncomfortable in my heart, I really wanted to cry without tears. Xiaoqiang's mother looked at me and sighed, and I shook my head helplessly, knowing in my heart that this blind date was messed up because of that old thing. Xiaoqiang's mother showed a hint of apology on her face, probably feeling that she had said a little too much, and she wanted to explain: "Da Ming, I'...... I didn't mean to, I just ...... It's just ......" I waved my hand and interrupted her, "Auntie, it's okay, don't take it to heart, I forgot about it." Although he said so, the loss in his heart was inevitable. Xiaoqiang's mother sighed, looking at the posture and wanted to nag a few more words, but the words came to his mouth and swallowed back. She turned around and planned to leave like this, but she didn't take a few steps before she glanced back at me again, "Da Ming, you...... You've got to be good. As soon as she finished speaking, she took the basket and hurried away. I just stood like this, watching her back fade away, and the feeling in my heart was really indescribable.

In the past ten years, Xiaoqiang and I have experienced ups and downs, from the hairy boy at that time, to the adults we look like today. Xiaoqiang opened a small restaurant in the city, and his business was booming, he married a daughter-in-law and had a baby. As for me, although the work is not very glamorous, it is also stable. In the past ten years, my relationship with my parents has always been a little bit like that, although they forgave me for my mistakes back then, but the stone in my heart has never been able to let go.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

I sighed and turned to head home. Along the way, my mind was full of today's events. I know that the stone may never be moved, but I also understand that life will always be a little stumbling. What we can do is to bite the bullet and try to make ourselves stronger.

When I got home, my father and mother had already cooked the meal, and when I came back, the smile on my face was like a flower. I sat down and started chopping rice. At the dinner table, we chatted about family life, but no one mentioned today's blind date. I know they're also trying to get around that sensitive topic.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

After eating, I went back to the house, lay down on the bed, and began to think about things. I thought of Xiaoqiang and his mother, and remembered the days when we used to be together. At that time, although the days were hard, my heart was full of hopes and dreams. Now, we have all grown up and our lives have changed, but the innocent friendship and family affection have never changed.

That's life, I think. Sometimes it's ruthless and makes you feel bitter; Sometimes it's quite warm, making you feel the warmth of family and friendship. No matter how life changes, we must be grateful and cherish those who have accompanied us through the road of life. I just lay down like this, and I thought about it for a while. That night, I stayed up late into the night before I fell asleep in a daze. In my dream, I seemed to have returned to the green years, running crazy on the playground with Xiaoqiang's kid, and having a lot of fun; Let's go to the river to catch fish and shrimp together, build snowmen and have snowball fights in winter...... Although those years are far away, the picture in my memory is as clear as if it happened yesterday.

The next morning, I woke up in a much better mood than before. I thought I had to go to Xiaoqiang to have a good chat and catch up. After washing up, I went out. Along the way, the sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, and the streets are full of people coming and going, and it is very lively; In the roadside shops, the sound of hawking and laughter mingled...... All this makes me feel the beauty and hope of life.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

When I arrived at Xiaoqiang's restaurant, it was already noon. Business is booming in the restaurant, and there is a constant stream of customers. Xiaoqiang was very busy, greeting guests, serving food and delivering meals. I walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, what's the busy?" As soon as Xiaoqiang looked up, he saw that it was me, and said happily: "Oh, Daming!" Why are you here? Sit down, sit down! As he spoke, he pulled me down and asked the waiter to serve the food and pour the wine. We chatted while eating, reminiscing about those good times, and chatting about our current situation and future plans...... Time flies, and in the afternoon, the restaurant closes, and we reluctantly say goodbye.

When I got home, I told my parents about the day and told them that I had decided to let go of the baggage of the past and start over. My parents were very happy and supported my decision. They also told me that no matter what difficulties and setbacks I encounter, I must persevere and believe that I can overcome everything and meet a better future.

That year, I stole 300 yuan from my family to treat my mother, and ten years later, I went on a blind date and was stopped by her mother

With the support and encouragement of my parents, I began to face life positively and work hard to study. Slowly, I found myself living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. I also began to believe in love again, looking forward to the day when I met the person who could walk with me through my life......