
The PLA aircraft carrier was dispatched to block the door of the Philippines, and the United States made a phone call to China

author:Wenchang talks every day

In recent days, the Philippines has staged a "good show" that changes its face at the speed of light, first giving in to China, and then immediately expressing toughness, throwing all the responsibility for the situation in the South China Sea on China's head. But as everyone knows, the actions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army are far from over.

According to satellite images, the PLA Shandong aircraft carrier formation has been dispatched. A few days after leaving its home port, the Shandong appeared in the sea about 360 kilometers west of Luzon Island in the Philippines. According to the route, the Shandong ship may then pass through the Bass Strait or the Luzon Strait and enter the western Pacific Ocean to begin its first ocean-going voyage this year.

The PLA aircraft carrier was dispatched to block the door of the Philippines, and the United States made a phone call to China

The location where the Shandong ship appeared is very saying. It is 360 kilometers away from Luzon Island, and these 360 kilometers are just within the attack range of the Shandong ship and carrier-based aircraft. Moreover, the international airport on Luzon Island also has land-based medium-range missiles deployed by the US Army. Therefore, it is bold to guess that the Shandong ship not only happened to pass by, but also deliberately showed its sword in the South China Sea.

It is clear that China's actions in the South China Sea are still increasing at every level. The intensity is so great that it is estimated that it has exceeded everyone's expectations. First, the mainland coast guard enforced law enforcement, boarded and inspected Philippine ships, and confiscated the guns of Philippine special personnel. Later, four 0.55 million tons of large ships appeared in the South China Sea to carry out joint exercises.

The PLA aircraft carrier was dispatched to block the door of the Philippines, and the United States made a phone call to China

And now, 4 055s are not enough, and the Shandong aircraft carrier formation has been dispatched again, appearing in the waters near Luzon Island, directly blocking the door of the Philippines. In the past, it was always said that China was soft on the Philippines, but now everyone has seen that our actions in the South China Sea are almost a direct use of force against the Philippines.

And this is why, two days ago, the Philippines changed its face at the speed of light and suddenly softened to China. Recently, several Philippine departments jointly held a meeting to criticize China and dump all the responsibility for the status quo in the South China Sea on China.

Everyone should be able to see that behind this change in attitude in the Philippines is the result of US intervention. In the past two days, the United States has launched several rounds of diplomatic phone calls with the Philippines, solemnly stating that the United States will continue to support the Philippines and that the United States will ensure the national security of the Philippines under the framework of the US-Philippines mutual defense.

The PLA aircraft carrier was dispatched to block the door of the Philippines, and the United States made a phone call to China

The Philippines waited for the support of the United States, and naturally the waist pole became stiff again. But then again, the United States has not only made phone calls to the Philippines, but also to China. A few days ago, the U.S. State Department announced that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell had a phone call with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of the mainland.

During the call, Campbell took a tough stance, directly indicating that the United States is very concerned about China's current destabilizing actions in the South China Sea. Under China's approach, the United States needs to reiterate that the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty will always be effective, and the United States' support for the Philippines is unwavering.

The PLA aircraft carrier was dispatched to block the door of the Philippines, and the United States made a phone call to China

Everyone understands that Campbell's remarks are a naked threat and a signal of intimidation against China. But to be honest, the United States really can't scare China when it talks about the mutual defense treaty.

Those who have watched my previous programs should know that whether it is in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, or in the Middle East and Europe, all the so-called mutual defense treaties of the United States are a piece of waste paper, and the right to interpret them is in the hands of the United States. What kind of common defense is just a big pie drawn by the United States for small countries with empty gloves and white wolves.

Besides, do you think that we are just beating the Philippines in the South China Sea? The PLA's actions are not only aimed at the Philippines, but also to send a signal to the United States that in the South China Sea, it is not your turn for the United States to have the final say.

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